"Where." Old man Ding said to Ling Duyu, "in the whole mainland, there are no more than 300 people who are born with martial arts. It's only with good conditions that there are so many people who are born with martial arts. In Zhongzhou, because it has always been very popular. We've got our four inborn warriors. It happens that we walk around a lot

"So." Ling Duyu nodded. He wanted to ask how many monks there were, but when he thought about the four old men's money for congenital combat skills, he knew that he had never met a monk“ Then I'll go back. By the way, if there's such a good thing in the future, come to me. "

What Ling Duyu said is good. An old man knows what it is. Ling Duyu wants to sell money with his innate skills.

Xu Shan stops his car at the gate of Hongxia hotel. After Ling Duyu comes out, he waves with old man Wu and gets on the car to go back. There are still many things to do after going back. First, we need to get those two big fish up and put them in the freezer.

"Brother Yu, why didn't you come back at noon?" Seeing that Ling Duyu drives the car into the yard, Wang Qingying comes over and looks at Ling Duyu road“ Xu Shan only said that you have something to do. " When Ling Duyu left, he said he would come back for lunch, but he forgot to call again.

"Well, I didn't come back when something happened in town. Xu Shan doesn't make things clear. " Lingduyu some sorry way, "next time there is such a thing, I'll call you first."

Wang Qingying was embarrassed by what Ling Duyu said. She felt very sticky“ By the way, Yuge, the freezer is in the utility room. I've plugged it in. "

"That's good. I'll go to the back now and get the big fish for those two days." Ling Duyu said as he went to the kitchen, "I'll take the kitchen knife. I forgot. I should have made a knife yesterday. "

When Ling Duyu came out of the kitchen, he took out two knives, one for cutting vegetables and the other for chopping bones.

"Take them all. I'll take this kitchen knife down." Ling Duyu gave the chopper to Wang Qingying, "when you get the fish up, you can see it with the chopper and bring it back to the freezer. By the way, take a small bucket so that I can hold the fish's blood. This big fish has been around for decades, and I can use their blood. "

In the later jade slips, Ling Duyu learned the means of drawing. Now I want to prepare some materials to try.

They took several bamboo baskets and small plastic buckets to the lake in the back valley. See Ling Duyu off the T-shirt, only wearing a big underpants. Wang Qingying blushed, but still worried, "brother Yu, is there nothing else under here?"

"No, I looked very carefully that day." Ling Duyu shook his head and said, "it's sunny down now, or there will be some trouble."

After lingduyu went into the water, a water escape disappeared. Let the shore of Wang Qingying heart up, know lingduyu down certainly not dangerous, but the heart is still worried.

Now Wang Qingying hates his low accomplishments, otherwise he would go down with Ling Duyu.

When I was anxious, I saw the lake water churning up, and then Ling Duyu appeared. Ling Duyu, with a kitchen knife in his mouth and the gill of a big fish in one hand, dragged up the big fish that was three meters long in two days.

"Come on, bring me the bucket." After lingduyu landed, he dropped two big dead fish and took the kitchen knife in his hand to talk to Wang Qingying“ I'm bleeding the big fish now. "

Two big fish let go of a small bucket of fish blood, looking at the busy Ling Duyu. Wang Qingying asked about Ling Duyu's going down just now.

"I found something good down there." Lingduyu said with a smile, "now I'm not afraid to make a sword. There's no place for the sword."

Ling Duyu was busy and told Wang Qingying what he had just done. It turns out that Ling Duyu easily found these two big fish at the bottom of the lake, one by one. Ling Duyu stabbed the fish's head with a kitchen knife. He stabbed it straight in the past, leaving only the handle outside. At that time, the big fish died and could not die any more.

When Ling Duyu pulled up the two big fish, he found that there was a bluestone in the place where they occupied. The stone is the size of a washbasin, with dense silver dots on it. This thing made Ling Duyu very happy. After putting the stone into the storage space, he dragged the fish up.

"That stone can be refined into Qingyun iron and Kongming stone." Ling Duyu said triumphantly, "this Qingyun iron is not very rare. It can produce medium quality magic weapons at most. I don't have that ability yet. But this stone can refine the storage ring. "

On the second day of cultivation, Wang Qingying asked Ling Duyu if he had a storage ring. Because all the fairy novels she has read have such descriptions. But at those times, Ling Duyu could only shake his head and let Wang Qingying down. Now I heard that I could refine the storage ring, so I quickly asked him to help Ling Duyu clean up the two big fish. So that Ling Duyu can go back early and refine the storage ring for her.

Ling Duyu carefully peeled off the skin of the two big fish, rolled them up and put them in a bamboo basket. Then he waved and saw that he cut the big fish into sections. Put it in the bamboo basket, and Wang Qingying went to clean it up. A lot of fish oil and swim bladders were put into a plastic bucket. Wang Qingying knows that brother Yu likes these things best. And the fish intestines were cleaned and brought back by her.

"Such a big fish head can scare people out." Wang Qingying is beside the freezer, watching Ling Duyu put all the big fish into the freezer. When she put it on the head of a big fish, she didn't have any feelings“ But how can such a big fish grow here? "

"It may have something to do with the spirit." Lingduyu closed the cover of the freezer, "otherwise it would not grow into such a big one, and the fish contains a touch of aura. It's helpful for us to eat it."

"Well, brother Yu, go to take a bath and refine the storage ring." Wang Qingying can't wait for Ling Duyu road. Now she and Ling Duyu are both fishy.

"Well, I'll take a bath first, and you'll bring the fish blood to my room." Ling Duyu said to Wang Qingying, "this fish blood also needs to be refined and put into the bottle."

Because there's only one bathroom and it's on the edge of the utility room. They can only take turns bathing. When Ling Duyu comes out, Wang Qingying has carried the fish blood to Ling Duyu's room and found several empty wine bottles. As soon as Ling Duyu came out of the bathroom, Wang Qingying went in with her change of clothes. The fishy smell made Wang Qingying unable to bear it.

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