"I'll come and have a look later," he said reluctantly, and then comforted her in a low voice: "don't play the piano if your finger is hurt. Is it seriously cut? Is there a band aid?"

"Well, it has been pasted, but... Band aids have turned red..." Xu Ruoxi is still crying on the phone.

"I know, I'll come later." comforted Xu Ruoxi again, and then hung up the phone.

I looked at the empty cab, then looked at the woman more than ten meters away from the window, finally moved to the cab, started the car, and then drove slowly towards the woman more than ten meters in front.

On the way back, no one said another word. Tong Zhenyu was tired of talking, while Zhang Zijun was more tired of talking, but the rest of the way was Tong Zhenyu's direct drive home.

When the car stopped in the parking space, Tong Zhenyu just took down the car key. Zhang Zijun grabbed the car key directly and pushed the door to get off. He didn't mean to wait for Tong Zhenyu at all.

Tong Zhenyu quickly pushed the door to get off and followed him, but he was still a step slow. He didn't enter an elevator with Zijun, and waited for two or three minutes for the next elevator to come down.

When he took the elevator upstairs, Zhang Zijun had taken his pajamas in the cloakroom and walked towards the bathroom. He saw her, his lips wriggled and wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't say anything.

The sound of water came from the bathroom. Zhang Zijun was taking a bath, but Tong Zhenyu changed his clothes in the cloakroom, then took his car key and turned out of the bedroom door.

Zijun came out of the bathroom. There was no Tong Zhenyu in the room. You don't have to ask. You know you went to his appointment with Princess Xi Xi.

A man lay in bed tossing and turning and couldn't sleep. Finally, he had to take out his mobile phone to call apple.

"Zijun, how's things going?" Apple asked on the phone with a little excitement.

"Where can there be any progress?" Zijun sighed helplessly: "it has been exposed. He knows I'm pretending to be pregnant."

"What?" Apple was surprised on the phone and couldn't help crying out: "how did he know that you did it so confidentially? Don't you know what I know?"

Zijun smiled at this, but the smile became more and more bitter: "it's not who told him, but he found that I forgot the mineral water bottle containing your urine in the bathroom, so the matter was exposed."

"..." Apple didn't know what to say on the phone. After half a ring, he asked again, "so... What are you going to do now?"

"I don't know." Zijun answered truthfully. She really didn't know.

"Well, I'll do something for you tonight," Apple comforted her on the phone. "You can do something, or go to the forum. Isn't it Sunday tomorrow? Let's meet and discuss the next step."

"Well... OK." Zijun promised, and then talked to apple for two more words before hanging up.

Apple asked her to go to the forum, but she was soft in bed and didn't want to move at all, so she didn't bother to get up and open the computer to surf the forum or something.

Zhang Zijun thought that while Zijun ignored Tong Zhenyu, he got up and took his plate to the kitchen. When she cleaned it up, Tong Zhenyu was waiting for her in the living room for the first time.

"Are you today's menstrual period?" Tong Zhenyu asked looking at Zijun who came over.

Zijun hesitated a little, nodded, and then answered truthfully, "yes."

Today is indeed her menstrual period, but it hasn't come yet. It's estimated to come in the afternoon or evening. Anyway, if you don't come today, you should come tomorrow.

"In that case, why not..." Tong Zhenyu looked at her and carefully proposed: "today, let's abort the child?"

Zhang Zijun was stunned, then gently bit the lower lip corner, and nodded vigorously: "yes!"

Since he is so considerate and wants to help her, what else can she say? Let's solve this lie first.

Tong Zhenyu was relieved to see that she agreed, and then told her to stay at home. He arranged the rest to ensure that it would be done seamlessly without doubt.

Tong Zhenyu told her to go out again. She didn't know what arrangements Tong Zhenyu would make, but he let her stay at home and naturally didn't dare to go out again.

She turned back to her room and took out her mobile phone from the head of the bed. Sure enough, there were several missed calls, including those from Tong Zhenyu and apple.

She was thinking that she should call apple and tell her that she couldn't go shopping today. Unexpectedly, apple called again at this time.

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