The next morning... even before dawn. I woke up when the sky finally started wearing thin lights.

It's usually the time Esther comes to pick me up, but I don't plan to help Esther this morning. After yesterday's farewell party, I went to Esther's house and it was decided at that time. Prepare a detailed journey with Esther and Celine in your spare time.

When I got out dressed to avoid waking up Nicolas, I first took my feet to the fake rock bath, blocked the hole in the bathtub, and put the stripper, rock and tile back into the dirt. If Tori were to reuse this open space, there would be holes and tiles in the way.

Then, upon returning home, the walls surrounding the grounds are returned to the soil one by one. Thanks to this wall, the forest beast never entered the site, and the field was protected. I'd like to say thank you for your hard work.

The last one left was a tall, upright bouldering wall. I made it exclusively for Ester at first, but I didn't think I was going to train with it. It's not as good as ester, but I think it's thanks to ether that my body has started to move there.

Even if we put this back in the dirt, it would be quite dangerous if it were a wall over ten meters. So I took a short distance and tried to interfere with the mana of the earth attribute.

Then the wall collapsed at once, as if it had caused a landslide, and a pile of dust and large sand was formed. This soil contains a lot of mana because it was made with plenty of mana in it as a safety measure. I think it will be an alternative to fertilizer, so I'll take this with me.

After storing the sand mountain in the item box, she took a breath, and the door of her home opened and Nyu Nikola came out. Sometimes things happen before I wake up.


"Good morning, Nicola. It's a rare early morning."

Nicolas glanced at me with his own face from the front door.

"If there's just a flashy sound of sand falling out there, you'll wake up... There's nothing to complain about getting up early this morning."

"Ah... that's right. Well, let's get this house cleaned up."

"That's right. Oh, it's cold....."

As Nicolas pulled her face out of the front door, the door slammed shut. Nicolas is vulnerable to the cold. By the way, I am also vulnerable to the heat.

Then for a while, after collecting clothes and food left in the room and putting it in the item box, I cleaned the house lightly and went out.

"Um, carpets and beds in the house, maybe?

"That's right. Let's try it."

When I reach for the container house, I remember to store it in the item box-


While I was doing it myself, I couldn't help but notice that the wall in front of me disappeared in an instant. Ten meters wide and ten meters wide, a huge building with a bath on the rooftop slipped into the item box.

This is the biggest item in the item box ever. This saves me a lot of trouble when I'm at a wild inn.

"Hah, the magic vessel has spread. Not only storage capacity, but also the mouth of the item box seems to be expanding. I don't think a building of this size would normally fit in."

I see. I didn't think I could store it when I built the house, but I kind of thought I could do it now. I'm glad it was worth the long phone call with the resonance stone to reduce frivolity and magic. "

You've been wearing that sick feeling for three months. The moment you see yourself growing up like this always feels good.

"... now that I've finished cleaning up, I think it's time to get out of here."


We left completely empty space and headed to Celine's house.

◇ ◇ ◇


As soon as she knocked on the door of Celine's house, Celine appeared from the front door. I have a large leather bag in my hand that will hold all the essentials of my journey. Looks like you were already ready and waiting.

"Good morning, Celine, sister!

Good morning, Celine.

"Good morning, both of you. Marc, I'm sorry, but can you keep this in the item box? It seems like Deal would catch on to me if I had something like this. That's the depressing thing about him..."

"Yes, I'll put it in. By the way, say hello to Eclain-san...."

When I asked while storing the leather bag, Celine shrugged her shoulders and laughed. Hmm, I knew it.

"Ah, I can't. You're completely drunk. Farewell is enough for yesterday's farewell party. Don't wake me up."

Celine takes a deep breath as she breathes in the cold air outside the door. I knew it was dry. I thought that would happen.

... Mr. Eclain, thank you for your help. I lowered my head to the front door.

As she raised her head, Nicolas, who seemed to have entered the house sometime, opened the front door and went out.

What is it? What's wrong?

Eclain mom gave me a lot of mom's money. I left a few handmade cookies and letters at Esther's house on the table to thank her. "

Eh. Did you feel that way?

What do you think I am...? Besides, it's important to replenish your mom. Without this, you might not have been able to stand it for three months. "

Nicolas turned to the side and ran after Celine, who had already begun walking ahead. Fufu, it's illuminating.

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