Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 114: Self-eating 2

Mu Chuqing squeezed the bag in her hand and looked around the venue for a week.

Finally lock on the man who has been spinning around Chang Chu since that dance ended...

He seemed to have introduced himself to himself before. Before he started a mining company and started a real estate company. A typical upstart, he seems to be called Zhang Dafa!

Mu Chuqing raised her eyebrows, and her eyes fell on Chang Chu, who was smiling not far away.

Such a despicable three-indiscriminate trick is indeed your Chang Chu!

But this time, I will definitely not make you feel better!

Mu Chuqing turned around, opened the plastic bag, and poured the powder inside into his cup.


Xu Junyu had some liver tremors, and the amount of this bag would have to be used five or six times. She poured it in all at once. Which hapless guy was going to die!

But Mu Chuqing didn't even look at him, and walked towards the middle-aged man with wretched aura behind Chang Chu.

Zhang Dafa was staring fiercely at Chang Chu, Mu Chuqing walked over quietly, standing behind the waiter, Zhang Dafa did not notice.

Chang Chu has been staring at Mu Chuqing's actions secretly, and can't wait to see her jokes. Seeing that Mu Chuqing is no longer standing there, he turned to look for Mu Chuqing's figure. Zhang Dafa was afraid that the peeping would be discovered, so he turned around in a panic. , Just hit Mu Chuqing.

Immediately afterwards, the wine glass in Zhang Dafa's hand fell to the ground with a "slap".

Many people looked at them, including Chang Chu and Sheng Yuchen.

Mu Chuqing covered her mouth and apologized:

"Sorry, I didn't mean it!"

Originally, the man's face was extremely ugly, but when he looked up and saw Mu Chuqing's cold and bright face, the anger in his heart disappeared instantly.

Mu Chuqing put the wine glass in her hand on the tray of the waiter next to her, and said, "Is it spilled on your body? If there is, I will definitely pay you!"

The man shook his head repeatedly, "No no! Hehe!"

Mu Chuqing took a breath, turned around and took a glass of wine from the waiter's tray and handed it to the man, and then took a glass of wine by herself.

"Dong Zhang, forgive me!"

As soon as he heard Mu Chuqing remembered him, Zhang Dafa smiled and took the wine glass. Seeing Mu Chuqing raised his head and drank all the wine in the glass.

His eyes lit up, and he hurriedly raised his arms and drank a drop of wine from the glass.

Mu Chuqing watched Zhang Dafa's throat shrugged and finished drinking, then raised her eyes and glanced at Chang Chu.

"I wonder if Dong Zhang has time? I want to chat with you alone!"

"Talk alone? Yes! Of course!"

Unable to ask for it, Zhang Dafa quickly agreed.

Mu Chuqing smiled, looked around, her face was embarrassed, she pretended to think for a while, and suddenly realized.

"When I came I saw a garden next to the fountain..."

Zhang Dafa's loose corners of eyes caused by excessive indulgence were instantly flattened, "The garden is good, the garden is good!"

Mu Chuqing nodded and led Zhang Dafa out of the venue one after another.

As Chang Chu watched them leave, his eyes instantly became ecstatic.

She guessed that Mu Chuqing's medicine must have worked, and she eagerly found a man for a private meeting!


Chang Chu's eyes were wide open, his chest undulated violently, and his face was flushed.

She must let Chen witness that scene with her own eyes, and stop thinking about that woman at all.

She couldn't wait to turn around to look for Sheng Yuchen's figure, but she scanned the venue for a whole circle and she didn't find Sheng Yuchen's figure.

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