One night, a few days had passed since the field had been rebuilt.When I woke up from my futon, I woke up from my bed and grew big.

Looking out the window, it's like the lights in the town are almost gone.I stroked my chest down to what happened on time.

Tomato, cabbage and cucumber, the three vegetables of my field, have adjusted the harvest time and it is time for everything to be harvested around tomorrow.The fields have not been razed so far, but it would be time for the thief to come.

That's why I decided to stake out the field from tonight.I'll catch the thief who stole my cute vegetables.

Late Night Outings & Stakeouts to Catch Thieves - Originally, a young nine-year-old is not a heavy loader, but of course she has permission from her mother.I no longer have any doubts about the absence of NG. I want to know the NG.

When I got out of bed, I shook Nicolas's muddy and rounded futon sleeping in the next bed.

"Come on, Nicola, wake up. We'll stick together, won't we?"

"Fufuah... is that the time already? Nyamhhh...."

The futon moved in the first place, leaving only Nicolas's sleepy face.The face is almost restored to its original shape thanks to the regular life of the last few days and the slim esthetic magic that has really been completed.

Nicolas came forward to help her catch the vegetable thief this time.

Nicola said, "I was scolded for not helping oniichan in the first place...Although you are actually losing weight, that alone could prolong your sentence if your mom tries to slip.So, by helping oniichan and appealing for reflection, you can fill it up.Humphun, how about this perfect plan! "I hear.

Nicolas expects that helping catch a vegetable thief will synergize his lean track record with his reflective attitude and end his sentence for helping him get up early the next day.I think so, too, and it would be really helpful if Nicolas could help.

I originally meant to ask Nicolas for help.Nothing could be more useful than Nicolas's high-performance sensing gifts for stakeouts.

Nicolas slowly came out of the futon and vomited.

"Samsamu... It would be worse if the thief didn't show up.... hah! Wouldn't it be like this all the time until the thief arrived...?That's not good! Enlightenment!Hurry up! "

I don't want you to come here because you're a Yasai thief.Nicolas, who was a little crazy when she woke up, began to change clothes with bumps and complaining.He seems motivated.

And when we put on enough thick clothes for the winter night, we left the children's room and headed to some room.

Walking down a hallway so quiet and dim that you can only hear your own footsteps, Nicolas murmurs with a smile on her wipe.

"Ufufu... it's kinda exciting to crawl at night, isn't it?"

"I won't do it."

"Dear God, oniichan will never..."

As she approached the room of interest, Nicolas clattered her mouth.As soon as I knocked on the door where the light was leaking, Celine came out of the room.Tongari hat and black dress.I was wearing a warm coat on top of it, and I was ready.

"Good evening, Marc, Nicolas. Let's go then."

I am a mother without NG, but only one condition was imposed this time.That's Celine's companion.Incidentally, as a reward, I provide one free potion bath per night.Celine told me it was okay for free.

Mama didn't make Celine a companion because she was worried about us being the thief alone.

Mom said, "When you catch a thief, it's easier to have an adult explain to the guards, right?".

It's true that when a kid like me catches a thief, it can be hard to explain it from scratch to a guard who doesn't know anything.In that regard, Celine, an adventurer who knows her face in this town, seems to be getting along.The mother's trust in the assumption that she will be caught by the skull is heavy.

"Well, I'm not going to do anything just to escort you, am I? Just Marc and Nicolas will catch the thief?"

Celine's trust is also high.

But of course I meant it from the beginning.When I nodded to Celine, the door of the next room opened with a loud noise. This room...

"Marc, I'm coming, too. Isn't that nice?"

This is Nay's room where I live in the inn.Nay, the owner of the room, leans out in the hallway and closes the door.It looks like I've already changed my clothes for going out, but I don't think I'd be interested in getting rid of the thief.

Did you know I was going out tonight?

"Oops! I've been talking to the general for a while, so I figured it out.That's why I thought I'd ambush you on the same day because I felt like I would be distracted even if I asked you normally.If you say no, I'll definitely follow you (...) times now! "

Now (...) times (...). Oh, when I went to the Sadra mine, I left Ney and Delica behind and went into the mine.But just like that time, there's still danger this time...

Ney is proud of his strength, and he seems used to a little rough in the tavern, but he doesn't intend to go straight to the thief in the first place.It is safest to do it magically from as far away as possible.

Now, how am I supposed to convince Nay...

Isn't that nice?

It was Celine who answered lightly.

"Well, if anything happens, I'll take care of you as much as Nee-chan.So why don't you come with me? "

Huh? Are you sure?

Did it come as a surprise that it would go smoothly from Ney? I asked Celine carefully.

"You want to go? Well then, that's fine. See, Mark?"

"Um... well, if Celine is good..."

"Yes! I thought it would be difficult to convince Celine because Celine turned me down before, but let me tell her!"

I thought so, too. But Celine's cheeks were hard to say.

"At that time, I escaped because of the metastasis, so I pulled Nee-chan away from the boy I got along with, and this time I'm sorry."

"Nah, nah, don't worry about that!How nice to see you again!But, Celine, thank you! Don't worry, Marc, I'll make you a vegetable thief! "

Nay, who was allowed to have a partner, said it was pathetic.The neighborhood is empty, but it's late at night so don't make too much noise.

Nevertheless, Celine still seemed concerned that she had no choice but to escape the mine using portal stones.But if Celine's feelings are going to be easier now, there's no difference between me and her.And so, Nicolas arrived with a thoughtful story about how things were going.

Nfufu, oniichan seems to be loved by older Lori too, what's more.

I've heard that Sadra Mine is full of rough kids my age, and I think it's unusual for someone as big as me.

I don't think so.It's still illegal Lori, but the destructive power when it becomes legal Lori is huge.How about it, oniichan, as a bride candidate? "

As soon as you do that, I'll tell you about the Sotch side.

I also think that Ney is a good worker with no front, and I feel nostalgic, but it is Nicolas's bad habit to take it to the romantic side immediately.I wonder if you can't see it with the same smiling eyes as me.

"Hey, let's go!"

I was stunned and sighed, and Nei, a tense gecko, called out.That's right, not when we're talking about this.

Well then, let's go.Also, it's a little late at night, so be quiet. "

"Ah... sorry..."

He slapped Nay in the back, and as we gently left the inn, we headed for the middle of the night.

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