"What do you mean?

When Celine frowned on the sudden appearance order, the doorman turned her steep face and looked stunned.

"What, you have no idea?

"I got it... hey...?

Celine put her hand on her jaw and thought for a while. Ha, he raised his face and stared at me, blushing his complexion.

"Well, wait! I'm not giving you a hand!

What, yesterday's A (...) story!? I don't think it has anything to do with that!? Or is there a juvenile protection ordinance in this world?

"Don't hide it now. Pretty good, huh? I heard you fucked me this time, too.

Celine ate with a biting momentum to the doorman who raised her mouth to say something so confusing.

"Ha?... haah!? Something's wrong! There's no way you can get your hands on it! Besides, my head turned pure white and I didn't know what was going on... Me too, I really wanted to deal with it with more adult leisure!

What the hell is this guy talking about? I mean, the doorman doesn't know that in the first place, does he? Celine seemed to have been flat since this morning, but maybe her head was still full of last night.

Oh? Celine's condition is strange. I knew something happened last night.

"No Comments"

Nicolas is standing beside me with a lewd smile. I think we should do something about this before Celine digs her grave. Whatever you think about me, it's about a (...) le.

"Oh dear? How do you know the gatekeeper has already caught the wild thief?

When I stepped out of the carriage and asked him white, the doorman told me not to do anything.

"Hmm? Yeah, I got word of the bandits right away from the town of Tolfe on a quick horse."

At last, Celine, one of whom was excited, had a faint look on her face.

"Oh, is this about the bandits?

…… What were you thinking?

"No, it's nothing! Yes, bandits, bandits. Yeah, a bandit, I knew it from the beginning.... Ah, so why should I bother to go to the jail about the bandit? I already explained the details, and there's nothing more to say.

Celine asked quickly, wiping her forehead with her hands, but the doorman shook her head slightly.

"I don't even know where it is. Listen to me in the jail."

That's what the doorman saw behind us. I don't think the conversation has been heard because of the distance, but there is still a queue behind us. I think it's time you went back to your normal duties.

"Okay.... so I'm the only one going to jail?

"For now, all those who have captured bandits, including you."

"Yes, so that's how far we've come with Garrett."

"Oh, hey, are you okay?

Garrett, who had been watching the course of events until now, spoke out worried.

"Yeah, no problem."

Celine answered confidently. The attitude does not have any trace of the wolf that has appeared before. Looks like you've completely regained your calm.

Garrett was relieved by that appearance, and when she softened her expression, she exhaled relieved.

"... I see. Then why are you breaking up like this? Be careful. I hope the boys and girls get home safely."

We each (each) got off the carriage saying goodbye. Garrett, who saw it, waved lightly at us and held the rope. Then the carriage slowly stepped out through the gate and disappeared into the crowd.

Even so, the journey farewell was refreshing every time. I feel like I'm going to bump into you again someday, just so I don't get to say goodbye.

◇ ◇ ◇

Then we went through the gate and into the capital. I wanted to enjoy the largest of the towns I have ever seen, but I was walked along the outer wall without having time to taste the air of the capital, and was guided to the stone building ahead.

The stone pillar nearby is engraved with the inscription "South Gate Guard Station". When we entered, we went down a path that felt a little dusty and stepped into that room.

"Well, please wait here for a while."

Another young guard, unlike Celine and the doorman, who was agonized in front of the gate, left us and left the room.

I wonder if this is used as a reception room. There was a large table in the middle of the room, surrounded by chairs, but it was decorative and modest even though it was the capital.

"Celine, what's going to happen?

Esther looks around the room and asks anxiously. Celine sat on the chair and answered, leaning her body on her back.

"Hmm, it was bigger than the bandits thought, so I wonder if you could ask us again... We'll have to wait anyway. After that, we're going to have a match."

I secretly agreed with Celine. There was no such thing as being held captive, and it's probably not a bad thing. Maybe there's an extra reward for the bandit hunt I told you about.

--Then I was going to squander my time for a while. I didn't prepare any tea, so I took my own drink out of the item box and behaved like everyone else.

While relaxed, Esther, who had initially been distracted, regained her calm, blooming with Celine and her loveless stories, and Nicolas seemed to be sleeping tightly in a room that was so well warmed up in the fireplace.

Speaking of which, I somehow watched the view from the window approach the evening without mixing up with the conversation between the two women. And I realized that the view of the capital was almost only through this window, and when I sighed deeply at it -

I heard loud footsteps and voices from outside the room.

"You don't have to come all the way here!

"It's all right, then. Ah, is this it? I'm coming in."

I wonder if someone finally called us in. While thinking about it, the door opened and a few men entered the room with Doya Doya.

And at the forefront is a man who is thirty years old. A handsome man who wrapped himself in clothes that were not luxurious and not subtle, and washed his habitual blonde hair uncomplicated.

The handsome man opened his mouth by looking at us in the chair.

"An adventurer party where you captured the Phantom Fog?... oh? Are you... maybe Masao?

Looking at me, the handsome smiled nicely.

... I thought I'd never see you again. This familiar handsome man is Trian, the lord he met at Camilla's store Iris. But who's Masao?

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