"Whoa, Marc used to make stone statues here too."

Said it was his first time in an empty space, Nay jumped on a stone statue of a panda placed in a playground and looked around in an unusual way.

Speaking of which, I made a stone statue for you at Sadra Mine Settlement.It is nostalgic now that Nai was completely goofing on the stone statue with tearful eyes.

"Is that Marc's field?

In the past few months, Nai points to a land that is completely covered in weeds and withered grass.If I hadn't been surrounded by a wooden fence, I might not have thought it was a field.

"Yeah, well, it's Uncle Gil's land, but I'm pretty sure it's the field I was looking after.As you can see now, haha "

The dry laughter leaked without thinking about the current state of the field.But that's not why Gil skipped control.

Or is it my fault?It is.

While I was on my journey, I asked Gil to experiment with water mixed with potions while managing the field.Later, as I tried in the remaining water in the potion bath, I found that giving water containing potion has the effect of accelerating vegetable growth.

However, in this field Gil tried, the effect gradually weakened and the taste of the vegetables gradually dropped.Probably because I didn't take care of the field, the mana in the soil in the field was decreasing.

In other words, if I don't use magic to keep feeding mana into the ground, I won't grow magic vegetables.There was no sweet talk of magical vegetables growing easily just by mixing them with water.

Still, it tastes better than normal vegetables, and even if the mana contained in the soil is gone, normal vegetables will grow.

In that way, Gil continued to manage a large field of vegetable gardens by himself.If I couldn't use magic, it would have been hard just to keep it.

Nevertheless, so far, it was within expectations.But then one day...

As Gil carried his legs to the field as usual, it was said that the fields had been vandalized as usual until yesterday.

It seems that the beautifully prepared acorns were destroyed and the vegetables that would welcome the harvest, as well as the ones that were still small, were secretly missing.

Though this town is safer, I hear that there are thieves out there, and if there are wild dogs, monster birds fly in the sky.Gil continued to manage the field by taking precautions such as surrounding it with wooden fences, assuming that it would only work as well as wild dogs.

But a few days later, the fields will be razed again.It seems that the wooden fence didn't work at all, and the rows in the fields were crushed and vegetables stolen.

If there is a slight difference, at this time, only a few vegetables were damaged.Besides, it seems that only this field has been damaged, and I can't hear the sound of damage elsewhere.It has also been found that they are being targeted by pinpoint.

When this happens, the killer is a pleasant thief with a mischievous purpose and a strange attachment to the thief.Or maybe a wise monster is entering town.

Originally, when it comes to crime and security, it's the guards.But the hobby fields are somehow being vandalized, so I want you to do something about it - it's hard to tell the guards how to solve the case.

I'm not looking for the killer to crush around, and I'm not letting him sleep in the field.At best, there will be a slight increase in the number of patrols near the vacant area.Then I don't think we can solve it very well.

That's why it's common to ask the Adventurer Alliance for help at times like this.That's why we talked until Gil asked the Adventurers Guild...

Quest: I want you to find out what's causing the desolation of my fields and catch the killer.

It feels like the Adventurer Alliance is asking me to do it.Honestly, it sounds a little interesting, like I'm getting a request.

... I mean, it's a field that I've made with salt for years.It is no exaggeration to say that everything about me is clogged.You want to catch him with your own hands, fufufufu...

That's what I suggested to Gil.I can't make magical vegetables right now, and it's hard for Gil to keep all the fields.If we don't have anything stolen, we might not be ruined, and we can leave the open till I get back, right?and.

Gil was quite convinced by this suggestion.Perhaps I thought it would be difficult to manage a large field by myself because the problem could be solved.If the mana is cut, the vegetable insect repellent and cold repellent measures will increase the hassle all at once...

Anyway, the field was able to harvest what was likely to be harvested, and then became a fallow plot.

Also, it is dangerous if the cause remains unknown, so the vacant space was completely banned, including near the playground where the neighborhood was used for recreation.The Moonlight Wolfgang's secret base has also been closed for some time.I'm a little sorry about this.I explained it to Delica and she was convinced.

So the fields were abandoned, and the open land sealed off.After that, nothing unusual happened.

--And because of this situation, the roughness of the field today is like my selfishness.

And now that I'm back, of course, I'm going to start rebuilding the fields.

Are the killers tired of it, or are they coming back for vegetables?First we have to feed and see how it goes.

When I stood in the field over a fence made of thick wood, I decided to start with weeding.

Hands are hard work, but magic is easy.If you soften the soil around where the weeds are growing with a mana of soil attributes, the weeds will enter the item box with just a reminder.Since the soil becomes fluffy and suitable for the field, it is one stone and two birds.

At this time, the trick is to permeate your mana to the soil around the root of the weed.

By the way, I did the same thing when I felled the forest in Sturtoria, but because the roots of the trees were so deep, they couldn't be stored unless I cut them myself.

"I've seen Marc's magic for a long time, but it's still amazing!Wow, I don't know! Ahahah!

Looking at the weeds that disappeared instantly, Nai, who was sitting on the wooden fence, shouted joyfully with his legs stretching.

"Celine stroked me for months.I think I've done a lot better than when I met you before. "

"Heh, I knew training was important.I've been teaching your grandfather how to fix my armor, but if I earn a little more, I'll have to go back to Sadra and resume my full-scale blacksmithing practice. "

Vocational training while working is difficult to say that you are still a child.Thinking so, I think I'm in a privileged position.You have to thank me for everything.

"Ney, if there's anything I can do to help, let me know.Thanks to Nay, it seems our inn was saved, so let me repay you. "

"What are you talking about?I get a lot of salary, so don't worry!

That's how Ney gets off the wooden fence and onto the ground.

"Let me help you with the fields.You're seeding next, right? Or do I do magic?

"Yeah, that's manual.Let's do it together. "

"Whoa, let me handle it!

So Ney and Gil, who had been here for a while, helped me sow the seeds of vegetables in the fields one after the other.Hopefully it will be a fine vegetable that will attract the killer.

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