"Duyu, don't go out." Mayor Zhang wanted to hear what happened to Wu Laosan. "Did Mr. Wu say something about that factory?"

"No way." Ling Duyu said and connected the phone.

Wu Laosan told Ling Duyu on the phone that they would arrive at Guanshan Town soon. But Zhang Qinghe came with his two sons. Wu Laosan was afraid that Ling Duyu would blame him, so he said first.

"It was Mr. Wu who brought people to apologize." Ling Duyu said to Zhang Zhenchang, "I cleaned up the Deke frozen Zhang Qinghe. He brought his two sons over and kowtowed to Xiao Ren."

Zhang Zhenchang, who was drinking from a glass, almost choked to death with a mouthful of water. After coughing for a long time, Ling Duyu said, "what, chairman Zhang Qinghe came to apologize to Xiao Ren?"

Zhang Qinghe is a big man. Even when he saw the county magistrate of Mucheng, he looked like a big man. Then he can take his son to apologize to Xiao Ren, which shows that Ling Duyu is a little miserable. It seems that he underestimated Ling Duyu's strength.

Wu Laosan came with old man Ding, old man Wu, and old man Wei, old man Qin. They were in a limousine with the face of old man Wu. Zhang Qinghe and his two sons have a car.

Secretary Li was also startled by these people. He and Mayor Zhang welcomed these people to the office and asked them to pour tea.

Ling Duyu gave the printed materials to old man Qin and old man Wei. These two people are in the office, there are so many people here. On a close look up, immediately into the state of selflessness. They want to remember it as soon as possible, and they can understand it more when Ling Duyu demonstrates it later. They heard from old man Wu that Ling Duyu was very considerate in selling his innate combat skills. They also demonstrated what they didn't understand at that time. They could ask questions.

Zhang Qinghe now said to Secretary Li and Mayor Zhang that he was sorry that he didn't discipline his sons well and let them forget themselves and get into trouble. Now come to apologize to the girl and ask where Xiao Ren is now.

"Well, I'll have you taken to Xiao Ren's office." Mayor Zhang knows these two guys are going to kowtow to Xiao Ren. Let them go to Xiao Ren's office. There is no outsider there, so Zhang Qinghe's face looks better.

After they went out, Secretary Li and Mayor Zhang gave old man ding a warm welcome. Ling Duyu knew what else they had to do. "Well, Secretary Li, they have something to do with me. I'll take them out and come back."

See Ding old man took the lead to stand up, Li secretary and Zhang Zhenchang what do not understand. Michelle took them to the gate of the town government. As soon as they left, Mayor Zhang and Secretary Li had a discussion. The scale of the banquet at noon today must be up-to-grade and reflect the characteristics of Guanshan Town.

"Make sure you leave them for lunch today." Secretary Li finally said to Mayor Zhang, "this task will be given to Du Yu. It seems that it is no problem for him to complete it."

Ling Duyu took four old men and Wu Laosan to the back of the town government yard. Here is a hill, only a few tens of meters high, covered with pine trees. It looks like the mouth of the bowl is thick.

"Do you two understand?" After entering the pine forest, Ling Duyu asked old man Wei and old man Qin.

"We barely remember, but there are many things we don't understand." Old man Wei asked a question in a hurry. Ling Duyu answered their questions. Not only the two old men have gained a lot, but also the two old men, Wu and Ding, who are listening at the side, feel that they have gained a lot.

"Look, this is chopping." Ling Duyu finally demonstrated to the two men that he cut off a pine branch three meters away with one hand, which is about the thickness of an egg. Chopping in the air is a congenital skill for old man Qin. Old man Qin was overjoyed to see it. He didn't expect that it was really powerful.

It's still a fingering for old man Wei, but it's just a finger. Ling Duyu is very vulgar to name this fingering a Yang finger. Seeing Ling Duyu's finger, he poked a small hole in the pine tree three meters away, two centimeters deep. Old man Wei was very satisfied with the charred marks around the small hole.

"Well, it's been more than half an hour. Let's go back." Lingduyu raised his eyebrows and said to the old men who were meditating here, "if there's anything I can't figure out, go back and think about it slowly."

When they came back, Zhang Qinghe and his two sons met them in Secretary Li's office.

After hearing Secretary Li's words, Ling Duyu was in a bit of a dilemma. "Secretary Li, I have something else to do right now. I bought a freezer yesterday, and they'll send it right away. I'll wait on my way to the village. "

"It's a small matter. Let Xu Shan drive your car to wait and take the freezer to your home." Secretary Li immediately said, "Duyu, this is also work. When it comes to work, you have to find a way to finish it. "

Ling Duyu had to do as he did. He gave Xu Shan the car keys and the invoice for the freezer to let him go. Xu Shan left with a look of bounden duty.

Zhang Qinghe didn't want to eat here, but he saw the old men here. Then we can't miss such an opportunity to get in touch with the mayor. Although it's the mayor and his father here. He sent his two sons away and asked them to send a car to pick him up when they got back.

At noon or go to Hongxia hotel for dinner. As soon as I came in, I saw that it was ready in the private room, with 12 cold dishes at a table. I took out everything I could find in the hotel.

When drinking, Shanzhen keeps going up. As for whether there is any protection for animals, I don't know. Anyway, it's processed. No one will ask what's in this dish.

Fortunately, I really can't find out in this mountain. What can I do to protect animals. Some birds are not allowed to catch. Like these wild boars, they have become a disaster in some villages. Pheasants and hares are also in groups, but they are rarely seen now. When autumn comes, it's time for them to cause disasters.

At noon, a meal of wine poured down secretary Li and Mayor Zhang, as well as Zhang Qinghe, who was also carried by his driver. These three people are at the banquet table, and they can't stop toasting. The four old men were all born with martial arts, so it's nothing to say about this wine. Inadvertently come and go a few times, Secretary Li they lie down.

When there were only Wu Laosan, four old men and Ling Duyu in the private room. Ling Duyu was puzzled and asked, "in Zhongzhou, I saw you four congenital warriors. Are there many congenital warriors here?"

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