Garrett's privacy came to light unexpectedly, but the barbecue was finished without delay. We went to the container house, Garrett to the carriage, and we were to prepare for tomorrow.

Nevertheless, after that, we'll just take a bath and go to sleep while relaxing properly.

And now I'm going to take a bath. Out of the bathroom upstairs, I roll up the stairs lying in the container house in the cold and get off early enough.

Since all the upstairs are baths, the disadvantage is that you can't go down to the first floor without going out. Except for winter, I wouldn't mind.

"I'm home. Ugh, it's cold out there."

Quickly close the front door and call out to avoid cooling your body after taking a bath. In the middle of the room, Celine was relaxing reading a book at the table. There's nobody else.

Estelle was on her way to bed before I took a bath, and if Nicolas isn't here right now, she must have slept first. He loves eating and sleeping.

"Welcome back. You've had a long bath."

"Yeah, maybe you waited for me? Can I help you?"

"No, I was a little worried you might be up in the bath."

I see. I'm sorry to worry you. Look, you're going to the capital tomorrow, right? Then I couldn't take a bath, so I was stocking it up. "

Celine whispers lightly at my words while I change into a slipper.

"Fufu, let's go inside! I like to take a bath too, but Marc is really more than that. In that case, I'd like to take a bath at a luxury inn in the capital, right?

"Two nights in the capital? You don't have to come in that much."

I've never moved to take a bath, but I don't want to hurt Celine's wallet any more. Besides, it's hard to live in this world if you're too clean with the Japanese feeling of the previous life, and you have to get used to it a little.

In addition, they can spend a full day sightseeing in the capital, so they plan to stay an extra night. I don't want to be any sweeter.

With that in mind, she walked towards Celine, and she caught the tip of the slipper on the edge of the carpet and lost her balance.


Step by step and move forward gently, but it's not as powerful as I thought it would have been. Does this stick like this? I saw Celine trying to catch me on her knees.


What a pseudonym! It hit my face. Fluffy sinking elasticity and slightly warm body temperature. It also smells good after taking a bath. Apparently, Celine hugged him from the front.

Did I feel relieved by the fact that I didn't collide with the floor, or did I feel uncomfortable wrapping up my whole body? I accidentally hugged Celine's waist like a pillow.


Reacts to me in response to Celine's stiff body.... oh, it's not Nicolas and sexual harassment isn't good. Let's apologize for what we just did and get back in position.

"Thank you, Celine. I'm sorry I hugged you."

"... don't worry about your child. Can you stand up already?


I stepped on my feet to get away from Celine, but Celine's arms stuck around my back.

"Um... If you don't untie me, I can't leave."

"Phew!? Oh, oh, I'm sorry.... yes, that's fine."

"Fufu, thank you... Se, Celine..."

Looking up at Celine, I took an unexpected breath. Then she told Celine that she was dressed as calm as possible.

"Hey Celine, I'm bleeding from my nose...."

Did you hear me or not? Celine, who had a kind of fluffy expression and a red thing hanging on her face, rubbed her nose and stroked herself.

And after seeing his own blood on the back of his hand, he finally realized what was going on. I opened my eyes as if they were flabbergasted.

"Wow!? Here, this is it!... ah, ahh! Looks like I was in the bath too! I love baths so much, we're both in trouble! We have to be careful from now on!

Celine answered quickly and immediately took out her handkerchief and pressed her nose. Her shoulders tremble and her face is dyed bright red. I knew I shouldn't follow you any further.

"That's right. Take care of yourself. Then I'll go to bed first...."

With her face blushed, Celine nodding beside her, I went into the bedroom.

Celine was the hottest bath, so maybe it's not the best time to get up now, or maybe she ate a monster like a soup today. Though I looked through my head a lot, I shouldn't think deeply.

Just in case, let's fall asleep today with strict space sensing.... a different world soup.

◇ ◇ ◇

The next day, I had a refreshing mood without any disturbance in my clothes.

I woke up and Nicolas said to me, "In my dreams, I felt a wave of shota. Did something happen last night? I was asked, but when I answered that there was nothing like that, I leaned my neck in a way that I was not convinced. My guess is too good and I feel sick.

Celine had an unusual morning greeting and was treated as if there had been no nosebleed yesterday. Peace is best.

And the day after noon. Higher walls than any we've ever seen have spread to our present. It is the outer wall that protects the territorial capital, Forsen.

It's just the Territorial Capital and it doesn't seem easy to get in. The streets were lined with long-awaited carriages and walking tourists.

--So we waited about two hours, and finally our turn came around. One of the gatekeepers checked the carriage and the other one checked us out.

You can use an Alliance Card to prove your identity, but those who don't have one will need to answer some questions from the gatekeeper, and you'll pay a toll here.

By the way, both the Adventurer and Merchant Guilds are exempt from tolls from Class C. I think you want the best talent to use the territorial capital as much as possible. Celine is exempt from the Adventurer Guild Class C, and Garrett is paid because she is a Merchant Guild Class E.

First, Garrett, the leader, shows the merchant guild card to the gatekeeper and proves his identity.

"Okay, that's good. Next"

It's quick to judge if you have an Alliance Card with you. Celine then presented the Adventurer Guild Card to the gatekeeper as she became accustomed to it.

Then all of a sudden, the look on the doorman's face changes to something steep.

"Are you sure it's Celine, the Class C Adventurer? In that case, I would like you to accompany me to the guardhouse immediately."

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