I walked through the gate into the village. Looking around, there are many fine buildings compared to the village of Seka. It must be a pretty wealthy village.

I think it's quite cold outside compared to the carriage with the windproof cover, but I can also see children running around like me. The scene stiffened her face as if she saw something that Nicolas couldn't understand, and Esther began to shake her body to the left and right, whether she wanted to exercise or not.

Slowly the carriage progressed, whispering the sound of a cheeky hoof. The destination is the inn in the village.

According to what I heard, carriages run from this village to the town of Tolfe at a rate of about once every three days. And since we leave early in the morning, even if today is the scheduled date, it will be after the departure by now after noon. At least we'll have to stay in this village today.

If it's too modest, I thought it would be nice to stay in the wilderness outside, but Celine said it's quite splendid. Unlike wild boarding, unlimited alcohol is available, so you may not want to stay in a wild boarding house.

Well, except I don't take a bath, I'd rather stay in an inn than a container house. It's quite fun to find the difference with our inn. I've only stayed at Sadra Mine yet.

Slowly swayed by the carriage, he walked down the village boulevard leading from the gate, and there was a man waiting for the carriage at the end of the street. He is a well-dressed uncle, with a low height and a thick coat to counteract the cold, and looks like an idiot.

"Hello Kazur, welcome to Lev Village! I heard you say you saw Kazur the other day, and I asked you to say hello!

"Hello, Mr. Valley, I'm back!"

Kazur raised his voice from the podium and slowly parked the carriage. Apparently I know him. A man called Volleyball approached the carriage as he rubbed his hands. The gloves are also firm and it doesn't seem cold.

"So, Mr. Kazur. I'm sorry to interrupt... but does this product have firewood?

Apparently the purpose of the volleyball is firewood. The case of Deal selling off his stockpile of firewood is still fresh in my memory, but it seems that Valley bought the firewood at that time.

"Oh, it happened to be bought, and it's gone, isn't it? You've made a lot of money coming all the way to pick me up, haven't you?

"Ha ha ha! As you can see, there are no forests near this village. It's high demand season and it sold out in no time!

"Ahahah, thank you for buying them all together. I was almost bought to press it, so the carriage is full of bread ~"

Looks like the Valley is a merchant in this village. Looks like I made a good profit buying a lot of firewood... Ah, is it possible that you can sell firewood?


I got my face out of the carriage. Volleyball didn't seem to think there were people in the carriage, and when he looked up into the carriage, he slapped his hand as if he had noticed something.

"Oops! Mr. Kazur. I heard you were single, but you married a beautiful stepdaughter! Oh, this is great!

Seeing Celine next to me, the volleyball smiled. You thought I was Celine's kid. Unexpectedly looking next to her, Celine had a cold smile on her face. I'm sure there was no offense in the volleyball, and I want you to forgive me, Mom.

"... no, no, Mr. Valley, it's not like that. I just happened to come with you to this village. Me and her are single...."

Kazur explained in a slightly trembling voice, and Celine shouted to the volleyball in a surprisingly cold voice.

"... I'm sorry you don't look single.

"Hih...! I'm sorry... So, baby? Can I help you?

The volleyball slipped behind Celine in a hurry to change the subject. Even with me, I want to change this air, so let's get to the point.

"Um, can you buy logs?

"Eh, logs? Fu, hmm. Well, I can't say anything about not showing it to you....."

"Um, Kazur-san, I--"

"Oh, I see. It's better if it's a little less popular, right? Mr. Valley, can I put a carriage in the back of the shop?

"Ha, ha. That's fine, but...."

As expected, there are too many people to take out logs on the spot. Kazur seemed to understand without telling anyone, and proceeded in a carriage to the back of a nearby store. Looks like this store was a Valley store.

There was a large stone warehouse on the back of the shop, but it was large enough. When I got off the carriage, I looked for the item box.

Nabe Log Maruki

and take out a labeled one. It is a log that has been cut down by an idiot in Shrutoria. It's labeled round trees because I only paid for branches to sell them one day.

"Can you buy this?

"Oh, baby. An item box?... I'll show you a little bit."

The volleyball shouted impressively, tapping the logs lightly, pushing them with their hands and shaking them, moving their surroundings without hesitation. Then I'll look back at whether you've checked all the way.

"Hmm, that would be three silver coins. Would you let me buy it if I could just have a little boy?

I look up at Kazur without knowing the price. Then Kazur nodded. Looks like a fair price.

"Yes, at that price..."


"What, Celine?

Celine, who suddenly joined the conversation, talked from above the carriage to the volleyball. The tone is still a little cold.

"She can magically dry the logs. You'd better sell it right away, anyway. How about four silver pieces of dried logs?

"Eh, ah, um... Is that possible?

Volleyball meets Chilali and Kazur.

"Ah, you certainly heard that. Marc, why don't you give it a try?


I activate Energy Drain on the logs. As always, moisture enters my body, but I take it with my palm and flush it. Water drifted off my feet when I sneezed.

Yes, it's done.

"... hmm"

After checking that the volleyball was beating and shaking as before, he exhaled a lot.

"Hah... it's really dry.... I've never seen such magic before. Honey, I'll buy this for four silver coins."

Oh, I made a fortune. Looking up at the carriage, Celine was able to make the volleyball pay extra money, so she lifted the edge of her mouth with satisfaction. Apparently, the mood has healed.

"Thank you.... so how many will you buy?

"Oh, you still have it? It's quite a big item box. I'll buy you any tree you want."

"Eh, really?

"Ahhh! Mr. Valley, why don't you just count the numbers?"

Kazur clasped his mouth as if in a hurry.

"Ah, is that so?... well, I'd appreciate 30 bottles, but you can't carry that much, can you?

It's a few times as much as a log, but apparently it didn't need that much. Kazur is really a good guess and helpful.

I removed 29 nabe logs from the item box and stacked them in five stages to intersect in six rows. The volleyball that saw it rounded its eyes and said a word.

"Nah, nah...!

When I shook my voice, it solidified on the spot. I had no choice, so I decided to start drying first.

"- Um, how about that? Can you buy it?

And when the drying work was finished, the volleyball, which was staring at the logs, finally started to reboot.

"Hah...! Yes, of course! Hold on a second!

The volleyball rushed into the store from the back door. Kazur murmurs as he stares at it.

"I'm surprised I've never seen an item box that holds so much logs. And when I found out I was in the house, I was surprised and couldn't think anymore...."

Hearing such an accomplished monologue, the volleyball came back with a leather bag. Volleyball grabs my hand while handing me the gold.

"Boy, will you come and sell logs to my shop again?

"No, haha... I don't know...."

Those eyes are sparkling. If it were a comic book, it would have been marked $. I answered ambiguously, pulling my hand out of the ballet's hand.

"--You can stop by anytime again!

That's how we left the shop in the carriage while the volleyball dropped us off. It's been a long time since I got cash. Get twelve gold coins.

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