Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1298: You are sick, you have to be cured!

He glanced at the only cookie left in the bag, and finally took it in his hand...

No matter how beautiful her face is, she can't move her at this moment.

The moment he picked up the last cookie!

She stared angrily at the handsome man on the opposite side, but watched him take a look at her. Perhaps her eyes were so angry and sharp that he thought she cared too much about the biscuit, so he took it temporarily. The heart of compassion curled her lips slightly, split the cookie in her hand into two, and handed it to her.

She immediately flushed with anger, picked up her schoolbag and stood up, and yelled at him, "You are sick! Get cure!" Finally, she rushed out of the coffee shop.

She didn't look at the man's expression, but that face was so handsome that she couldn't remember it.

Back in the school dormitory, the schoolbag was already drenched in the rain. When she poured out the contents of the schoolbag, she was immediately dumbfounded.

The cookies she bought lay there intact.

Only then did she remember that she never took out her cookies from her schoolbag from beginning to end.

Then what she just ate was...

She really hit the wall back then.

Because of that person, she recognized that he was the man of the school, Pei Anzhi.

Unexpectedly, he was actually like Pei Anzhi, a Pei Anzhi who could actually eat cookies, or a Pei Anzhi who was so stingy that he would not even give her a cookie.

Ye Susu laughed suddenly, but the tears flowed more and more violently.

She had never mentioned that matter to Pei Anzhi.

Since that incident, she has never eaten cookies in her life.

Although it is related to Pei Anzhi, that is the dark history she most wants to destroy.

The embarrassing first encounter, the sorrow after awakening, the involuntary attention at the end, and the feeling that quietly changed.

That's how she got stuck step by step, hopelessly stupid.

It is said that she is reluctant to look at the people and things she has identified at a glance, and it is always frightening to be persistent.

Maybe that's it.

Ye Susu let herself cry heartbreakingly.

She gave up the most important thing, she was sad, she needed to vent.

After venting, she, still Ye Susu, needed to re-plan her life, a life without Pei Anzhi.

However, before she was relieved from her grief, the phone rang.

She paused, fearing that there will be follow-ups soon after the press conference. In short, it is better to make sure that the company is foolproof.

But the caller ID showed her mother who was far away in Fucheng.

She sighed and adjusted her emotions. It was broadcast live in all media. It is impossible for her mother to be unaware. She was afraid that her mother was worried. While holding the cup, she got up to pour water and yelled pretendingly, "Mom!"

"Susu..." Su Yao's voice on the phone was tired, with a bit of vicissitudes.

Ye Susu thought she was caring about the divorce she had just announced, and smiled slightly, "Mom..."

"Susu, something happened to your cousin..."

"What?" Ye Susu was confused. It turned out that her mother didn't seem to know about her.

"..." Su Yao said something on the phone, Ye Susu's face turned pale, and finally, after hearing the explosion, Doudou's life or death was unknown, and Mu Chuqing was missing, the cup in his hand fell in response. , The glass broke to the ground.

Cousin's accident, Doudou's life or death is unknown, what's the matter?

Her head buzzed, and the emotions that had just been forced down easily overflowed.

At the time of fragility, these layers of blows left Ye Susu with no master.

"Mom...I...I'll go back soon!"

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