After receiving a reward from Trian, we were finally allowed to act freely and unmonitored, and we just went on a tour of the territorial capital. Surprisingly, even though Nicolas was with her, Leah didn't follow her, so Celine party is an undisturbed sightseeing.

When I left the other day, I only passed by the Adventurer Guild, the Golden Picca Magic Tool Store, and the Tavern that Celine was visiting, but of course there are many other attractions in the Walt Trail Territory's territorial capital, Forsen.

For example, the largest cathedral in the country. When the town was big, there were still a lot of donations, and the cathedral was much more splendid and spacious than the church in my town, and I didn't know if it was a believer or a tourist, but people came by.

There was an unrivalled statue of a goddess enshrined here. This seems to be the biggest sight in the cathedral. As always, the relationship between this statue of the goddess and the god of the grandfather I met in heaven is unknown. I haven't asked Nicolas about the details yet.

Speaking of which, it would be a lie, but if Nicolas told me, "I don't have such a goddess," it would make me feel like the church itself. As a person who will continue to attend church school in the future, I think it is good to know nothing as long as you hold a moyamoya.

Nevertheless, I decided to offer my prayers of gratitude to the God I met at the chapel inside for a while. This is because I think that this luxurious facility will truly convey our gratitude to heaven.

But seeing me like that, Celine was surprised that you were so religious. Because you usually know that you don't go to church except to go to church school. I've always been grateful to God for giving me the power to live in this world.

By the way, while I was praying, Nicolas was shopping and eating at a nearby stall with Esther.

After they have finished praying, everyone walks along the boulevard. The boulevard was full of lively shops. So I bought souvenirs for my family, Delica, Pamela, Ney, etc. who are waiting for us to return.

The money for the souvenir comes from my wallet, but it's a joint name with Nicolas. Well, there was extraordinary income, so there's no such thing as spending so much. However, I regret that Nicolas was unable to stop her from mixing all the sweets she wanted into her souvenir. Looks like I was floating on extra income and my purse string was loose...

The next day I spent a full day sightseeing like that. I decided to prepare for my trip on this day and leave for the town of Fathia tomorrow.

In the morning, Celine and I went out to buy food and supplies for our trip. In the afternoon, I was practicing earth magic in anticipation of the luxurious dinner at the farewell party that would be held tonight in my room. Until this time, Esther, who had been carefully taught by Mia at the training ground in the castle, summoned me to her room.

"I'm going to stay in the territorial capital."

In Esther's room, where Celine and Nicolas were already called, she told us so with strong eyes.

But I'm not surprised. Esther often thought about it during yesterday's sightseeing, and if she was worried about something, she thought it would be the way forward. After Dalkan's incident, I can imagine the lack of strength.

In the first place, Esther left the village with us because it happened to be the right time, but her purpose was not to go to Fathia with us, but to leave the village and become an adventurer. If nothing had happened, I would have gone to Fathia's town with you.

"Miya-san told me that two or three days is not enough to train me, and that if I stay in the capital, I will train me as an adventurer."

"Actually, I was consulted with Esther yesterday, but in fact, I'm a wizard, so I don't think I can teach Esther much. If Mia, who was good at melee fights, would train me, I'm sure it would be better for Esther ~"

Celine took over the explanation, which she had already heard.

Speaking of which, last night, when I woke up late to pee, I saw a light in Celine's room in the hallway. I thought maybe she was having a drink again, but maybe Celine and Esther were consulting at night.

If you're really going to be a great adventurer, you'd better have Mia train here. After all, it seems that Mia was a leading adventurer in the territorial capital.

... but I'm a little worried. I wonder if you can do this alone with less friends and a community-impaired ester...?

I wondered why my concern appeared on my face. Esther lowered her eyebrows and buttocks and smiled bitterly as if she was in trouble. The long ears that had become invisible with magic instruments were also lowered together.

"Ahahah, I know Marc's worried. But it seems that the lord will make a special use of a room in the soldiers' quarters near the castle. From there, I can have Miya-san follow me in practice right away, and I can help you when something happens. So don't worry about it."

Oh, apparently we were talking more than we thought. Trian asked me to rely on you for anything besides the reward, but did you just help me?

"Oniichan, even if you're not worried about a nine-year-old, you're already a fine adult in this world, and I'm sure you'll be fine."

Nicolas was watching me until now, and I got a message from her.

You're really light, aren't you? I loved Estelle. "

"Hmm, the Sexual Harassment Guard is a little too stiff right now. For me, it would be easier if the world rubbed me a little bit more and the Guard would loosen up."

Ah, so yuko... But it might be rude to worry too much. Keep up the good work in the new world. As long as I don't have many friends, I should celebrate Esther's step-up here. I think such favorable conditions rarely exist.

"Oh, I see. Good luck, Esther. I'm here for you."

"Estelle, I'll support Nicolas too!

"Thank you both. I'm gonna be a great adventurer - oh, yeah."

Esther, who responded to both of us, whispered as if she had thought of something, removing the pierced magic tool to hide the long ears she had on her ears. Aware of the flow of mana until now, the long ears of the ester that I had seen became dew in a state of elegance.

"If you rely on this forever, you'll worry about Mark. I'll stop using it now."

That's how Esther smiled.

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