Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 103: Cancel the marriage contract

"what are you doing?"

Mu Chuqing asked, but Xu Junyu stepped on the accelerator and rushed out.


After Sheng Yuchen sent Chang Chu home, he sat in the car and remained silent.

Silent all the way to the old house of the Sheng family, Sheng Yuchen still sat in the car.


The left wing had already opened the door for him and reminded him cautiously.

"Cancel the engagement banquet in two days!"

As Sheng Yuchen said, he got out of the car and stood by the car and stretched out his hands to untie the sleeves.

The left wing was taken aback for a moment, and then responded: "Yes!"

The left wing closed the car door, but Sheng Yuchen stopped him again.

"The news will be released the day after tomorrow!"

"it is good!"

The left wing watched Sheng Yuchen enter the door before exhaling in relief.

He said that he would be released the day after tomorrow because he was afraid that Miss Chang would pester him forever!

Shrugging, he got into the car and drove into the parking lot.

In the bathroom, Sheng Yuchen was half-naked, looking at the scratches on both sides of his waist in the mirror, deep in his dark eyes.


Xu Junyu's car drove fast, and finally stopped in front of a beach.

Xu Jun got off the car and pulled Mu Chuqing out of the car and walked to the beach.


Mu Chuqing turned to Xu Jun and smiled, "Thank you!"

She let go of Xu Junyu's hand, bent over, took off her shoes and threw them behind her, walked a few steps barefoot, and finally stopped.

The sea breeze at night seemed to be stronger than during the day. Mu Chuqing stood there, the sea water hit her exposed calf, the sea breeze came with a salty and wet breath, and Mu Chuqing’s clothes were scraped "whooping" , The head-to-head haircut is also messy at the moment.

Xu Junyu looked at her quietly behind her, fixedly looking at the woman with a pair of beautiful eyes.

She stood quietly between the two car lights, her clothes swaying in the wind, and her body was thinner and thinner. Her head was flat on the surface of the sea, as if looking into the distance, but her eyes were dark and she could see. To what?

The gentleness and sadness that radiated from the inside out made Xu Junyu's heart shrink.

He slowly approached Mu Chuqing, put his suit on her shoulders, and then suddenly pulled Mu Chuqing into his arms.

"What are you thinking about? I brought you here to let you vent, not to make you daze!"

Xu Junyu's tone was bad, and there was a trace of irritation in his brown eyes.

But Mu Chuqing faced the sea and put his head on Xu Junyu's shoulders.

"Xu Junyu, can the sea really take away the troubles?"

"do not know!"

Xu Jun was a little stiff with his tone. He was used to Mu Chuqing gnawing him, biting her, beating him, and facing him, but he couldn't get used to standing alone like her to hurt the spring and the autumn.

Not familiar and don't want to be familiar.

Mu Chuqing laughed out loud and straightened up from his shoulders.

"Then why did you bring me to the beach?"

There was a trace of embarrassment across Xu Junyu's face, but it was only a flash.

He suddenly laughed, stretched out his hand to hug her in his arms, let her body fit tightly against him, and the handsome face slowly approached her, overflowing with an evil and ambiguous voice.

"You don't know men too much, three shifts and three nights, when you were taken to a deserted place by a man, what do you say you want to do?"

Mu Chuqing frowned, "You really don't want this nose, right?"

"What's a nose? You can also be a ghost under the peony flower!"

Mu Chuqing pushed him away, "Sorry, I am not Peony!"

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