Domineering Mr. CEO and His Impudent Love

Chapter 597: Unless Tang Xinluo was not born to them

"Shut up!" Zhuo Yarong sternly stopped when she saw Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi who had been pressed by Lu Qi and the others, "When this is where, this is the hospital, you two give me peace!"

It is Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi who are noisy.

Old Mrs. Tang also looked unconvinced, but she had a stroke last time. Although she has recovered a lot, she is now in a wheelchair and has no energy to yell.

Zhuo Yarong lost her temper, and Tang Ruolan and the others were a little bit jealous. When she scolded her, she suddenly lost her voice.

Zhuo Yarong didn’t talk nonsense with them, and said directly: “I’m calling you today to get your blood to be tested for blood type. Xin Luo is now giving birth to our Lu family in there. You are all her relatives. If appropriate, give Xinluo some blood. As long as you cooperate, I will give you five million."

"This..." Tang Ruolan asked about the situation on the road, thinking that she would be drawn hundreds of milliliters of blood for nothing. Hearing Zhuo Yarong's words immediately shined, "You said last time, you didn't recognize us as Tang Xinluo. For her relatives, we can donate blood to her, we want 10 million!"

"Okay, ten million." Zhuo Yarong didn't even blink her eyelids.

When Tang Ruolan saw such a good talk, she suddenly regretted, "The three of us, I'm talking about 10 million each."

At this time, Zhuo Yarong lost even the interest in looking at her, and faintly glanced at Lu Qi.

Lu Qi grasped the past, firmly clasped Tang Ruolan's left shoulder, and said in a low voice, "Or, go in for a blood test, after the test is appropriate, take the blood and take 10 million away. Otherwise, I don't mind taking you Put the fainting and anesthesia on the operating table and draw directly. You choose one of the two results."

Tang Ruolan's legs were frightened when she heard it.

Seeing Qian's eyes opened just now, she almost forgot the power of the Lu Family.

If the Lu family really anaesthetized them to draw blood, they would have nothing to do.

In desperation, Tang Ruolan had no choice but to honestly take Tang Mi in for a blood test.

Old lady Tang had a stroke because of her age, but Zhuo Yarong didn't let her go.

After a while, Xue Ming took Tang Ruolan and Tang Mi out with a hesitation on his face.

"How about, Doctor Xue?"

"No, they are both of AB blood type and cannot be used."

"This..." Everyone turned their eyes to Old Lady Tang.

It's just that the old lady is in a wheelchair, and she doesn't know if she will take blood again.

"Anyway, let my mother do the test first, Xin Luo is still waiting for help." Tang Ruolan was anxious that Tang Wang Chunfang's blood type could match.

Otherwise, they would not be able to earn this million.

Xue Ming also nodded, "Looking a priori, it really doesn't work. It's okay to smoke less.

So, Mrs. Tang was brought in again.

After coming out after a while, Xue Ming was completely shocked.

Mrs. Tang has type A blood.

He asked her in there just now if he knew the blood type of Tang Xinluo's parents.

As a result, the old lady Tang, who said nothing to tell her, actually tremblingly told him that Tang Xinluo's parents are both type A blood.

I knew it because when Tang's father was critically ill and was hospitalized, both the old lady and Tang's mother gave him blood transfusions.

If so... Xue Ming couldn't help frowning.

Tang Xinluo lying there, how did her RH negative blood come from?

"How about it, does Mrs. Tang's blood type match?" Zhuo Yarong was really anxious when she saw Xue Ming come out.

If Mrs. Tang's blood type is no longer suitable, what should be done.

"Nor." Xue Ming shook his head, "still unworthy."

"How could it be unworthy!"

This time, Zhuo Yarong hadn't spoken yet, Tang Ruolan almost jumped up, "My mother's blood type is the same as Tang Xinluo's parents. They also gave my brother a blood transfusion. Unless Tang Xinluo was not born to them, otherwise... "

[The author has something to say] The first one is more ~ ​​write the following and post it later, happy April Fool's Day!

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