Complete the portal stone of your dream, and Nicolas and I will walk the trail through the woods with lighter steps than usual. Celine, on the other hand, worked harder than usual to supply magic for a longer period of time, so it looked like she was heavy. I want you to refresh yourself in the bath as soon as possible.

It's getting cold in here lately, so considering the cool water, Celine and Nicola are not using the fake rock bath, but the bath on the second floor of my home. After bathing, I get relaxed at home until my sweat subsides.

I just asked Celine, looking up at the cold sky, which seemed strange no matter when it snowed.

"When are you leaving the village?

I think this village is very easy to live in. But now that we have achieved our goal of creating portal stones, we want to reassure our parents by returning home as soon as possible. Well, I'm talking to my parents on a resonance stone like every day, and I don't think they're that worried.

However, Grandpa was in the form of a deposit as soon as he switched from Sun Tun to Sun De Le, so he called out as if he wanted to meet him like some kind of lyrics. I need to see you before I shake.

"... I see. Normally, I spend a few days walking to the nearest village, but luckily Kazur hasn't arrived yet, and it's best to get him on a carriage when he leaves the village."

Kazur is a peddler and half-elf man. Visiting the village only once a season, they supply the village with various supplies with money and barter.

I came here just before the Harvest Festival last time, so I had to see the product at that time. What was on the list was nothing of particular interest because of the daily necessities that I usually use, and I often remember expecting it on my own and being disappointed.

"But if it's going to be too late, why don't we leave the village before it snows? If you don't come within a week from today, we'll make the decision on foot."

Toho, no need to walk ~

I keep talking to Celine through Cold Nicolas.

Well, I guess we'll have to start supporting him so he can leave.

"Be prepared to be distracted by Deal and be available at all times. Well, it's okay because I put food in your item box with a trick... huh? Nicola, your face is red. What's wrong?

"Oh, I think it's just too thick because it's cold... Besides, I have to call Esther when I get home. I'm going to Esther's while they're taking a bath."

Esther was in a state of great emotional instability just before the completion of the portal crystal, but now she's fully recovered and is working on preparing and training to leave the village with us. I'm sure they'll be waiting for you to leave any minute.

When I arrived at home, Esther was playing bouldering. Looks like I've saved you the trouble of getting in touch. Celine has just informed Esther of the completion of the portal stone.

"... I see, it's finally finished. Then I'll go home and get ready for my trip!

Esther quickly ran away with her long ears peeling and not getting too excited. This time, I thought it would be a hassle, even though it would not be today or tomorrow.

◇ ◇ ◇

Celine and Nicolas took a bath, and I decided to organize the area around my house until dinner time. I may come to this village again someday, but I have no plans for a while. I don't think I can leave it like this.

All the fields were harvested, and all the immature were burned to ash. The walls surrounding the house are safe from vermin, so we still need them now. I think I'll put it back in the dirt just before I leave.

Let's bury the fake rock bath. There will be two blank spaces in the forest and a fake rock bath around the house, but if you consult with Tori, it will definitely be used effectively.

The work stopped and I went to Celine's house for dinner, but I suddenly got in a hurry with a word from Eclain.

Oh, Kazur-san, did you just arrive in the village?

"Eh, mom. Is that true!?

"True. I don't get out of the house for a few days when I start drinking, and you know my neighbors come all the way to let me know, right?

"Ah, that's right. I'm going to Grandpa Tori's!

When Celine left behind, she jumped out. Kazur seems to stay at Tori's house every time.

Still, arriving today is a critical safety in terms of timing.

Kazur stays in the village the day he arrives, and when he opens in the square the next morning during a barter time, he leaves at noon that day. It didn't seem to be a waste for Celine to finish purifying Portal Stones today.

"Oh, how embarrassing.... well, then we'll have a farewell party tonight! Marc, please treat me to dinner. I'll give you a drink!

I prepared myself for the welcoming party, but it seems that farewell party will be on my own. Me and Nicolas don't drink alcohol, so we won't let them go, but Eclaine has taken care of us a lot. With gratitude, serve plenty of food that looks like alcohol.

I decided to release my father's cooking for ourselves. You can eat as much as you want when you go home. Nicolas is also very pleased with this. I'm sorry I went through that earlier.

After that, Celine, who had returned a while later, said she had safely made a promise to ride the coach. I'm going to be busy early tomorrow.

Then a lively farewell party began. Even so, Eclaine was almost alone, drunk and noisy. Celine, who always liked to drink too much, was tilting a glass of wine together today without saying anything.

Contrary to us, Celine and Eclaine's parents and children broke up for a while, but the two adults, who were just more grown up than they appeared, didn't get irritated and said, "I'll see you soon," "Yes," lightly.

When Eclaine was drunk after spending the farewell party like that, Nicolas and I went back to bed early in preparation for tomorrow. Thus, the last night of Celine's birth, Sturtoria, passed a little hastily and without much change.

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