As soon as Zijun pressed the answer button, Apple's voice came: "Hey, gentleman, what's the matter with you? You didn't answer your calls?"

"I muted it last night and didn't hear it." Zijun replied stiffly.

"What are you doing with mute?" Apple complained on the phone: "can't you think of isolation?"

"Go, who can't figure it out?" Zijun retorted angrily: "I'm not so fragile. Don't worry, I'm strong in my heart."

"That's good. I'm worried that you can't bear the pressure in your heart." Apple said on the phone: "by the way, didn't we agree to go shopping today last night? I'll go out right away. What about you? Did you come out?"

"No," Zijun answered truthfully, "apple, I'm sorry, I can't go shopping with you today."

"What's the matter?" Apple immediately heard something wrong in Zijun's words and hurriedly asked, "is something wrong?"

"What else can I do?"

Zijun smiled bitterly: "didn't I tell you last night? He knew that my pregnancy was false. He just told me at breakfast to let me wait at home. He helped me arrange abortion today."

"Why do you have to make an arrangement today?" Apple asked in some confusion.

"Because my great aunt is coming today. Don't you say that my great aunt's coming is the best chance of abortion? Besides, he is willing to cooperate with me. It's unreasonable for me to postpone such a good opportunity?"

"Oh, it seems... It's true." after listening to Zijun's words, apple no longer said anything, but comforted her: "well, you'll have a good abortion at home, and we'll go shopping another day."

After hanging up Apple's phone, Zhang Zijun threw his mobile phone into the bedside table. He was bored and couldn't sleep, so he simply got up and went to the study.

There are many books in Tong Zhenyu's study. Usually she will take one or two when she is free at night, but today she doesn't have the mood and elegance to read. She just sits down behind her desk and looks at the display screen of his desktop computer in a daze.

Her is a notebook, and his home is a desktop, but this computer she rarely uses Tong Zhenyu, because he doesn't use the computer most of the time when he comes back at night, and he uses aipai occasionally.

She was bored and didn't want to go to the computer bag to get her own computer, so she naturally pressed Tong Zhenyu's desktop computer. This was the first time she had opened his desktop computer since she married him for three months.

However, it's a pity that Tong Zhenyu's desktop computer has a password. Well, she can't open her computer at all. In the end, she can only turn it off obediently.

As a last resort, I had to get up and get my notebook. I thought that being idle was also idle. Otherwise, I would go for a walk on the Internet and look at gossip news stories to kill time.

But who knows that when the computer was just turned on, she didn't have time to open the web page. Tong Zhenyu came back.

"Come on, let's go to the hospital for 'abortion'," Tong Zhenyu said to her faintly.

"This... Won't be found to be false?" Zijun looked at him with some worry.

"No," Tong Zhenyu naturally replied, "don't worry. Just go to the hospital ward and hang a bit of clothes. There won't be any surgery."

"That's good!" Zijun often breathed a sigh of relief.

Anyway, the great aunt came in the afternoon or evening. She had a miscarriage earlier. When she was found, she made jokes and gave people ridicule.

This time, Zijun didn't drive alone, but took Tong Zhenyu's car to the hospital, and Tong Zhenyu directly drove her to the recreation hospital.

Zijun hasn't heard of this hospital before. Of course, she hasn't heard of all private hospitals, because she hasn't stepped into a place like a private hospital since she was young.

In her understanding, private hospitals are those hospitals that cheat, have no conscience, no reputation and only care about money.

Therefore, when Tong Zhenyu led her to the private hospital, she instinctively frowned, and a heartfelt disgust came out of her heart.

"What's the matter?" Tong Zhenyu obviously felt that tower reading looked wrong, looked down at her and asked.

"It's all right," she shook her head and asked faintly, "can't you go to other hospitals? Such as municipal hospitals?"

Tong Zhenyu smiled at his words and whispered, "you're not really miscarrying, just pretending. The municipal hospital is estimated to be difficult to operate. Not to mention that the recreational hospital is a membership hospital, and ordinary people can't get in."

Membership hospital?

Zijun immediately opened her eyes. She had only heard of membership shopping malls, membership hotels, membership clubs and membership bars. This was the first time she had heard of membership hospitals.

"What do you mean, it's not a member of this hospital. People are dying in a car accident. I don't know it's a membership hospital. The wounded were sent, and the doctor didn't help them?"

Tong Zhenyu twitched at the corner of his mouth: "that's the matter of the emergency department. It's the doctor's bounden duty to treat the sick and save people. How can you refuse to save the dead? It's just that after the rescue, if you are willing to become a member, you will stay in this hospital for further treatment. If you are not willing, you will be transferred to other hospitals for treatment."

Khan dada, is this the legendary way to drive customers out of the door?

Well, it's the first time she's heard of such a hospital and entered it.

"But I'm not a member here." Zijun followed Tong Zhenyu to the door of the ward before he sounded it.

"I'm this member," Tong Zhenyu explained faintly. "It's OK to have a member in a family. You're my wife. Naturally, you can borrow my membership card."

"Well, rich people have to come to membership hospitals to see a doctor.

Tong Zhenyu asked her to wait in the ward first, while he went out. Soon, a nurse sent her sick clothes, asked her to change them quickly, and said to fill her medicine immediately.

When she went to the bathroom to change her sick clothes, the nurse had pushed the prepared medicine in. She looked at two large bottles of liquid and quickly asked, "what medicine did you hang for me?"

"A bottle of glucose, a bottle of vitamins." the nurse said faintly, then pulled up her hand, tied the rubber band and patted the back of her hand.

Her hand blood vessels are thin, so it is not so easy to get a needle. The nurse patted her hard for several times and patted the back of her hand blue, so she got a needle in.

"How long will I hang?" Zijun asked quickly when he saw the nurse hanging the drip bottle ready to go out.

"It usually takes more than two hours, but your blood vessels are thin and drip slowly. It's estimated to take three hours."

The nurse looked at her and said, "you are in poor health and need nutrition. You can't sleep in bed."

It's also true that she lies alone in this luxurious ward, lonely and lonely. She doesn't even have a speaker. It's better to sleep in the hospital bed.


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