The second day after leaving the town of Tolfe. The journey to the Territorial Capital is as comfortable as ever. The only thing I've seen so far is an odd rate of engagement with thugs, and this should be normal. Normal is nice.

Of course, I used a container house for last night's boarding house. Thanks to Thio's careful cleaning, the sandy floors are beautiful. Slipper life, forbidden by foot, has been revived.

I really wanted Garrett to stay in my prized container house, but after removing the container house from the item box and pulling out, I was forced to stay in a carriage that I was used to.

I was refused accommodation by Kazur before, and I feel that the container house is not popular with the men. Is the high rate of women in container houses a problem after all? The room parts are free to be remodeled with earth magic, so you don't have to worry so much.

--But even if there were similar cases in my previous life, I might have refused. If there had been a community and initiative that would have allowed all groups of women to participate without worrying about it, they would not have died single in the previous life.

... well, maybe it's because my body hasn't grown up, or even though I'm not motivated by love, can I marry this lifetime?

"I'm going to stay in the wilderness today."

I interrupted my thoughts and raised my face to Garrett's voice on the podium. In the seat opposite me, Celine stretched out her hand as she bent her hips and pushed up the windshield to see what was going on outside. Nicolas in the adjacent seat has a very good face because it naturally sticks out a large butt.

Phew. I knew it was going to be around here. "

That's how Celine wraps the curtain up. Then a cold wind broke out in the carriage, which had been closed.

Looking out into the cold, the streets stretched endlessly in front of me, and a lake dyed brightly red in the sunset a little off of them.

Garrett stops the carriage and opens his mouth with a sigh.

"Well, as you can see, Winter lodging is a bit harsh with too much ventilation, but it's closer to the woods where the goblins inhabit. I think it would be better if we stayed in the wilderness."

"Nothing's wrong here.... no, it's better this way. Mark, Esther, Nicola, I'm going out."

Garrett walked out of the carriage following Celine, who seemed to have come up with something, and Garrett called out from the podium.

"Ah, kid. I'm sorry, but it would be helpful if you could do it again today...."


When I activated earth magic, I built a box-shaped stables just like yesterday. It's only as simple as avoiding the wind, but I think it's quite helpful in a blown place like this.

"Thank you. I saw it yesterday, but it wasn't a dream after all... hey"

Garrett stepped off the podium and started looking after the horse. Yesterday you surprised me enough to pull my hips, but today it is a bit unfortunate to talk as I realized. Celine was waiting for me to speak up.

"Well then, we're going to the lake. Garrett, please wait a moment. I'll get dinner ready."

"Oh, I don't know, but I'm looking forward to it."

Garrett, who doesn't stay at the container house, is the least bit of hospitality, so we're offering dinner together.

Garrett liked the deep-fried yayokedori last night as the wine progressed. And I was hoping to get something out of the item box tonight, but I wonder if Celine has any dinner plans.

◇ ◇ ◇

Celine leads us all the way to the lake. Soon, the weeds that grow on the ground around me will stretch as far as my knees, making it very difficult to walk. Because of the proximity of the lake, the ground is also slightly moisturized, and I don't want to stay here much longer.

"Celine, are you going to the lake?

"I'm not going. I think he's around here... Ufufu, there it is ~"

At the top of Celine's gaze, there was a large turtle about 150 centimeters in length carrying a splendid yellow armor that was so conspicuous that the surrounding weeds were not objects. Then Nicolas sent me a reminder with a loud, sinister voice.

Ugh, that turtle....

You know what, Nicoden!?

I didn't tell Ancient China about that... but of course I knew it. I studied hard in heaven. Of course, the Min ○ study room has also been completed.

Ah, yes... So, where's the turtle?

It's not a normal turtle, it's a monster. It's called Land Turtle. "

Hee, it only looks like a big turtle....

If that tortoise is a monster, it has a superior physical ability to ordinary tortoises under the influence of magic elements.

It's so vicious that you can't compare it to a normal turtle. When they sense a prey, they approach it at a speed that does not seem to be a tortoise, and their biting attacks, once eaten, do not leave until the meat bites off or the prey dies. Of course, there are sharp nails on the hands and feet, and they swing around with a bite, chopping off each piece of equipment. They die. "

What are you afraid of?

"Celine, what are you going to do with that turtle? It seems like it's really strong....."

"Oh, how wonderful Marc is to know that. He's a monster that would have been hunted by a few Class C adventurers... Fufu, take a look."

Celine took out her magic wand and stood tall as usual. Then he made an arrow of fire in his hand, aiming to pull a bow toward the tortoise.

Fire Arrow

Together with Celine's words, the Fire Arrow ran straight towards the Land Turtle and struck the shell brilliantly. If it's a monster like the one we've been hunting, it's just been blown up.

Apparently, Kola is tougher than I thought. It seems that there is not a single crack in the armor. Then Land Turtle noticed that he had harmed himself, and he tore his fangs at us. Wow, my teeth are so scary!

"Celine, you didn't defeat me!?

"I see. That armor doesn't play a little magic."

"Eh, no! What are you gonna do!?

While I was screaming, the Land Turtle started rushing toward us with a buzzing footsteps. Next to me, Esther pulled out her dagger with a strong face and stood ready to intercept.

"Marc, Ester. It's okay." Fire Arrow "

- Dogong!

The second fire arrow (fire arrow) hits the armor again with a dull sound. But after a moment of inactivity, the turtle starts rushing again.

Fire Arrow

Could it have been a bit dull? But Land Turtle keeps moving forward with his fangs peeled off.

Fire Arrow

Fire Arrow

Every time I hit the armor with a fire arrow, the turtle slowed down, and finally...

I wonder if it's over next time? "Fireball"


Land Turtle, struck by fire and hot air with a flashy sound, flipped over and turned his stomach and stopped moving. Slightly reddished hands and feet are rising from the land turtle.

The steaming of the land turtle is complete ~

"Wow, wow!

As Esther cheered, Celine put her magic wand back to her hips with her chest full of excellence.

"This is a tight armor. It's hard to break even if you hit the fire arrow, so this is how it's steamed up by the candy ~"

It seems that there is heat in the contents even if it does not come into direct contact. Céline added, "Well, if you're serious, you can break the armor," and took the rope out of her pocket and started wrapping it around the neck of the Land Turtle with a familiar hand.

It's kind of naughty. Ufufufu... "

Ignoring that Nicolas had been delivering a sweet smile, Esther and I watched Celine's work in silence.

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