Mu Chuqing was the first to react, and suddenly turned her head to the side.

The lights in the elevator suddenly lit up at this time. Mu Chuqing's pierced eyes narrowed. When she opened them again, she pushed Sheng Yuchen away for the first time, and Sheng Yuchen did not intend to pester her anymore, and let her go in due course. Waist.

Chang Chu watched Sheng Yuchen loose Mu Chuqing from his arms and walked to her with a calm expression.

At this moment, she was still a little surprised and uncertain, a little face covered with tears was pale.

Her eyes swept back and forth between Sheng Yuchen and Mu Chuqing several times, her back was close to the elevator mirror behind her, her hands clenched into fists on the mirror.

At the moment of the accident, her fiance pushed her away for the first time and ran to another woman in panic.


He had never panicked before, but she had just truly realized his panic.

He was afraid of her being hurt, but did he care about her life or death? !

Chang Chu thought, his eyes looked at Mu Chuqing again, his expression full of resentment and viciousness.

The elevator door suddenly opened, and Xu Jun dragged Mu Chuqing from the elevator into his arms.

"Are you okay?!" There was a relieved sigh in the usual dangling voice at this moment.

The expression on Mu Chuqing's face suddenly relaxed, her body was a little collapsed, and she put her head on Xu Junyu's chest with a tired look.

"It's okay..."

Xu Junyu encircled her waist with one hand and stroked the top of her head with the other. There was a hint of worry in his beautiful peach blossom eyes. He bowed his head and kissed Mu Chuqing's hair.

"It's okay, I won't let you have anything in the future..."

As soon as the words were spoken, Mu Chuqing did not respond, but Xu Jun and herself were stunned.

How he...

Will say such words!

Xu Jun and his eyes looked down at the woman in their arms, their eyes turned from doubts to weird, and then the corners of their lips evoked an arc of self-deprecating.

Then came compromise.

Looking up, Sheng Yuchen walked out of the elevator around Chang Chu's waist and was standing in front of the elevator and looking here.

"Mr. Sheng, get together again when you have time, go slowly!"

Xu Junyu spoke towards Sheng Yuchen, and left with Mu Chuqing's waist.

Sheng Yuchen retracted his eyes, his expression introverted, and there was no expression.


Chang Chu put a hand gently on Sheng Yuchen's chest, raised his head, and looked at him pitifully with reddish eyes, his teary eyes dim, and his grievances and complaints against him were just right.

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows moved slightly, and with a slight force on his arm, he half-dragd Chang Chu towards the door.

Mu Chuqing was squeezed into the car by Xu Jun and he drove all the way. Mu Chuqing always turned his head to look out of the car window. There was no focus in her eyes, and she seemed to be thinking about something in a trance.

"Don't be afraid, I am here..."

Mu Chuqing still couldn't forget the thrilling scene just now. He actually left his Chang Chu aside and ran over to hold her...

Shouldn't he hate her?

Her heart was so depressed, a desolation spread to her limbs, causing her to shiver suddenly.

She reached out to hold her forehead, sighed, and finally adjusted her posture from the seat.


Xu Junyu spoke and turned to look at her.

Mu Chuqing exhaled, "This is the first time I encountered this kind of thing..."

Xu Junyu glanced at her, "Stop!"

Mu Chuqing turned his head to look at him suspiciously, Huo Yan stopped the car, and Xu Jun got out of the car and sat in the driving position.

"what are you doing?"

Mu Chuqing asked, but Xu Junyu stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.

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