So Esther stayed in the capital.

At this luxurious farewell party, Trian responsibly said he would support Esther. He is such a person, but his reputation is not bad. I think I can trust it if I close my eyes even on sexuality.... I guess.

And the next day, the day of the journey and farewell. While the lord and his men are watching, we will board the carriage hired by our servants. The cost is a luxury carriage owned by Trian.

The appearance of the carriage is simple, but the contents seem to cost a lot of money. Admiring the transparency of the window glass and the softness of the seat cushion, Leah walked towards us from among the faces surrounding the carriage.

"Marc, Nicolas, Celine. Please be careful. I wish you every success in your journey."

Leah smiles and says goodbye. When I looked at the usual way of treating Nicolas, I wondered if it would make me sad if I stopped a little more, but it seemed like it would send me out a little more comfortably without crossing my shoulders.

"Ah, Nicola, can I stay here? Don't you want to be my sister? You can eat delicious sweets every day."

I cut out the adoption. Nicolas answers Leah after grasping my arm.

"Ni, Nicola, it's good to be with oniichan! I knew I had to be with oniichan! So don't bother, I'm sorry, Lia-chan!

Normally I'd say no, but I can see Nicolas trying to divert the target this time around.

It seems that Nicolas has been given a lot of luxury, but she hasn't had any difficulty at all because stress has outweighed her appetite. I've been eating so much sweets, but it looks even thinner than before I came to the capital.

By the way, Nicolas has been avoiding Leah's nightcrawl by sleeping in Celine's room for the past two days. They still think my room is dangerous.

"Well... I'm sorry. But Nicolas loves oniisama. I can't help it."

"Yeah, I love it! I love oniichan!

Nicolas, who is no longer a yawn, stares at it with a smile. At the end of the street, Esther approached the carriage next.

"Guys! I'm going to be a solo adventurer in the Territory. And when I'm alone, I'm going to see everybody!

The long ears that Esther has been dew since yesterday stand up and show us their determination. However, Céline, sitting on the podium, turned a smile of disgust at the proclamation.

"Oh Esther ~? Adventurers are free, so if you want to see them, don't think hard, come right away.

"Eh!? Celine, your determination is ruined!... but, yeah, that's right... maybe I'll go if I want to see you again... Marc, will you show me the town then?

Esther, who had been watered with determination, shuddered the foreword and asked. But I think it's better to relax your shoulders that much. I want to see Estelle, too.

"Yes, of course. You can always come.... Um, Miya-san. Say hello to my friend."

"Ah, leave it to me! I'll train you to be a unique adventurer!

Even today, Mia, a plain maid, raised her voice with her chest. What, that? Trian and Leah are here, but you're not being very polite. You must have felt the same question, Celine asked.

"Oh, Mia. I wonder what happened to that stupid polite tone of voice of yours?

"Hmm? Ah... Well, Trian-sama finally found out.... but, uhihi, if that's what you want. Instead, you said you'd prefer it... so hehehehe..."

When Mia began to blush her cheeks and grieve with her sleazy face, Morrison, who had come to see me off for a Knights job next to her, blushed her face. I don't know if I thought it was a bad idea to deal with the lord, or if it was a drag on my tone.

Afterwards, the chef who taught the trembling morrison and potato salad, the butler Alex, and others who took care of him said farewell words, and finally the lord Trian opened his mouth.

"Marc, I'll see you again sometime. Then I think it's time to repay my debt."

"Oh, no. If you take care of my friend Esther, that's enough for me...."

"Haha, that's a reward for what Esther did. This contribution is greater than you think. [M] I'll get your money back eventually."

"No, that's really enough..."

If possible, I'd like you to forget about it. But Trian persists.

"But there's not much of an atmosphere for money, is there? I was thinking a lot, but I didn't have enough time to work out a plan. As far as I'm concerned, this is something deeply engraved in your heart..."

"Already, Father. Marc is in trouble. If that's what Marc says, we keep our gratitude in our hearts and our thoughts. Isn't that good? Isn't that right, Marc?

"Haha, that's right....."

I really want Trian to forget, but I can't say that. When I hit Leah, the one who beat up Trian, she smiled...


At that time, a chill ran down my spine under Leah's gaze. Unexpectedly staring seriously at Leah, she just smiles softly. I guess it's because of my mind, it's pretty cold today.

"Come on, Marc, Nicolas. Shall we go?

Celine from the podium called.

"Yeah, okay. Good luck, everybody."

I'll see you again - how annoying it is to have one person say goodbye, so I closed my farewell speech lightly. Keep your head down and close the car door.

Soon the wheels rattled and the carriage turned towards the castle town.

"Minnah, see you again!

Turning to the thin, clear window glass, I saw Esther waving her hand towards us. When me and Nicolas look back through the window, Esther looks back even bigger with a smile. The appearance continued until the ester became invisible.

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