A black collar was seen on Fernyl's neck as it went up. I think it's a kind of collar that shreds rebellious intentions from monsters, similar to the monster slave collar I got in Surtoria.

The poor little bird manipulated by the bad guys - and the guardian bird enshrined in the Earl's family for generations - doesn't feel like buying chicken when I attack. But we can't afford not to attack to protect ourselves, and I'm sure you'll take good care of us...?

Somehow in a backward mood, I put my hands on Bassabasa and Fernil, who flips my wings, and refined the magic inside me.

"Stone Bullet"


It was at exactly the same time that Fernil shot a stone bullet at me and shoved a sharp beak at me.

Stone bullets hit Fernil's face.


When a stone bullet (Stone Barrett) splashes along with a loud sound, Fernyl pushes us in without losing momentum.



Me and Leah flew sideways to avoid Fernil's assault. I wonder if Fernyl will collide with the hall wall as it is, or if it will stop suddenly in the air with big wings on its edge. It rose again almost at right angles to the ceiling.

Ah... that was dangerous. I looked up at Fernil as he pressed his shivering heart. Fernyl does not appear to be injured at all.

Stone bullets (stone barrettes), not mud balls - I thought so, but it seems that stone bullets (stone barrettes) can't break the power of protection.

So what if it's a more powerful attack? For example, a sharp spear bullet wrapped in a mana of wind attributes (lance barrett) or a circle cutter.

If the stone bullets (Stone Barrett) didn't work on the Nushi in Sekkat Village, then I think we can attack Fernil with each shield.

... but there's only one big problem. If you don't get a spear bullet (Lance Barrett) or a circle cutter on that big bird, you'll die instantly...

I glanced at the rear standing next to me. Leah said she had just been attacked, but her face staring at Fernil had no fear or hostility, and she had a sad expression of heartfelt sympathy.

... mmm. If there's anything I can do, I want to help Fernyl.

Leah didn't ask me to, and I care about myself. But it won't be too late to try once to see if you can help. It's better to live a long life with at least one little regret.

Above all, the Silver Eagle talisman on my neck has helped me many times. I'd like to give you a little credit for this.

And then...

Leah, I'm sorry.

I circled behind Leah and held her by my side with my hand. It's called a princess hug. I wonder if the Countess will be a princess in the true sense of the word.

"Fufu, Mommy, Mommy, Marie-san!?

Leah and I are making noise in my arms, but I want you to endure it for a while. I just told him to hold on tight and wait for Fernil to move while kneading in the wind attribute mana.

"Come on, Fernil, this time don't hurt the little girl!


Fernyl, who responded to Dalkan's voice, is once again poking straight at us.

But this time, instead of a beak, I pointed my feet with sharp hook nails at us. This is a much wider area of attack than a beak, so we won't miss it this time? But...


You weren't expecting to run up, but my body with the wind attribute mana all over it jumped upwards, making it easier to hit my hook claws. But just avoiding it hasn't changed anything. I immediately activated the Wind Attribute Mana that was stored on the surface.


Fernil stopped moving and made a short noise just before I passed. As expected, a massive attack with mana won't protect you. Once again, I put a carefully kneaded mana of wind attributes on Fernyl.

"― ― Windband!"


When I activated the Capture Magic Windband, Fernil screamed and started spinning fast.

I used to rotate vertically when I had the Motherstone Reservoir feed me, but this time I rotated horizontally for some reason. It is as difficult to operate as ever.

I really want to try not to move with the same amount of effort from both sides, but I feel this is convenient because it can confuse the opponent. Anyway, we should be able to buy time for a while.

"Let's go!

I hold Leah in my arms and float to the ceiling. At that time, I heard Leah blushing in her arms and murmuring like a rumor.

"Empty... after all... heaven... Dear..."

I am a little worried about the condition, but it is fine if you will be kind for the time being. As I moved over Dalkan while floating in space, Dalkan looked up at us and stumbled on our short feet.

"Fernyl! What's wrong?! Get back here! Little girl! I don't know what kind of magic equipment you used, but after you urinate a lot, you'll throw up about it, right? Let me show you what a little girl looks like against me! Ufufufufu!

During this period, Dalkan seems to think he used some kind of magic equipment such as wind ties (wind binding) and flotation (television). I don't care about that... Dalkan continued his words.

"Come on, Fernil! There's a little girl waiting for you in the air that you're good at. Don't let that stupid little girl give you those sharp nails!

... every time I get called by a little girl earlier, I get frustrated.

Yes, why am I dressed as a woman? You don't have to hide it anymore.

I put my finger between my hair and pulled the wig off a little bit. Move your body and cool air seeps through your sweaty scalp.

"Ha!? Eh, little girl... no, you're the child who was with Celine...! Why...!?

As he noticed, Dalkan looks up at us and widens his eyelids. Despite what I said, it was his fault that I dressed up as a woman.

If he doesn't do something bad...

I was forced by Mia to take my clothes off, I was stripped of my underwear, I was wearing Leah's underwear (brand new), I was stared at by Trian during the operation meeting, and after the meeting, I was stroked by Trian's neck - nothing.

When I thought so, I got angry with two things.... I'll do it thoroughly.

Mia has told me to try and catch him alive according to the situation, but I'm sure he'll be okay because bad luck seems strong. It might help you feel as good as a frog. Yeah, yeah, these types survive a lot.

I thought of the list of item boxes in my head.

Nabe, there's plenty of logs.

Countless logs felled in Surtoria emerged with labeling that was in line with our thinking. No matter how many protective talismans you have, you won't be able to prevent this amount.

I turned my palm to Dalkan directly below, literally pointing a lot of nabe logs straight down, and I just took it out.

The mountain of logs spreads like it fills your eyes in an instant, and Dalkan's screams echo in the hall.

"Hyah! What is this!?

The next moment, Dalkan's voice was obliterated by the intense sound and sounds of falling logs.

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