Well, I'll be right back.

After wrapping the rope around the neck of the Land Turtle, Celine grabbed the end of the rope and began to drag the Land Turtle. Even though the armor is sliding down the ground, it looks heavy.

"Celine, would you like me to put it in the item box?

"It won't cool off when I put it in the item box, so that's fine. I still have a lot of heat."

Celine answered, pulling the rope without stopping. I can't help it if I need to cool it down. As usual, we walked the way Celine came to us.

Hey, Celine, oneechan

Nicola pulls the edge of Celine's skirt and talks.

"Hmm? What is it?

"Maybe... you want to eat this turtle?

"Yeah, that's right. You're expecting it, right? Because it's so delicious."

"That's right. Wow, it stings."

Are you serious...

At the same time as Nicolas's slightly bar-reading voice, I heard a thought-provoking story that I wouldn't be looking forward to. I've hesitated to eat rock bugs before, and they're so delicious that they're not resistant.

Looking away from Nicolas, who was bluishing and silent, she saw Esther twisting her neck while holding her hand against her chin.

"What's wrong? Ester"

"Eh, yeah... I was wondering how I could defeat that monster... I had no choice but to approach and aim for an emergency with a single blow, and I wonder if it would be tough to defeat considering that I would be seriously injured if I failed...."

"I guess so. But it's important to make sure you know what you're capable of. Great, Esther."

Celine smiled and praised the ester that dropped her shoulders. Indeed, identification may be important for adventurers. If you fail, you could lose your life.

"But Marc can win, right?

"Eh, me?

Esther gave me a look full of expectations. I don't want to think about confronting such jagged teeth, but I've been shook up and I'll think about it for a while.

"... hmm. I wonder if I could dig a hole in the ground and snipe where it fell. If that's impossible, can we just float it and attack it?

Even though the movement is linear, I'm afraid of being pushed by that weight. I think you should stop moving and attack from a distance, or run upstairs if you don't like it.

I swallowed my spit and looked up at Dr. Celine like a student waiting for the test to be answered. Dr. Celine takes a big breath and exhales.

"Marc would have knocked it down lightly. As I said before, there are only a few Class C students...."

"That's right! I knew Marc was amazing!

Estelle celebrates me with glittering eyes, but I think this is the right material. Like Esther, I can't afford to disable a dozen bandits without taking their lives.

"Marc, you should be an adventurer after all. Why don't you cheat on your age and sign up for the Adventurers Guild in the Territory?

Er, I won't stop.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

Sometimes it sounds serious, but this time it was supposed to be a joke, and Celine answered lightly without even showing any regret.

"I mean, can you fake the age at which you register?

"I can do it. There are a lot of people who don't know when they were born or raised, and their age is self-declared."

I see. The Adventurer Alliance can be registered from the age of ten, but the look of the nine and ten years old remains the same. I self-declared that I was ten years old, and it seems that I won't find out in another town.

However, it seems that enrolling in the Adventurer Alliance requires some activity, and if you do not achieve it, you will be disqualified, so registration fees may now be wasted.

Well, even if you don't belong to the Adventurer Alliance, you still have a lot of knowledge and skills to learn in the world. You won't have to register in a hurry, as long as you stick to your skills.

◇ ◇ ◇

When I came back to Garrett, it was all night. Garrett, who was on fire in front of the stables, welcomes us.

"Welcome back... hmm? What the hell is that turtle?

Fufu. This is a land turtle. "

"Oh, my God! You lived around here!

"You've hunted around here before. I'm thrilled to be able to find it this time ~"

Celine raised the land turtle with Esther in a pleasant conversation with Garret and put the land turtle to bed on a nearby rock.

"Don't hold Esther still, okay? Now help me....."

Celine turned around, muttering. Nicola behind me seems to have fainted. When that happens, I'm the only one selected.

"Marc, can you help me?

"Fine. What am I supposed to do?

"I'm gonna cut Land Turtle's neck right now, so you can catch the blood with this leather bag."

"Hmm... hmm?

When I received a slightly larger leather bag without knowing it, Celine held my hand and guided the whole bag directly under the neck of the Land Turtle.

"Don't move, okay? Let's go then!"

Celine took out her dagger and vigorously cut off Sparne and Land Turtle's neck. Land Turtle's neck fell to the ground and immediately the neck was bleeding.

"Come on, hold on tight. Don't spill!?


Unexpectedly endure the fear while raising your voice. Even though Glo is getting used to it a little bit, my surprise is so tough when I'm not ready! I keep holding the blood flowing in the leather bag while holding it tightly so as not to drop it.

"This blood sells pretty high, doesn't it?"

Celine said with a voice, ignoring my feelings. If it bites, it won't go away, the blood is expensive to sell, or is it like a soup? It seems that the armor is soft and has no teeth.... Ah, the soup pot I ate in my previous life was delicious...

Land Turtle's blood stopped while he was escaping reality by remembering his predecessor's soup cooking for a while. Celine receives a slightly heavier leather bag from me and hangs it under the carriage with a nose song. She needs to sleep for a while.

Coming back soon, Celine began the demolition work by placing a dagger next to the Land Turtle. I don't usually see Celine dismantling it, but it's just an adventurer.

Celine slices around the side of the armor, puts a dagger in there, and shouts "Mun" and pushes in with the principle of teko. The armor was then opened and peeled off like a canned lid.

And Celine quickly grabbed the shiny armor and stared at it. Honestly, I'll pull it a little, but I'm sure I can sell the kora a lot.

I gazed at Celine in a good mood and exhaled a little.

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