The next morning, I woke up and the first thing I did was make sure my clothes weren't disturbed, but I want you to forgive me for that.

I woke up and stretched my spine and looked out the window. The sky is still dim and cloudy, and just looking at it seems to convey the cold. There will be plenty of time for the scheduled early morning departure.

When I left the room, the female team also came out of the room as if they had shown me. Nicolas is still blurring her eyes, but she can't sleep again.

"Good morning, everyone. If you want to wash your face, use the kitchen."

"Good morning. Let me do that. Come on, Nicola, you have to wake up properly ~"


I thought Celine and Nicolas were headed to the kitchen, and Nicolas gave me a bedtime story.

"I wonder if Celine will crawl to oniichan at night, but I've been pretending to be asleep for a while, so I'm so sleepy..."

Oh yeah...... Nothing seems to have happened, and above all, it's amazing. "

Why don't you sleep with Celine tonight? I'm sure there's a Wangchang.

I won't do it. Come on, wash your face quickly. "

Chi ~

When I was dropping off Nicolas, Esther called out.

"Hi, Marc. I can't use water magic...."

"Oh, I see. I'll put some water in the bucket."

"Ehehe, thank you...."

When Estelle scratched her cheeks in an apologetic manner, the hair decoration flowing on her chest swayed with praprapra. Unlike Celine and Nicolas, whose hair is still disturbed, she seems to be dressed up already.

I always got up early enough to wake me up in Surtoria, and maybe I got up much earlier than we did this morning. I'm sorry if I waited so long to wash my face. Next time, I'll set up a bucket in the kitchen.

Then I washed my face sequentially in the kitchen sink. When I washed my face with a water polo floating with water magic and raised my head from the sink, I saw Kazur cleaning the fire outside the kitchen window. Kazur also seems to have noticed us, and he waved his hand, so I can look back.

When I was wiping my face with a towel afterwards, Celine, who had already finished washing her face, stared out the window with her expression not falling into her heart.

"If you don't look out on the vast plains, you'll get the illusion that you're staying in a hotel in town... Hey Esther, if you're going to be an adventurer, be careful not to mistake this for a normal wilderness lodge.

"Uh-huh. I don't think this is normal either....."

Esther smiled back at Celine's words.

◇ ◇ ◇

After getting dressed and ready for the trip, we went out. The sun is still low, illuminating the blurred plains. I thought I'd like to see the sunrise rising from this vast plain while I was in the wild.

After a light greeting with Kazur outside, start preparing for your departure. That said, the horse feeding is almost over, so I can leave as soon as I clear the container house.

I keep my hands on the container house. As soon as the container house was stored in the item box, I saw a hole in the corner of the ground after it disappeared. I dug a hole in the toilet yesterday.

It is dangerous for passers-by to fall and leave it like this, so of course, I will bury it well. But as I walked toward the hole, I looked back at the stare, and I saw the ester of my bright red face.

"Kazur, I'm going to help you!

Esther ran to the carriage with her red face.... uh, is that it?

Of course I don't have that kind of maniac hobby, and I think it's better not to worry too much, but I don't know how embarrassed she feels when she starts running on the street during puberty. I filled the hole without looking too much down so that I could notice the flickering and the ester looking at me as much as possible.

Well then, let's go. Everybody get in! Get in! "

When I filled the hole and took a breath, I heard Kazur calling. Yesterday, Kazur would have slept in a carriage wrapped in a blanket under the cold sky, but he didn't look tired. I'm sure you're really used to wild boarding. As soon as we got into the carriage, the two horses ran in a straight line.

◇ ◇ ◇

And he finished the day safely and thanked Kazur at the meat festival on schedule at night. Kazur ate bakubaku with great joy, and Nicolas ate bakubaku so that he could be caught by it. As a result, he became a toilet resident. Is it something that doesn't go unpunished?

And the next day, I encountered a herd of glass wolves chasing away, but as the horse increased its speed, it succeeded in pulling away lightly. I really think Kazur's gift is perfect for a peddler.

By the time the carriage was running and the day passed, Kazur shouted as he continued to move around to sew a wide field around.

"I can see it. There it is."

As the carriage progressed, a settlement surrounded by a fine fence was approaching. Apparently that's the village of Lev. According to a story I heard on the road, it is one of the villages close to the town of Tolfe, which is the town of the post office, and Celine has stopped by several times.

After a while, I saw a man standing at the cut of the fence. That's the entrance to the village, and the man must be the gatekeeper, staring at us.

There was no surveillance in the village of Sekal or the Sadra mine settlement, and given the regular flights from here to the post town, it seems to be larger than the villages and settlements I know.

"Hello, Mr. Kazur. Welcome... Oh, you're not alone today, are you?

A young man, about twenty years old, peeks at us in a carriage and calls out.

"Ah, with the people of my hometown. May I come in?

"Of course. I'll let the village chief know that the peddler Kazur has arrived."

When he turned his back, he ran away from us. Gatekeeper, is that okay with you...?

Well, I'll show you to the inn for now ~

Apparently it's the usual thing. Kazur gently signals the horse and the carriage slowly passes through the gate.

So we arrived at our first destination, the village of Lev.

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