Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 112: Announce the winning bid

Astonishment flashed in Sheng Yuchen's dark eyes, but Mu Chuqing smiled deeply at her, spraying warm breath on his face, slowly leaning to his ear, and whispering:

"love me?"

Sheng Yuchen's eyes flashed, and he looked at Mu Chuqing deeply.

However, Mu Chuqing looked at Chang Chu in a blink of an eye. Seeing Chang Chu's obviously sordid expression, the sneer on her face became more serious.

"In order to save me, I did not hesitate to push my fiancée out. Whether you love it or not, I think I still need to reward you!"

After speaking, Mu Chuqing stood on tiptoe and gently kissed Sheng Yuchen's face.

Sheng Yuchen's eyes darkened instantly, and the hand holding Mu Chuqing's waist became even more tight.

Seeing that Chang Chu's eyes were splitting at this moment, Mu Chuqing felt a little more relaxed in her heart. He threw away Sheng Yuchen's hand, retreated from his arms, turned and left the dance floor.

Sheng Yuchen's eyebrows deepened, and he watched Mu Chuqing leave with a gloomy face.

Seeing Mu Chuqing leaving, Chang Chu also threw away the man's hand and threw himself into Sheng Yuchen's arms.

"Chen~ how can she..."

However, Sheng Yuchen didn't even look at her. He said "tired" and pushed Chang Chu away and walked out of the dance floor.

Chang Chu's eyes burst with anger, Xiuquan clenched tightly, and his whole body trembled with force.

The middle-aged man who had just wiped her a lot of oil just smiled and leaned forward, "Miss, can't you still jump!"

"Uncle Jump!" Chang Chu glared at him, angrily dropped a word, turned and left the dance floor.

At the end of the dancing time, President Wang of Longteng Construction took an envelope and walked onto the stage, standing in front of the microphone, as if presenting awards to the movie king, saying thank you everyone for supporting the same-sounding words, and finally took out the envelope and announced the company that won the bid.

Tensive music filled the entire venue, and Mu Chuqing held up the wine glass in her hand and took a graceful sip.

"Can it work? How sure are you!" Xu Jun and the ruffian's voice sounded beside Mu Chuqing. Mu Chuqing smiled, and touched Xu Jun with the wine glass in his hand.

"Of course, trust me!|"

"The one who finally won the investment in the'Mirage' project was--"

The music in the hall suddenly disappeared, and everyone was holding their breath and waiting for the answer.

at last--

"Changshi Trading! A warm welcome, everyone, congratulations to Changshi."

Mu Chuqing's eyebrows suddenly wrinkled, and her hand holding the goblet became even more white.

"Don't be discouraged, there will always be better projects waiting for you!"


Faced with Xu Jun and the lame comfort, Mu Chuqing did not respond.

Watching Chang Chu proudly straighten his back and walk up the stage to shake hands with President Wang, in front of the reporter's flashing light just now, with a winner's smile, he looked at Mu Chuqing contemptuously.

The hand hanging to his side was suddenly held, Mu Chuqing turned his head, Xu Junyu held her hand.

"Baby, don't be discouraged, it's understandable that you don't have experience the first time, you have done well enough!"

good enough?

Not really!

Mu Chuqing laughed. He didn't expect this **** to still know how to comfort people, but the level is really not good!

"You are really not suitable for comforting people like this!"

Mu Chuqing looked helpless.

Xu Jun paused with his expression, and then approached her with a wicked smile on his face.

"Naturally, I have a skill to comfort you, do you want to try?"

Mu Chuqing naturally knew that he was playing his romantic style again, and pulled her hand back from his.

At this time, Chang Chu walked towards Mu Chuqing's style...

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