"Don't worry, boss. We will take care of Du Yu." Uncle Ye promised. Wang Laoliu and his wife gritted their teeth and went home with their children. After such a loss, it's not good how to treat Ling Duyu. They are really unwilling.

"It's OK, Uncle Ye and aunt Ye. I'll lie down for a while." Ling Duyu stood up from the stool, his head was glued with an egg sized gauze, in the middle of the forehead, looking funny.

Aunt Ye pours a basin of hot water for him with sharp hands and feet, "you go to take off your clothes, wipe the blood stains on your body and lie down for a while. I'll go back and kill one of the old hens. When it's cooked, I'll call you for dinner. " Uncle Ye and his wife told him to go back.

After wiping the blood on the body, the basin of water has turned dark red“ Damn it, it's bleeding this time. Today's two love affairs must be the legendary peach blossom robbery Ling Duyu murmured, spilling blood from the back window into the backyard.

"Well, what's that?" Ling Duyu saw a flash of light in the place where he was splashed with blood. It was a small pile of broken stones left over from the wall at that time. I jumped out of the back window and found a shiny stone the size of a quail egg.

A white light flew out of the small stone and disappeared into Ling Duyu's eyebrow. He stood there in a daze. In a few minutes, Ling Duyu felt like decades had passed!

It turned out that in this short time, Ling Duyu got a lot of information in his mind. There is a small space for growth in this magic weapon, and there is a five element chaotic decision on the cultivation of truth.

This jade carving, the size of a quail egg, is a magic weapon left by a Jindan monk after his fall. I don't know why he was exiled in this world. By chance, lingduyu spilled his blood on him, and he recognized lingduyu as the main one. This Jindan friar was born as a spiritual planter in the cultivation world. He also left a lot of skills and experience in planting spiritual grass.

"There's something wrong with Xiuzhen." Ling Duyu shook his head and said, "try after dinner." The magic weapon stayed in his elixir field, but Ling Duyu had no way to use it. In the message just passed to him, he knew that this magic weapon could help him to draw Qi into his body and enter the ranks of practitioners. But in the future, Ling Duyu needed to find the source of spiritual Qi.

After dinner, Ling Duyu didn't say that he was sent out. He told Uncle Ye and his wife that he applied to return home, which was a rare opportunity.

"Well, it's very good. You can take care of the orchards in the back mountain and the watermelons in the two Mu area by yourself." Uncle Ye is happy for him, "I'm really too busy alone."

When he got home, Ling Duyu began to practice. He could not absorb any aura in the air. Fortunately, a aura came out of the magic weapon, which made him step into the realm of practicing Qi.

"I have to try my magic." It was more than ten o'clock in the night when Ling Duyu woke up from his meditation. It took him more than three hours to meditate. When I wake up, I'm impatient to try my magic.

In the message from the magic weapon, he knew that he was the root of the five elements and was recognized by the magic weapon. Now in the courtyard of the pool side of this big basin, pinch for a long time to point out, just a small rain cloud to send out.

"Hell, my head." When Xiao Yunyu's skill was formed, Ling Duyu felt that something in his head was emptied, and his head hurt as if he had been chopped by an axe.

Covering his head, he endured the pain and saw a cloud like thing the size of a washbasin floating on the top of the big basin. It rained a little.

"Shit, that's it." Looking at a bottle of rainwater in the plastic basin, Ling Duyu said, "is this the spirit water used to cultivate spirit grass? I'll try what it does to ordinary fruit trees. Anyway, I don't have any spirit grass seeds

There are about 100 peach trees and 50 apple trees in the orchard of Houshan. It was the income of these fruit trees that enabled him to finish college. Of course, there is a large bamboo forest. My grandfather weaves baskets with bamboo almost every day. Now there are many bamboo baskets in the West Wing room. My grandfather weaves them well and has no chance to sell them.

Ling Duyu poured the spirit water into the bucket and filled it with spring water. The water in the pool was spring water from the back mountain. Carrying this bucket of water to the orchard, he poured the bucket of water under ten peach trees. The peaches on the peach trees are the size of goose eggs, but they are not mature yet.

"Come in the morning and see how it works." Ling Duyu went back to his bedroom and thought of it when he was lying in bed.

At five o'clock the next morning, Ling Duyu came to the back mountain and entered the orchard. Far away from the ten fruit trees, I can smell the rich fruit fragrance.

When I came near, I saw that the peaches, which were only the size of goose eggs, were the size of his fists now, and the mouth of the peaches had become red. A lot of peach branches are crushed by peaches, and some of them are broken. Ling Duyu's excited hand trembled a little. He took off one and didn't even wipe it, so he took a bite from his mouth.

All of a sudden, his taste cells were excited by an unspeakable good taste, which he had never tasted before. The sour and sweet peach matched just right, which could not increase or decrease a point, and the taste could not be described by words. There is also a special aroma of fruit, which makes people feel like walking in the spring suburbs.

"Rich, rich. How can such peaches cost ten yuan a jin? Now there are no such big peaches at this time. The early ripening peaches are not very big. And it is said that there is no such quality. " Lingduyu murmured excitedly and ran back to the yard.

After I ran back to the orchard with a pile of bamboo baskets, I was busy from five o'clock to seven o'clock, and then I picked all the ten fruit trees. Ling Duyu roughly counted, there are more than 1300 peaches, he moved these baskets of peaches to the hall, and weighed them out with the platform scale left by his grandfather. The size difference of each peach is not big, almost one jin.

If you want to get into town and sell it, you have to find a car. Only Wang Dashan has a broken bread truck in the village. Wang Dashan's family is the first one in the village. The boy is spreading out the newly harvested wheat in the open space in front of the yard.

"College students, I'm sorry, I really don't have time to go with you today." Wang Dashan jokingly said to Ling Duyu, "you also have a driver's license. Let's drive slowly. But when you come back, you have to fill up my car with gas. There's still 100 yuan left. Don't forget. "

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