Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 113: Self-eating 1

Mu Chuqing naturally knew that he was playing his romantic style again, and pulled her hand back from his.

At this time, Chang Chu walked towards Mu Chuqing's style...

"Sorry, Chu Qing, it seems that this time, I won again!"

Chang Chu had a pure and sweet smile on his face, but when he said the word "you", he deliberately bit the sound.

Mu Chuqing stared at her coldly, her eyes bursting with strong hatred.

"Don't be smug too early!"

Chang Chu smiled brilliantly, "Chu Qing, don't be like this, I would think you are irritated by losing this competition. Commercial competition! Hey wait a minute..."

Chang Chu suddenly stopped the waiter who was walking by them, and the waiter handed the wine on the tray to the three people.

Chang Chu took the wine glass with a smile and inadvertently glanced at the waiter. Seeing the waiter with a calm smile on his face, she turned her head to look at Xu Jun and He Mu Chuqing and raised the wine glass.

"Should you two congratulate me?"

"Naturally, to be able to get such a large project, Chang's must be taken to the next level! Congratulations!"

There was a dim stream of light in Xu Junyu's eyes blinking, and they clinked glasses with Chang Chu, and the two of them took a sip.

"Chu Qing, in any case, I won such a big winner tonight. As a good friend for many years, you are really so stingy, not even a word of congratulations!"

A deep disappointment flashed in Chang Chu's eyes.


Mu Chuqing snorted coldly, but still ignored him.

Chang Chu retracted his eyes with sorrow, and glanced at Xu Junyu with a little embarrassment. His eyes were misty and pitiful and pitiful.

Xu Junyu cast her a charming smile and turned to Mu Chuqing and said:

"Baby, don't be so stingy, you think Miss Chang has compromised like this..."

Mu Chuqing looked up at him bitterly.

Could it be that he was also bewildered by Chang Chu just for a while?

Xu Jun and the eyes that were suddenly shot by Mu Chuqing choked, and drew Mu Chuqing closer to them, "Don't be angry, baby, I am also kind, you are friends after all..."

Mu Chuqing frowned tighter, and looked at Xu Jun and innocently blinked at her with those peachy eyes.

There was a flash of irritation in Mu Chuqing's eyes, but she felt that the big hand on her waist was secretly tampering with her skin. She looked up and saw Xu Junyu wink her eyes secretly.

The anger in his eyes turned into doubt, Xu Junyu quickly said:

"be good!"

Mu Chuqing raised her eyebrows, looking helpless.

Holding the wine glass, he clashed with Chang Chu against his will.

"Emotions are thin, can't drink! Deep feelings, a boring mouth! Two, it's time to test friendship!"

Xu Junyu said another thing next to him, Chang Chu's smile deepened, holding the glass, raised his head and drank all the red wine in the glass!

But Mu Chuqing only took a sip, then ignored Chang Chu, and dragged Xu Junyu to the corner.

"What the **** are you doing?"

Xu Junyu smiled mysteriously, "I will show you a good show in a while to relieve my boredom!"

Mu Chuqing squinted her eyes, a coldness flashed in her eyes.

Upon seeing this, Xu Junyu lowered his head and dropped a kiss in her ear.

"Baby, you are so smart!"

Mu Chuqing snorted coldly and spread out her hands.

"take it out!"



Xu Jun and pursing their lips, with ugly expressions, stuffed a sealed transparent small plastic bag from the pocket of the suit into Mu Chuqing's hand.

"Women are sometimes too smart and bad!"

Mu Chuqing squeezed the bag in her hand and looked around the venue for a week.

Finally lock on the man who has been spinning around Chang Chu since that dance ended...

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