Dinner is beef stew in a container house on schedule. Kazur was very satisfied with the warm room and the warm meal, so he refilled the beef stew many times.

I heard from the dining table that Kazur is very hungry when he heals animals with a gift. Surely he was on the podium while he was on the move, eating more white bread with him. Though I thought I would eat well even though the line was thin, but there was a reason.

It seems that gifts are much more unique than magic, such as getting hungry rather than losing magic. One item box can vary greatly in size, and gifts can be interesting.

Afterwards, I went into the upstairs bath in turn. I used to have a bath upstairs or on the rooftop, but when it gets cold, the outdoor bath is tight every day. So when the winter came, I enclosed the whole place with earth magic and renovated the second floor into a whole bath. I think it is also a good place for earthen magic houses to be able to be easily renovated.

I was proud of the bath, but unfortunately Kazur hated the bath and said he would not take a bath.

So, first Celine and Nicolas, then Esther, and finally me. As always, Esther doesn't take a bath with Nicolas. But if you didn't say you'd come in with me, you'd say you'd grown up better than before.

◇ ◇ ◇

And now everyone is getting out of the bath and relaxing in a warm room. Tomorrow I plan to leave with the sunrise and travel until dark, so I think you should go to bed a little bit more.

"I think it's time to make a bed.

I got up from the carpet I was lying on and called. There are currently only three rooms in this large container house: my bedroom with Nicolas, the toilet, and the kitchen and potion making room. The rest of the space will be in the hall where they are now gathered. Make a room there with magical earth partitions.

... Hmm, should I just leave Kazur and the old ladies' room a little apart while she's looking for a wife? Of course, you don't look like someone who might do that, do you? As a matter of common sense, right?

When I looked at Kazur while thinking about what happened, I saw his eyes fluttering. Whether you know my concern or not, he speaks up.

"Ah, I'm going to sleep outside. The pretty ladies and the one under the roof are very attractive."

"Well, I can't let you do that."

I don't even take a bath. I'm sorry I didn't sleep in the house. For my part, I want to treat him with the kindness he gave me in the carriage.

Celine, who was listening to us and drinking Gupple in her chair, turned towards us. Incidentally, I used to go to the wild boarding house without drinking, but in winter alcohol was effective in keeping warm, and this time it was pushed out. But up to three.

"That's right. It's Mr. Kazur's carriage journey. Don't worry, you can sleep in one corner of the room ~"

Kazur shrugged his shoulders at the words of Celine, who was still in the corner of the room and didn't know if she was serious or joking.

"Hahaha, it's an honor for Celine, who hates men, to compromise so much. I'm not using my mind."

"What do you mean?

To my question, Kazur answers with a coat hanging by the wall.

"I'm going to sleep next to the horses while I'm in the wilderness. They'll be able to pick you up tomorrow without wearing out. And even though they've been here before, they'll miss you if you don't come here today? That's what it is. Well then, good night ~"

Kazur waved at us as he headed to the front door and went straight out. After a cheap sound of patting and closing the door, I meet Celine face to face.

"... oh no, I can't help it. Let Kazur-san have a delicious meal tomorrow and give it back."

Yeah, that's right. Then it's meat tomorrow. It's just meat. I nodded with determination at the meat festival and carnival tomorrow.

"Fufu, then it's time for us to go to bed ~"

Celine walks out into the kitchen with one hand of a glass that she drank. Then, Nicola stuck to her waist as sweet.

Nicola, Celine slept with your sister.

"Oh, speaking of which, I don't know if it's been a long time since I slept with Nicolas. All right, let's sleep together."


I'll be enjoying Celine for a long time!

Nicola's shout echoed in her head. Speaking of which, has it been since Nicolas and I lived in a container house to sleep together?

At that time, I lived with Celine all the time and said that if I got bored, I would be in trouble. I rolled into my container house, but I would have missed my life, and I am grateful for it.

That's why I hope that Nicolas will enjoy a long time in the wilderness with Celine.... only within the bounds of common sense.

"Well, what about Esther?

I dropped off Nicolas, who disappeared into the kitchen with Celine around me, and called out to Esther. Then Esther shakes her body while sitting in the chair.

"Um, well, is that Marc...?

"No, I thought you were sleeping with Celine."

I imagined seeing a girl staying overnight and sleeping in one room.

"Heh!? Ah, ah, that's right! Bo, I'll be fine by myself!

Esther shook her head as her face turned bright red as if she was getting hot air from her head. Well, when I was with Celine, Nicola came with me. I was sensitive to evil, and I couldn't possibly go with Nicolas on an ester that I couldn't take a bath with.

If I grow up one day and my erotic mind sprouts, will Esther avoid me like that? That's a little sad.

But I can't help thinking about it now. When I regained my mind, I decided to make a room with earth magic partitions. Celine's room next to me and Nicolas's room. Build a partition with an ester room and stone walls next to it.

Just a simple partition, but in the meantime, the room is finished. We'll have to make furniture later.

"I'm going to set up Esther's room now. Want to see it?

"Yeah, let me see!

Esther smiled and ran over me. Estelle likes to see magic. I didn't want to imagine a sad future and earn points, but I went into a room without anything with Esther.

Bed is the first thing to make.

The original bed that built the container house was just a block, like knocking down a gravestone next to it. But Nicolas said, "It looks like the cold is crawling up from the floor. My stomach is cold."

As a result of trial and error, I was able to make several pipe-like bars with earth magic and combine them to create something like a pipe bed.

The strength was the first consideration, so the inside was not as cavity as the actual pipe, but I think it was much better than sleeping on the tombstone. It's much lighter than a tombstone, so you can easily move the bed yourself.

When I made a pipe bed that matched Esther's height, I removed the duvet and bedding set I kept from Esther from the item box and put Don on the pipe bed.

Then the smell that made the usual ester a little thicker drifted into the room. It seems that it was something I usually used, but I was in a hurry so I guess I didn't have any time to dry it.

"Ah, uh, bed, that's amazing!

Did Estelle notice that, too? She calls me to deceive me. Don't worry about it. I don't like the smell. But since I wasn't stupid enough to dare to lie to you, I solemnly decided to work on building the room.

◇ ◇ ◇

We made a pipe bed, a simple closet, and a mini table in Esther and Celine's room, and the room was finished for now.

"Marc, my dear, shall we go to bed? Of course, I'll do the same, but Mark will also have a good sense of space.

"Yes, good night."

We greeted each other with a good night's sleep and entered each room. As soon as I enter my room, I dive into the bed.

I used a lot of magic in portal crystals today, and it was a long journey in a carriage, so I was very tired. Close your eyes and you'll be able to sleep soon.

Then he wrapped the futon tightly around his body and activated space sensing.... no, I'm staying with Celine since Celine attacked me...

No, she's not sleeping as tightly as she was then, and Celine must have gotten used to doing a lot of magic since then. It's okay now, right? Yeah, yeah.

Once I convinced myself, I carefully activated space sensing and fell asleep. This is only a countermeasure against monsters outside.

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