Well then, I'll stay out tonight. See you tomorrow. "

"Oh, don't be late."

With Celine at the forefront, we leave the carriage and Garrett drops it off. Lumon was silently preparing to camp without looking at us. It's kind of creepy, but it's a two-night and three-day trip, so I'm going out until tomorrow. You won't have to force yourself to get used to it.

Tonight, instead of yesterday, I decided to take a bath from Nicolas and Thio in turn. And finally, Celine and Esther, who got out of the bath, are greeted at a table where I'm getting ready for dinner.

"Welcome back. Celine, what would you like to drink?

"It was nice hot water right now. I'll stop drinking... nh, today ~"


I'm stunned. I don't know, recovery magic can't cure the illness. The potion can only reach D level, but will it work? Hurry up, cross the town of Tolfe and get to the capital. We need to find a good doctor.

Celine's moody voice reaches me at the extreme of confusion.

"Ugh! There are days when I don't drink either. You didn't even drink it in the first days of the barn, did you?

"That's true... But at that time, I started drinking at a wild inn, so why don't you drink today?

Celine wrapped her hair around her fingers and wrinkles appeared between her eyebrows.

"Hmm... What do you think is going on tonight? I have a hunch...."

"What do you mean? Are you saying monsters and bandits are coming after us?

"I don't know, but sometimes I get frustrated like this. Something pretty bad happens at times like this."

"That's why..." "You shut up."

"Celine, Celine, what should we do?

Esther asked nervously as she hardened her voice. Celine exhales gently to soothe the ester.

"Yes, do as you normally do. I'm sensing space, and I don't have to rush anything."


"Nicola, is there anything stuck to your senses?

"... for now, there's nothing. Celine says she's more familiar with this than we are, so you should be careful."

It was Celine who broke the silence as everyone calmed down to the scene. She shouted brightly when she clapped her hands with bread.

"Well, sometimes it comes off, and I can't help it now. So... let's have dinner for now. Marc, what's on the menu today?

Sure, if you're still tingling with uncertain information, you'll be exhausted in no time. I think we should trust Celine to change the air here. I answer Celine's questions as usual.

"Today is an okonomiyaki at Nicolas's request."

I was a little suspicious yesterday, so I asked Nicolas for an apology. And Celine would have loved the okonomiyaki... but she lowered her eyebrows and buttocks sadly.

"No, no, Nicola. It makes me want to drink alcohol when I eat it... Hey, why don't we have another menu tonight?


Nicolas leaned sadly over Celine's words and flipped over her thoughts.

This is already the mouth of okonomiyaki. I can't imagine that I can't eat more now. Don't compromise here, oniichan...!

"Yeah, Nicola, Celine, hold on for your sister. Let's have okonomiyaki tomorrow, oniichan...."

Nicolas raised her face and smiled weakly. That's not what I'm talking about - the voice and manners hit me in the chest, and Celine held her fist like she decided to.

"Marc, prepare all kinds of okonomiyaki! I'll cut you off with my iron will, as much as I tempt you to drink!

"Woah, Celine, thank you sister!

Nicolas got up from her chair and hugged Celine on her waist. It seems that Nicolas succeeded in buying Celine's sympathy. As I looked sideways at Nicolas smelling the smell of bathing as I hugged her, I pressed Celine to be careful.

"Celine, are you sure?

"Yikes! Hurry up before I change my mind!

Iron will is about to change. Eating a meal that suits alcohol without drinking seems to kill me alive. As a former liquor lover, I feel sympathetic, but I wonder if Celine is okay with that.

In that case, I took the okonomiyaki out to the table. The magical cabbage from the Tentacles and Surtoria fields that I bought in Sekal Village was served and cooked by Miguel, Esther's dad.

Dinner began soon thereafter. Celine seems to be a distraction after drinking a lot of water.

Now that I remember, I feel like I drank a lot of water at dinner, even when I first stayed in the wilderness with Celine. I noticed the hidden effort at the time and cried.

◇ ◇ ◇

I lay in bed and turned off the magic lights. Just in case, the bright windows covered most of them with earth magic, so the moonlight won't come in. It's almost dark.

I try to sleep with my eyes shut, but my heart is restless. That's right. Maybe there's something because of the way Celine handles things? My nerves aren't so thick that I can fall asleep.

But still, about an hour later, when I finally wound up...

--There was a reaction to the spatial sensing.

From the direction of the carriage, it appears that a considerable number of people are slowly approaching us.

I jumped out of bed. Nicolas in the bed next door is already awake. The sudden removal of the futon woke up Thio, who was sleeping soundly. Unlike me, my balls seem to be stuck. Thio opens his mouth in a yawn.

"Phew. Nicola... and Mark. What's the matter with you?

Looks like he's here.


All I have to say is get dressed and put on your shoes right away. There is no problem because the carpet has already been removed. I didn't want to encounter a shoe situation in the house if I could, because cleaning later is a hassle.

Get ready and jump out of the room. Celine was already standing in front of the table, waiting for us with a small sphere of light floating up.

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