Tong Yuxin naturally didn't know that Xu Ruoxi had despised their husband and wife in his heart. Unexpectedly, he looked at Xu Ruoxi with a smile with a recipe and asked, "the clamp fish here is delicious. Have you just ordered it?"

After drinking water, Xu Ruoxi casually replied, "since it's a signature dish, do we have any reason not to order?"

"Oh, since you ordered, we'd better order other dishes." Tong Yuxin didn't care about Xu Ruoxi's cold attitude, turned her head and continued to study the menu with her husband Lin Chengfei.

Fortunately, the two people didn't study the menu for a long time, just a few minutes. They had just ordered the dishes, and the dishes ordered by Tong Zhenyu and Xu Ruoxi were brought up as expected.

"Wow, you ordered steamed Tongyu fish," Tong Yuxin excitedly picked up chopsticks. "I like Tongyu fish best."

Then she directly clamped the fish head into her plate with chopsticks and said to Lin Chengfei: "the fish head is the best. I'm just pregnant with a child. It's the time when the child develops his brain. I have to make it up."

Lin Chengfei nodded and echoed, "well, you should eat while it's hot. It's not delicious when it's cold."

Xu Ruoxi lowered her head and bit the chopstick head. The fish head was originally her favorite, but she didn't expect that Tong Yuxin robbed the dish as soon as it was brought to the table.

She was really unlucky today. Zhang Zijun robbed her shoes during the day and Tong Yuxin robbed her head at dinner at night. She has never been bullied like this.

If it wasn't for the niece of Tong Zhenyu that Tong Yuxin had just caught the fish head, she would have put her chopsticks out and stopped it. Why did she order?

Tong Zhenyu immediately took a piece of meat from the belly of the fish to Xu Ruoxi and comforted her: "the meat on the belly is the most delicate and has no thorns. Try it."

Xu Ruoxi looked at the white and tender fish on the plate, and then looked at Tong Zhenyu's gentle eyes. Finally, he nodded wisely, picked up the fish and sent it into his mouth.

Soon after this dish, other dishes followed, including Xu Ruoxi's favorite crab roe tofu and steamed shrimp eggs. Tong Yuxin didn't rob her of these two dishes, which made her feel a lot more comfortable.

Mingming is a family, but there is little communication when sitting together. Tong Zhenyu and Lin Chengfei have hardly talked, and Xu Ruoxi rarely speaks. He occasionally speaks to Tong Zhenyu.

Only Tong Yuxin didn't. She kept talking. She either asked Lin Chengfei to help her pick fish bones, or she was talking to Tong Zhenyu, and Tong Zhenyu should say one or two occasionally.

"I'm going to lie in the bathroom. Can Miss Xu accompany me?" Tong Yuxin stood up and looked at Xu Ruoxi with a friendly face: "there's water on the floor of the bathroom. I'm afraid of wrestling when I'm just pregnant."

Xu Ruoxi was stunned and didn't react. Tong Zhenyu nearby made a decision for her: "Ruoxi, go with Yuxin. It's very dangerous for pregnant women to wrestle."

Since Tong Zhenyu spoke, Xu Ruoxi was embarrassed to say it even if there were 120 unwilling in her heart, so she stood up and walked to the bathroom with Tong Yuxin.

As soon as the figures of Tong Yuxin and Xu Ruoxi disappeared at the corner of the corridor, Lin Chengfei 'Teng' stood up and became angry with Tong Zhenyu.

"Tong Zhenyu, what do you mean by * * *? Now that you are still married to Zijun, you openly swagger through the market with your new love? What do you think of Zijun?"

Tong Zhenyu didn't expect Lin Chengfei to make such a big fire, and he was still in public. His face immediately became gloomy and looked at Lin Chengfei coldly.

"Lin Chengfei, what do I think of Zhang Zijun? Can you manage it? Who are you? What right do you have to manage her affairs? Just take good care of Yuxin."

"What do you mean I can't control?" Lin Chengfei clapped his hand on the table angrily. Because he exerted too much force, the plates on the table banged and clattered immediately.

"I'm Zijun's brother. Why can't I take care of her affairs?" Lin Chengfei foamed at the mouth and waved his fist at Tong Zhenyu: "you hypocrite wearing human skin. If a beloved woman doesn't keep it well, you go to cheat your feelings. Now you marry Zijun and don't cherish it well, you

Lin Chengfei's punch was sudden, fast, urgent and cruel. Tong Zhenyu was close to him and couldn't dodge. He hit him on the shoulder with a punch.

This time, Tong Zhenyu was really hit by a fire. His gentlemanly demeanor was thrown aside. He waved his fist and hit him back. He hummed back coldly: "Lin Chengfei, you * * * are a mad dog. You only know how to bite people. Have you cherished her? You really care about her so much, how can you marry Yuxin? Why do you care about her so much, how can she marry me?"

"You're not a good thing yourself, but you pretend to count others? You don't have to look at yourself in the mirror?"

"Can my situation be the same as yours? You * * * know everything, so you put me in the same category as you..."

Lin Chengfei's fire is getting bigger and bigger, especially seeing that Tong Zhenyu takes care of Xu Ruoxi tonight, and Xu Ruoxi has a face with high similarity with Zijun. It's very uncomfortable to think that Zijun is doing doubles in recent months.

He betrayed Zijun, but in the years when he fell in love with Zijun, he never took Zijun as a substitute. Even now, Zijun is the only and irreplaceable part in his heart.

Because of the pain, he smashed Tong Zhenyu's fist again with more and more force, as if he wanted to vent all his dissatisfaction on Tong Zhenyu. He simply forgot that this was his wife's uncle.

Tong Zhenyu was greatly annoyed by Lin Chengfei. Lin Chengfei waved his fist and hit him. Naturally, he would not let him fight foolishly. Naturally, he would return with due respect.

Originally, the dishes and chopsticks on the table were still good. After a fight between them, the dishes and chopsticks quickly crackled and knocked, and even two plates, three plates and four bowls fell on the ground.

In the bathroom, Xu Ruoxi and Tong Yuxin are another scene.

Xu Ruoxi was not willing to accompany Tong Yuxin to the bathroom, so she was cold all the way, and didn't mean to talk to Tong Yuxin.

Of course, Xu Ruoxi is a young pianist. She has been used to being superior since childhood. She won't pay attention to ordinary people, especially those who don't need to please.

Tong Yuxin was originally a person with eyes on her head. She usually doesn't pay attention to anyone on weekdays, but this time she tolerated Miss Xu's arrogant attitude in order to please Xu Ruoxi.

"Miss Xu, do you want to marry my second uncle as soon as possible?" Tong Yuxin asked while washing her hands and looking at Xu Ruoxi in the mirror.


Today's four chapters are over. Tomorrow will be as early as possible. We won't let our relatives wait so late.

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