The logs collide with the logs, and the sound is intense enough for the air to tremble.

It's usually loud enough to keep my ears shut, but I feel like I'm listening to my favorite singer's song at the volume max. Oh, I was really stressed out...

After a while, the sound was quiet and I looked at the mountain of logs filled with my eyes in a refreshing mood, and I realized that Leah, who was in my arm, was also staring directly below. I was blurry a while ago, but it looks like I've really regained consciousness of this noise.

"Um, Marie-sama. Suddenly a lot of trees fell down, but what the hell..."

"I just got this out of the item box."

Then Leah turned her face toward us and raised her voice.

"Item Box!? Do you want this much...?

Yeah, that's right.

"There's so much capacity, so much unusual..."

"More than that, Leah. I'm not Marie anymore, I'm Marc. Can you call me?

"That kind of thing....."

Leah is murmuring, but for me the name is more important. Every time Leah calls out her name in the future, Marie won't stop crying.

Leah exhaled slightly and stared me in the face as I decided. Then she nodded slowly and smiled softly as if she had fallen into her heart.

"Indeed... Ma (...) Le (...) Ku (...) is right. Neither Marie-san nor Marc-sama had changed the glow, and it was no wonder what they were doing now."


"No, I'm talking about this.... but Master Marc? With all due respect, if you remove the wig while wearing my clothes, you look a little special. Shouldn't you wear it for a while now? Ufufu"

"Yes, that's right...."

I hate women's costumes, but it's more difficult to find out about them around me. Farewell to the feeling of openness for a moment, when I was installing the wig with one hand, Leah giggled and helped me install it.

... hmm. Trian said he hates men, but apparently, his attitude toward me hasn't changed since he quit dressing up. Because I stopped wearing women's clothes, I wanted you to give up and go back to ruggedness.

After the wig was installed, it slowly began to descend to the ground while again storing the logs in the item box.

When the logs were removed one by one and the floor began to be visible, Dalkan was found stretching tightly into the corner of the hall.

It seems to be alive, even though it is facing the direction where there is no leg or some bleeding, and I can see its large belly moving up and down. Looks like he escaped into the corner and was able to avoid a direct blow to the logs.

When I drop Leah on the ground, I'll hold her captive with earth magic to keep Dalkan from escaping. And even after the effect of wind binding (wind binding) ended, it approached Fernyl, which was fluttered with winds such as houndstooth due to the sequelae of rotation.

I wonder if Fernil is stunned by the Lord, or if he sees me, he won't attack. I walked further to Fernil and checked the collar of the slave.

It looks like this belt is made of leather, not iron. If you control your consciousness, you won't take off your collar yourself. This one can be easily removed. I just removed my favorite knife from the item box and cut the belt.

However, the disconnection of the collar does not change the appearance of Fernyl. Perhaps when something that was dominated by dark magic removes the magic tool, your consciousness will not recover immediately.

I stay still, touch Fernyl's neck, and concentrate. After all, I felt that the mana of dark attributes was accumulating like starch in my body.

"Dear Marc... Isn't she going to go back?

Leah approaches Fernil and gently strokes his broken silver wings.

"No, I think it will eventually go back to normal... More than that..."

Pour the Light Mana into Fernyl. Nicolas insists that light is an attribute that pairs with darkness. This must eliminate the Mana of Dark Attribute.

"Well... I knew Marc would like light magic!

When I was pouring in a light mana, Leah put her hands together as she was impressed.

"Well, I guess so. I love earth magic best....."

"Never mind. That's just what I thought. Fufu"

While tilting my neck at Leah's response, I decided to keep putting on the light attribute mana.

As I thought, the mana of the dark attribute can be eliminated with the mana of the light attribute, and I feel that the mana of the dark attribute gradually decreases from Fernyl's body.

When she stopped feeling the mana of the Dark Attribute, Fernil looked at me and Leah alternately and cried out briefly.

The eyes are not the same as before, but it seems that rational light is returning. Leah called as she stroked her chest down.

"You know us, don't you? Marc let you go, it's okay now."


Fernyl rang small to answer Leah, and flattened her silver wings. The wings are still falling out, but they don't seem to hurt. With that relieved, I began to look around.

"Marc, I'm sure she wants to go back to her parents right away. I look a little lonely."

"That's right. I want to put you back in the nest, but..."

Oniichan, looks like you've made up your mind.

Nicolas sent me a message. Rear refuses to think a little, and concentrates on the conversation while pretending to be thinking with his hand on his chin.

Ah, Dalkan's got him.

What's more, it seems to have worked. It is up to me to contact you because there is a movement here at last. Earlier, Mia and Esther defeated Dalkan's escort and Morrison contacted us. So I finally entered, and now there are soldiers in the mansion one after another. "

That's right. Then you're finally saying that our mission is over... Oh, yes, I'd like to ask you something. "

What is it?

"Do you know what's happening right above where I am now?

"Hmm... I think it's a garden. Nobody seems to be around yet.

"Thank you. I'll see you later."

Yes, yes. Don't forget to thank me.

I ended my conversation with Nicolas and turned to Leah.

Well then, let's return Fernyl to the nest now. Is Leah waiting here?

When I looked up at the ceiling, Leah shook her head lightly, understanding her intentions.

"No, I want to see you off too.... can I ask you something?

Leah leaned on her face as if she had been illuminated and left her body with me. I feel like I've really gotten along all at once.

Although that was a pleasure in itself, I just watched Nicolas being scared of Lia as she was approaching, and I felt a little chilly on my spine.

... I'm not getting along too well, am I?

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