Celine turned to me and sighed her shoulders out loudly.

"Hah... I've got a bad feeling about this ~"

"Is this a bandit?

"It seems to be a cohesive movement for monsters, and they must be bandits. Well, they're both similar."

"Celine, I'm ready!

When Esther rushed over with a leather belt with dagger holster around her waist, Nicolas and Thio arrived a little late.

Nicolas is as usual, but she usually looks a little frightened on Thio's face. It was a surprise raid in the middle of the night, of course. I'm still not going to be able to calm down for the third time in my life.

"All right, then, we're on our way, Marc, please."

"Yes, I understand."

Get closer to Celine with that short answer. I was also anxious, and after dinner I had a meeting with Celine and made a little meal. I put my right hand on Celine's ass on the street.

Here we go.

When I took Celine with me, she floated in the air (television). Of course, I ignored Nicolas's remarks about "public sexual harassment and envy C".

There are plenty of holes in the ceiling, and the wooden planks cover the mess. Celine pushed through the board with her hand, passing through the bathroom upstairs, and arrived on the roof at once from a similarly open ceiling hole.

The rooftop has never been decorated, but now it is surrounded by a fence about 150 centimeters tall made of earth magic. The hole leading downstairs was enclosed with stone walls to prevent it from falling, and it looked like a chimney.

Under the moonlight, Celine crouched and approached the fence, peeking into the ground from the gap between the fence and murmuring.

"Hmm, maybe a dozen people. Quite a few people."

I peeked alongside Celine. I saw several shadows approaching as I shaken the flames of pine light into the darkness.


Unexpectedly, she whispered a moan. Space sensing gave me an approximate idea, but when I saw that bandits were actually gathering, I felt a little chilly on my spine. Pong and Celine slap me in the back, whether you know it or not.

"Mark, come on. They're much more clumsy than the monsters you've ever destroyed."

Sure enough, bandits don't shake tentacles like muzzles or fly poison spores.... yeah, that makes it a little easier, doesn't it? When I nodded at Celine, I heard voices coming from a hole down the stairs.

Oniichan, Nicolas and the others...

Oh, yeah. We need to get Nicolas upstairs.

◇ ◇ ◇

I drove all but Thio to the rooftop on a levitation. Before going to bed, the windows are adjusted to the size of small windows, the entrances on the first floor and the second floor are enclosed by earth magic from the inside, and the stairs on the second floor are already decomposed, so it can be said that the first floor is safe.

The only way to get inside this container house right now is to break down the cliff's exterior wall, which contains mana carefully when I build the container house, or climb up to the roof and then descend downstairs. Thio must have slipped under the table and stayed still as Céline told him to.

After a while, the two bandits who were walking at the head finally stopped in front of the container house. We hide behind the fence and see what happens on the ground. I don't suppose you think it's being observed from above, but I heard a man's low, submerged voice leaking.

"What is it? This building....."

"You don't know me. Kashira said there was an adventurer in the prey, so maybe it's some kind of magic device... But when you get this, you make more money."

"That's not true. This is the number of adventurers. I don't care what happens when you hit a sleeper."

I see. Hihi, it seems that the women are all in good shape. It was worth carefully selecting your prey. "

While the conversation between the two men continued, bandits gathered around the container house. The man at the rear gave a signal with his hand, and the first two people who saw it nodded back and slowly started walking to the front door.

"All right, let's go in..."


Along with the dry sound, the bandits reaching out to the front door and their counterparts suddenly disappeared, and a dull sound soon sounded around them.

Looks like you stumbled into a pit in front of the front door. It was a simple thing with earth magic camouflage on a thin wooden board, but apparently I didn't look at my feet very well.

The pitfalls were my idea. I may die if things go wrong, but I think I've settled for the bad guys.

I'll intercept them if they attack. I don't want you to die as much as possible, and I don't want to kill you, but if you die as a result, you have no choice. Starting with bipedal monsters like Goblin and Covolt, and having been attacked by bandits, I don't even feel like I've been dyed in our world for a long time.

"Hmm!? - Hey, are you okay? - No, I can't hear you. - Oh, my God, my voice is huge!

When the bandits started scrambling for unexpected events, Celine stood up and placed the light sphere she had created above her head. The roof was illuminated with sparkling light.

Celine shouts at the bandits on the ground in an unusual way.

"Ah, bandits? Do you know this is our sleeping quarters? If we get any closer, we can't guarantee our lives."

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