After joining Celine, it was Esther's house. As soon as Celine knocked on the front door of Esther's house, Stina opened the door. She welcomes us into the house and speaks.

"Welcome, Ester is ready. Then, please eat it on the way because I made a lot of it. Marc, if it's your item box, it's in there, right?

At the table I pointed out, there were three hot stew pots lined up. How many days' worth of food would four people get? There was enough food because I bought it persistently, but as long as there was room in the item box, there was not much food to worry about.

Thank you, don't hesitate to ask.

"Yeah, yeah. And you can have the ester too, right?

"Ugh, uhh, mom!

Immediately Esther turned red and protested. I don't think I've been in such a hurry before, but I guess there's been a change at puberty. Stina would be worthy of teasing.

Well then, give it back to me too. Yes, Miguel. "

I gave Miguel a small cloth bag.

"There are cucumber seeds inside. Mayonnaise is troublesome and difficult to reproduce, but even one pickle is delicious enough, and I would be happy if you could sell cucumber in the village instead of me."

"It's true that cucumbers were accepted by the villagers, and I think it would be nice to be able to eat them without you...."

Miguel stares at me without receiving the cloth bag. For cooks, ingredients and recipes are weapons. Because they value it, they are worried about whether it is easy to receive it. Pacli, I think I let the people in the town grill the dirt on their nails and drink. But you have to accept this.

"Never mind. Besides, it's not just a thank you. When cucumbers disappear from the village, there's one person who seems to be noisy, right? We need to devise measures to keep the villagers out of trouble."

Then Miguel burst out laughing.

"Haha, that's true. Maybe Deal will follow Celine and Cucumber and jump out of the village."

That's right.

"No, I'm not scared."

When Celine looked at her face and said something she didn't like, she laughed from around her. And Miguel finally received my cloth bag with a smile on his face.

"If that's the case, it won't be possible. And before you visit the village again, I'll develop some cucumber recipes. Can I get that recipe for you?

"Yeah, that's enough."

Even in the town of Fathia, cucumber was used only to eat raw with sauce. Maybe Miguel will produce a new recipe. Even if I have some sort of attachment to cucumbers in this village, it is a very happy thing.

Ah, and I'll put some magic soil in the garden, so use it for fertilizer.

The soil on the Bouldering Wall will be used here. That's about one-third because it's going to fill a small garden when it comes to everything.

As far as I can tell myself, as long as I stayed in the village for three months and visited the village's fields, I don't think anyone put more mana in the fields than I did. That soil will certainly help cultivate cucumber.

"Rumil, the town of Fathia is in the same territory, and I'll come home when it's settled. I'm glad you called me" Oneechan. "

While Miguel and I were talking, Esther was gently stroking Rumil's head on the crib. Nicola is next to Rumil's cheeks and loosening her cheeks.

Stina smiled at such an ester's shoulder.

"Esther, enjoy the world outside the village."

"... yeah! Everyone's fine."

I suppose we finished our goodbye conversation last night, and our goodbye was lightened up.

It may also be relevant that it is not uncommon for young people to leave the village in this village. It seems unusual to have never left the village like Deal.

When you drop off outside the village, Deal pays attention to you, so you leave Esther's family here. Esther hugged Stina and Miguel, then stepped back a few steps.

"Dad, Mom, Rumil. Well then, I'll be there!

When Esther said goodbye with a smile, she opened the front door and jumped out without looking back.

◇ ◇ ◇

After leaving Esther's house, we decided to take our feet to the barter's square and find supplies we could use on our journey. Today is the day when a merchant comes once a season, no matter what. The square is crowded with more people than usual.

In order to disprove the bustle, he first went to the opening of Matilda's shop and told Matilda to leave the village. Matilda took care of me, so I thought it would be unjust to leave the village without saying anything.

"... I see. Marc, you're saying goodbye today."

"Yes, Matilda, thank you for everything you've done so far."

"What are you talking about! I'm the one who wants to say it. If you hadn't helped my husband, what would have happened by now...."

I've been thanked so many times, and I hope you don't mind me doing better after that incident. Matilda fell down and thought she was choking a little, then raised her face and shouted to her back.

"You! Bring me all of today's products!

"Ah, ah? What's the matter, Matilda?"

Norwell, who looked puzzled, arrived in front of the long desk instead of the counter.

"I don't think so. They're leaving today."

As Matilda lowered the tone of her voice, Norwell nodded as if there was a point.

"I see, that's what I mean. Marc, come here."

Norwell invited me to open a large vault in the back of the truck.... meat. I don't know what kind of meat it was, but the vault was packed with all kinds of meat anyway.

"Take all of this with you. If you had an item box, you'd get enough, wouldn't you?

"Eh, I can't take so many!

It's not the same as taking stew. This is enough for Matilda to open in a few days.

"Hmm? That's why your item box is finally full, too?

"That's not what I meant!

Soon Matilda, who was standing next to Norwell, began talking.

"Mark boy, no matter how much I thank you, it's not enough. Please accept it."

"Nh... but..."

"Ah, already. You don't boil out! Don't be shy of children. Come on, come on, put it away! You don't want Deal to think about it, do you?

When I hesitate, Matilda stands in a hurry. It may indeed be very noticeable that you are asking questions here. Don't hesitate to ask me if this happens.

"Yeah, I got it. Thank you, Matilda and Norwell."

"I keep telling you, I was really helpful back then. I owe it to you to spend time with Matilda like this now. I'll never forget this favor."

Norwell said quietly, holding Matilda's shoulders and smiling gently. Matilda, who was hugged by her shoulders, was dyeing her cheeks and staring at Norwell. Love, huh?

Matilda told me before that Matilda and Norwell are in love. It seems that Matilda was still young and beautiful when Norwell was badly injured during the adventurer's time and happened to see it and save her.

Afterwards, Norwell stayed in Matilda's village to heal his injuries, and while they were taking care of him, they fell in love, and Norwell quit working as an adventurer to live with Matilda in his home village.

Humans and half-elfs have a wall of life expectancy due to race differences. Still, I know that this couple still loves each other. Matilda looks old enough to be Obasan, but I've seen her stroll around flirting a few times. They want you to continue to enjoy rear filling without exploding.

◇ ◇ ◇

After eating a lot of meat and leaving Matilda's shop, I bought enough supplies for the trip in the square. Even so, the food was good enough, and I just bought some spares for the cold protection, so I finished my errands immediately.

Now that you're all set for your trip, we'll just meet up with the peddler Kazur. I still have plenty of time until my scheduled departure, but I'm sure it'll be a hassle if I wander around the square without any errands.

Celine has been focusing on sensing signs without saying a word. It seems that I will not quit exercising my abilities if I can be found in a bad deal, but it seems that it will take quite a while to stop moving because it sticks to me anyway. We'll never get past it if we don't find it.

We walked carefully to avoid being found by Deal, aiming for Tori's house to be a meeting place with the pedestrian Kazur.

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