Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1299: Why not come back

Announcing the divorce from Pei Anzhi was completely a matter of cutting first and then playing. What she faced later was to go back to Pei’s old house and give him an explanation.

But now, she has no time.

There is no thought to face the entanglement brought by the other side of the relationship.

Climbing upstairs with a pale face, digging out his passport, grabbing two pieces of clothes at random, and walking out.


When Pei Anzhi came out of the hotel, the cool car happened to stop in front of the hotel.

"Brother Ann!"

Pei Anzhi stopped, turned his head and watched Liang Luo being supported by his assistant walking towards him.

Shanhei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he stood there, unable to hide his innate coldness and preciousness.

Liang Luo approached, holding her lower lip, and finally whispered, "Brother An, are you going back to China now?"


Pei Anzhi walked towards the parked car, but Liang Luo jumped forward two times anxiously, staggered, and suddenly rushed to Liang Qihan's shoulder.

"It hurts..." Liang Luo's crying voice sounded after himself, with some grievances and caution.

Pei Anzhi still turned around, and his deep black eyes lowered his head to look at Liang Luo's slightly protruding toe, reached out to grasp Liang Luo's wrist, and took her hands away from her arm without a trace. .

"Recover well, and return to China when you recover."

Liang Luo red eyes and looked at Pei Anzhi pitifully, "Brother An, is your work finished?"


Pei Anzhi raised his eyes slightly and glanced coldly at the assistant next to Liang Luo. The assistant stiffened, his scalp numb, and he hurried forward and took Liang Luo's arm.

"rest well."

Pei Anzhi's gaze was placed on Liang Luo's face again. The gaze had no deep meaning. The assistant on the side didn't understand it, but Liang Luo pressed his lips tightly and didn't speak any more.


After more than ten hours, Pei Anzhi returned to the villa directly.

However, it was not the woman who promised to wait for him at home to greet him, but the Pei family in a room.

Seeing him coming back, Old Man Pei raised his head, his slightly muddy eyes squinted at Pei Anzhi, his eyes were self-evidently angry.

"Press conference, all media, live webcast, you can really toss!" Old man Pei was furious, staring at the expressionless Pei Anzhi.

"Dad, you can't tell Anzhi about this, and it's not that Anzhi asked her to hold a press conference!" Mother Pei said quickly. The father really likes Ye Susu's granddaughter-in-law, but now that Ye Susu is not there, this sentence is full of blame. Naturally, it is aimed at Anzhi.

Elder Pei is angry now, if she doesn't say something...

Didn’t all the tea cups and crutches in Father Pei’s hand fall on An Zhi?

Pei Anzhi remained silent, letting a few people say.

Mother Pei’s words were exchanged for another moment of condensation in the air in the living room. Mother Pei squeezed her palms and made plans for the old man to give up his anger to her, but the old man did not attack, but asked calmly :

"Why didn't you rush back yesterday?"

Pei Anzhi frowned slightly, and finally walked to the sofa and sat down, pulling off his tie irritably.

Unsurprisingly, his tie was knotted halfway, he paused, his eyelids drooped, and his long eyelashes covered the look in his eyes.

After a while, he raised his hand, almost outraged, pulled the tie off his head, threw it aside, and went to unbutton the shirt before it.

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