― ― Marc and the others left, and the butler Alex closed the dining room door firmly. Trian looks at it and looks back at her daughter with her elbows on the table.

"Liane, was that good? You've seen Mark's excellence, and you like it? I was going to give you my best support."

Liane shook her head slightly to the Trian, who pointed his palm at her with a bitter smile.

"Yes, indeed, I acted with Marc last night, and I was completely fascinated by his strength, heart and appearance. I'm sure there won't be such a lovely lord in front of me in the future."

"That's why I asked you to try it out with me. Sure, he's good, but there's a lot of things you don't know unless you actually go out with him, right?

Liane sighed with a gentle look at her father, who advised him to be gentle.

"Hah... you know, Dad? In which country do nobles go out on a trial? A nobleman cannot unite his people without despising them. Please, Father, push things a little further with common sense."

"Haha, it was like that until I took over the house. I don't mind if Liane runs away like that. Besides, it is more profitable for the people to ultimately lean against each other than the blood. They will not betray us if we do not despise our people."

"That's why... no, that's enough. The biggest problem is Marc's feelings aren't right for me."


"Last night, when Marc lifted me up to use the magic of levitation, I was filled with joy like ascending into heaven.... but unlike me, he didn't change his complexion one by one, as if he thought I was a doll. So, Marc still doesn't seem interested in sex."

"Hmm. That's what Liane thinks."

"What is it?"

"No, I don't mind. So?"

"Now is not the time to play games with sex. On the contrary, I think excessive pressing is counterproductive."

"Hmm? I think I've been pushing my sister a lot in favor of you.

Trian noticed the contradiction and loosened his mouth. But Liane answered with a decent face, saying she didn't know what she was talking about.

…… I've been taking the right distance from Nicolas. What does your father say?

The answer was unexpected to Trian, scaring his face for a moment. But I immediately got back to work and fixed the subject.

"Oh, yeah, that's fine... So, what about Mark?

"Yes, anyway, I need some time to get along with Marc. Besides, I don't have the strength to stand next to Marc. All I have to do now is polish myself up and wait for Marc to grow. I'm going to create an environment where you can be interested in me."

Liane stretched her chest out, and Trian smiled at her.

"Fufu, I really miss it. When I proposed to Serena. At that time, she was carefully prepared, and I was pushed into a situation where I had to propose now. On the other hand, it was terrifying from the bottom of my heart, but the temperament seems to be well inherited by Liane."

"Well, that's my mother. I want to do the same. Fortunately, your uncle's scandal is about to come to light, and the Walt Trails will be safe for a while. I no longer have to hurry. [M] From now on, I'm going to slowly... slowly and deeply deepen my relationship with Marc.... fufufu, ufufufu. I will never miss you, my angel...."

Liane blushed her cheeks with a trance smile and shook her voice like Trian was drawn to her.

"I see. You really look like Serena... Well, I guess I'll just have a look around... I'm always here to help."

"Yes, thank you for your time."

Having just had a cup of tea at the end of the conversation, Liane turns her gaze to a white magnetic vessel placed on the table. There was a new tea cake by the chef, Carnamel.

She picks one of them and puts it in her mouth, whining with her eyes round.

"Oh, this is fucking awesome."

"Where did you learn that? Those words....."

A waterfall sweat flowed from Mia's forehead standing against the wall, in the words of an astonishing Trian.

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