Emerald mountain lake villa community, a single family villa named Ruoxi Pavilion.

Xu Ruoxi was lying in Tong Zhenyu's arms. She had cried like a tearful man. Her tears and snot wet Tong Zhenyu's white shirt, and her wrinkled clothes looked like a map.

"As like as two peas, don't cry," Tong Zhenyu's hand comforted her by her back. "Is it not a pair of shoes? If you want to buy a pair of shoes that are exactly the same, then we can go directly to the company to customize a pair of them."

Tong Zhenyu felt that Xu Ruoxi cried loudly because she didn't buy a pair of shoes. It's really a big fuss.

"It's not a question of a pair of shoes at all," said Xu Ruoxi, lying on Tong Zhenyu's shoulder, sobbing. "If it's another person today, I'll give it to her, but it's her. She robbed my husband, robbed my car, and crashed my car yesterday. Today, she even wants to rob me of a pair of shoes!"

Xu Ruoxi said here, tears fell down like broken beads again, looking at Tong Zhenyu sobbing and shouting: "brother Yu, this is not a problem with shoes, it's not a problem with a pair of shoes at all..."

Tong Zhenyu was silent immediately. Of course, he knew it was not just a pair of shoes.

He and Zhang Zijun have been husband and wife for more than three months. He knows something about her character.

Zhang Zijun looks like a petite and weak person, but she is soft when she meets soft and hard when she meets hard. Although he is not at the scene today, he can still imagine the scene.

If Ruoxi hadn't provoked her in some place or action, even if she wouldn't give up the shoes, she wouldn't have made such a big move.

Spend nine thousand nine on a pair of broken shoes!

Is this what Zhang Zijun said? If so, Zhang Zijun borrowed this pair of shoes to show him that their marriage is a pair of broken shoes!

At the same time, she also made it clear to him that even if it was a pair of broken shoes, she didn't intend to give it to others!

This problem is really a headache for him. The divorce with Zhang Zijun is far from as smooth as he expected!

The woman in her arms is still sobbing at this time. Maybe she hasn't coaxed such a tearful beauty like sister Lin for three years, or she has been trained impatiently by Zhang Zijun's careless character in the last three months.

At this moment, Xu Ruoxi was crying sadly in his arms. A delicate and delicate little face with pear flowers and rain deduced the delicacy to the extreme, but what came out of his heart was not pity but irritability.

Gently pull out the woman who is still crying in her arms with her hand. Then she said softly, "well, don't cry. I'll take you to eat River fresh food in the evening. Don't you like river fresh food in Wanlv Lake best?"

"Really?" Xu Ruoxi finally stopped crying, and a happy smile appeared on pear blossom's rainy face: "well, I'm going to eat the one in Dongcheng District head office. I remember the clamp fish inside is the best."

"OK, let's go to the head office in Dongcheng District." as long as Xu no one doesn't cry, although Dongcheng District is a little far from here, it's just more than ten minutes to drive anyway.


Lin Chengfei parked the car in the parking lot outside wanlvhu head office, and then looked at Tong Yuxin in the co driver's seat and said, "here we are."

Tong Yuxin nodded and looked at the sign of wanlvhu with neon lights outside the window. Then he opened the door and got off.

In fact, Lin Chengfei doesn't like river food very much. He prefers seafood. He thinks river food doesn't have the taste of seafood, especially freshwater fish.

But his wife Tong Yuxin likes to eat, and now Tong Yuxin is pregnant again and quarrels to come here to eat. Naturally, he doesn't dare to neglect when he is a husband, so he can only drive her over.

The hall was already full of people, because they came here temporarily and didn't set a position in advance, so they had to wait.

Tong Yuxin, who was just pregnant, was a little irritable and unwilling to wait. He was arguing with the welcome waiter at the door about this. When he looked up, he saw Tong Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi sitting near the window.

She immediately got excited, took Lin Chengfei's hand and walked towards Tong Zhenyu's table. She was also happy to say to Lin Chengfei, "don't wait now. The second uncle is over there?"

Lin Chengfei looked along Tong Yuxin's line of sight. Then he saw Tong Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi. His face sank immediately, and there was no reason to surge into an inexplicable anger in his heart.

"Second uncle, are you having dinner here with Miss Xu?" Tong Yuxin ran forward in high spirits and greeted Tong Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi with excitement on his face.

Tong Zhenyu nodded his head and looked at the two of them who suddenly came forward. He said faintly: "so coincidentally, you also come here for dinner?"

"Yes," Tong Yuxin completely ignored the indifference in Tong Zhenyu's tone and suggested looking at the empty position: "second uncle, can we sit at a table with you? We have to queue up now. It will take a long time to wait."

Before Tong Zhenyu could answer, Xu Ruoxi's face on the opposite side sank. She finally came out for dinner with Tong Zhenyu and chose the position by the window. Tong Yuxin unexpectedly ran to make trouble without interest?

"Yuxin, she's pregnant and doesn't want to wait," Lin Chengfei explained quickly for fear that Tong Zhenyu refused his wife.

"Then sit down. It's a family. What's polite?" Tong Zhenyu motioned Tong Yuxin and Lin Chengfei to sit down in the empty seat next to them.

Yuxin immediately sat down beside Xu Ruoxi and looked at Xu Ruoxi with a friendly greeting: "Miss Xu, you also like to eat River fresh?"

Xu Ruoxi nodded faintly. She knew Tong Yuxin, but she was unfamiliar, and she couldn't get warm with unfamiliar people, not to mention destroying the people who had dinner with Tong Zhenyu.

Lin Chengfei sat down beside Tong Zhenyu, looked at the empty last table and asked, "have you ordered?"

Tong Zhenyu said faintly: "I've ordered, but I'll order both of us. What do you want to eat? Order by yourself."

"OK, I'll call the waiter," Tong Yuxin said, waving the waiter, then opened the menu and leaned over to study what to order with Lin Chengfei.

Xu Ruoxi drank lemonade all her life. She looked unhappy. Even if she knew that Tong Yuxin was Tong Zhenyu's niece, she was still uncomfortable.

What an uninteresting woman! Xu Ruoxi judged Tong Yuxin in her heart, and then looked at Lin Chengfei who ordered the meal. She looked down on him more and more. It's just a little white face. What's the difference between a woman like Zhang Zijun?

One depends on a woman and the other depends on a man. No wonder they were lovers before. They have the same personality!


Dear friends, there's a Joe McGregor today. There's a watch around 10:30 p.m.

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