Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 596: Miss Tang has a special blood type

The door of the operating room opened and Xue Ming came out.

"How is it, how is my daughter-in-law?" Zhuo Yarong had no time to take care of other things at this time.

She has calmed down.

There is a complete emergency system on Lu Yuchen's side. She doesn't need to worry, she can just take care of Xinluo now.

"The situation is more troublesome. The most important thing is that Miss Tang's blood type is quite special, and the blood supply in the hospital is insufficient. If any of you are her relatives, it is best to come over and get a blood."

Xue Ming is also a big head, he is not an obstetrician, but because he knows his family better, he was pushed out.

"Family..." Zhuo Yarong's face turned pale when she heard Xue Ming said that the blood bank was not enough and that her relatives needed to donate blood.

In her consciousness, she didn't even consider those Tang family members as Xin Luo's relatives.

"No, Xin Luo has no relatives anymore."

"No, yes, and..." Su Qing suddenly grabbed Zhuo Yarong's wrist, "Yes, Xin Luo also has a grandma, and an aunt and cousin."

"Yes, yes, there are three of them!" Zhuo Yarong almost patted her head in disregard of her image, how she almost forgot the three people.

"Lu Qi, go get me the three people from the Tang family. It doesn't matter whether they are willing or not..." Zhuo Yarong knew that their relationship with Xinluo was not good. "As long as they dare to resist, they will directly give I'll tie it over."

"Yes, ma'am!"

Lu Qi took the order to leave, but Yue Ze, who had been sitting in the corner silently, frowned silently.

Tang Xinluo's life experience, he knows better than everyone here.

The three Tang family members would definitely not work.

But now, if he says, the original plan cannot proceed.

But, if you don’t say... Xin Luo...

The deep eyes looked towards the closed operating room.

On the porch, the three big characters "in operation" flashing red, at this time, they looked so dazzling.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for the arrival of the Tang family. Suddenly, Yue Ze stood up in this tense atmosphere.

"Xue Ming, call Diana out." He walked over and said to Xue Ming.

Xue Ming knew Yue Ze's identity, so he didn't dare to refuse, so he had to act accordingly.

After a while, Diana walked out of the operating room.

Seeing the young master waiting outside, his expression became more serious.

Zhuo Yarong and Su Qing were all paying attention to Yue Ze's actions at this time.

No way, he was too eye-catching, and at this time, he suddenly called a doctor out, always feeling that he had to do something.

Yue Ze didn't have time to care about the people behind him, waved to Diana, and when she came over, he whispered a few words.

Immediately afterwards, before everyone knew what was going on, they saw Diana taking Yue Ze into the small room on the side.

"Doctor Xue, what are they doing there?" Su Qing always felt that something was wrong and couldn't help asking.

Xue Ming actually didn't know what was going on, but he glanced at the room and probably guessed it.

"It should be a blood test."

Speaking of this, Xue Ming also nodded in agreement, “Mr. Yue’s idea is right. The blood bank’s blood volume is insufficient. In addition to finding relatives, ordinary people can also see if the blood type is worthy. However, Miss Tang’s blood type It's really special, RH negative blood, unless it is a relative, it is rare to encounter the same."

As he finished speaking, he heard a loud noise in the corridor.

A sharp female voice came from not far away.

"What are you doing... let me go! Tang Xinluo didn't hurt us bad enough, why should we donate blood to save her!"

[The author has something to say] 10 more is over, I personally think that writing a chapter and chapter in this way will have better quality and better content. So I may stick to it. If you don’t want to wait, come and watch it at 12 o'clock in the evening. I will update it as if it was 12 o'clock.

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