Liang Luo woke up in three hours.

Minor concussion, bleeding on the forehead, excessive shock.

He almost woke up from a nightmare, his face pale and tears streaming down his face.

When Liang Qihan and Pei Anzhi entered the ward under the doctor's notice, Liang Luo plunged into Liang Qihan's arms and cried bitterly.

Pei Anzhi stood still, pursing his lips.

Although Liang Qihan hated the cold, but this kind of thing really happened, he was still distressed and fearful in his heart.

"Hey, it's all right." Liang Qihan comforted softly, stroking Liang Luo's hair.

For a while in the room, it was just a sobbing sound that was getting smaller and smaller, and there was also the soft comfort of Liang Qihan.

Pei Anzhi has been standing by the window, his brows are deeply furrowed, his face is calm, but he has become a little impatient.

It wasn't until the doctor looked at Liang Luo's situation again that there was nothing serious about it, and even after the scars that might be left on his forehead were sure that there was a way to completely eliminate them, he said lightly, "I'm leaving now."

There were some tears in Liang Luo's beautiful eyes, looking at Pei Anzhi, timidly with deep grievances,

"...Brother An..."

Liang Luo shouted in a low voice, but tears fell swiftly.

Pei Anzhi stopped and looked at Liang Luo indifferently.

"Brother, I want to drink milk." Liang Luo looked at Liang Qihan, pleading in his tone.

Liang Qihan understood, nodded, said "I'll buy it for you", and then left the ward.

When the door of the ward was closed, Liang Luo leaned against the head of the bed, sniffed, and couldn't stop the tears.

There was silence in the ward, almost five minutes of silence.

In the end, it was Pei Anzhi who spoke first.


As soon as Pei Anzhi's words fell, Liang Luo was silent for two seconds, and suddenly burst into tears.

The cry was obviously a little bit stern, Pei Anzhi looked down, and the lip line was tight.

"You know, I arranged the scandals in France."


"You know, I didn't accidentally fall off the runway."


"After I fell off the runway, I was taken to the hospital. You knew that the reporters who followed me were around the entrance of the hospital, but you had to enter the hospital in front of the reporters in front of the reporters.

Pei An's eyebrows moved, "Not all."

"Not all?"

Liang Luo had no blood on his beautiful face, with four words, acquiescing to the first two, and acknowledging the cruelest reality.

She trembled her lips, raised her crying flushed face and looked at Pei Anzhi, "Who is the one who hit me?"

"..." Pei Anzhi was silent again. After that, he said, "Since it's okay, there is no need to know the extra things, he has been arrested."

Liang Luo bit her lip, shaking uncontrollably.

"The man said, "I'm your woman, they're going to take me away, and they're going to ruin me... They also have to set up a camera to film those restricted-level scenes... It makes you feel painful The taste of...oooo..."

"Brother An, why, why do you treat me so cruelly, don't you love me the most? Ah? Why?"

Liang Luo had already spoken incoherently, with a thousand words, and seemed to only want to ask why.

Facing Liang Luo's reluctance, Pei Anzhi took a deep breath and said,

"If this is not the case, I am not sure how Hou Qi will treat Susu! Maybe, he will really treat her like you said!"

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