Ling Duyu was angry in his heart. This trip is equivalent to more than 200, but he still can't do without the boy's car. The peach has been taken off, and he can't hang it back to the tree.

"You are so generous," Ling Duyu said with a twitch. "Here is 100 yuan. I'll give it to you first!"

Wang Dashan stretched out his short hand, took a hundred yuan note from Ling Duyu, rubbed it in his hand, and looked at the watermark in the rising sun. Then he cracked the toad's mouth and yelled to the yard, "Qingying, take the car key to the college students." Ling Duyu knew that this boy's college students were just ridiculing him, but now Ling Duyu had to bite his teeth and swallow.

Qingying, with a red face and a car key, came out and handed it to Ling Duyu. When she came back last night, Aunt Wang kept asking how many clothes she had on her body at that time. Qingying had to lie, saying that she still had a coat on her body.

Ling Duyu drove the van into his yard, carried more than ten baskets of peaches and went to Zhongzhou. When passing the road at the head of the village, Ling Duyu's sweat came down. Fortunately, he drove safely.

Ling Duyu didn't want to go to the market now, so he went directly to the purchasing department of lisucheng chain supermarket in Zhongzhou city. The purchasing manager here, Lao Qian, asked for all the peaches when he saw them“ But boss Ling, do you think the price is too high? Ordinary peaches are only three or four yuan now. Why do you want ten yuan a Jin! "

"Manager Qian, if I send a peach like this to wankelai supermarket, they won't bargain. Do you think this is an ordinary peach? " Lingduyu said. Wankelai supermarket and Sucheng supermarket are two chain supermarkets in Zhongzhou city.

As soon as manager Qian heard this, he knew that he couldn't bargain. He ordered him to take the goods and give the money to Ling Duyu, but he had a request that the goods should be delivered.

"OK," Ling Duyu agreed, "I'll send it to you tomorrow."

Ling Duyu held more than 13000 yuan, and he was so excited that he said, "those peaches and apples in my back mountain are irrigated with this spiritual water. How much is it.

After being sent out by manager Qian, Ling Duyu immediately went to buy a laptop. This is what he wanted for a long time. Unfortunately, he was short of money and didn't buy it.

Now the car is parked at the gate of the computer city. As soon as Ling Duyu is about to get off the bus, he sees a person who makes him jump. The city management girl came over in plain clothes, followed by a fierce man with a flat head. The man looked like a pug, smiling at the city management girl. If he had a tail, it would be dazzling.

Lingduyu quickly pulled the door and started the car in a hurry. But this broken bread, at this time, won't give face, humming like a broken bellows, but it just can't catch fire.

Ding Yuqian felt that she was really unlucky these two days. She wanted to find something to do when she went to work in urban management, but she suffered a big loss on the first day. Go back at night and quit. As a result, now this annoying Wu Laosan pesters her again. However, this is allowed by her parents. Her family all want Ding Yuqian to marry Wu Laosan, but Ding Yuqian doesn't like Wu Laosan in any way.

Want to go shopping with this annoying guy, Ding Yuqian angrily scolded Wu Laosan, while walking in front. When I got to the head of this broken van, I listened to the sound that it couldn't catch fire. I took a look at the cab and thought that this is another idiot who just got his driver's license. I didn't expect to see the guy who impressed her deeply.

"Stop him!" Ding Yuqian yelled, and the flat head quickly stood in front of lingduyu's car. Ling Duyu just set the car on fire. He was standing in front of the car, so he had to stop the car. He was not as confident as the owners of BMW and Mercedes Benz. He could go straight ahead regardless of the people standing in front of him.

Ling Duyu is very regretful now. Why do you want to start the car? As long as you lie on the steering wheel, this urban management girl will not find out. Now it's all right. It's found that you are anxious and guilty.

"I'll give you a chance to have lunch with me at noon today." Ding Yuqian said to the flathead.

Ling Duyu had no choice but to come down, "I said beauty, I did a lot of things that day. I tore off your clothes on purpose. I also lost a lot. Those two baskets of cherries cost me a lot. "

"Shut up Ding Yuqian screamed that she was going to be angry with this boy“ Wu Laosan, you have to beat this guy's mouth to bleed. "

Wu Laosan is also a fire now. Ding Yuqian is the woman he has always wanted to marry. When did the boy tear off his clothes? What's the weather like now? He's wearing very thin clothes. It's not appropriate for the boy to take advantage of his clothes.

"Come with me, boy. Let's practice." Wu Laosan said with a green face.

"Yes, if you don't go, I'll call the police and say you're a hooligan." Ding Yuqian's silver teeth are clucking.

Ling Duyu knew that he couldn't escape. "OK, I'll practice with you, but after practice, is this the end of the matter?"

"Of course, we people in the Wulin keep our word." Ding Yuqian disdained the way, "although I did not practice any Kung Fu, but I still mean what I say."

"Don't be so fussy, boy. This Wuji gymnasium is owned by our family. Come in with me and see that I won't beat you into a pig's head. " Wu's gym is on the fifth floor of the computer city building.

Ling Duyu can see that Wu Laosan's breath is very special. It must be that he has made a little success in practicing secular martial arts. Into a gym room for fighting, "boy, I'll let you do it first. Don't worry, I'll just beat you to a pig's head." Wu Laosan is jealous of Ling Duyu's handsome face. It's also a happy thing to think of such a face as a pig's head.

Wu Laosan takes off his top brand T-shirt. It's hard to deal with it when it spills on the boy's nose.

Ding Yuqian is proud to stand on the side and watch. She still believes in Wu Laosan's strength. Wu Laosan's three-tier strength after training has already formed internal force in his body. This kind of cultivation is OK in martial arts practice. Wu Laosan is only 23 years old. This guy has a good future, so her grandfather and parents are optimistic about this guy. But Ding Yuqian doesn't want to marry a guy who only knows how to practice martial arts all the time. Besides, what's the use of practicing martial arts now?

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