Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1314: Peace of mind

"If this is not the case, I am not sure how Hou Qi will treat Susu! Maybe, he will really treat her like you said!"

The cry stopped abruptly, and even the breathing stopped halfway.

Liang Luo's mind was blank for a moment, and he stared at Pei Anzhi blankly.


Leaf Susu?

"Are you... screaming at you, Brother An? You pushed me to the cusp of the storm, just to get them to transfer their target from Ye Susu to me?"

Pei Anzhi stretched out his hand and closed his eyes, stretched out his hand and pinched the center of his eyebrows, looking tired.

"I won't let you do anything, you are in France, they can't do anything to you."

"But I have become like this now, and I was almost taken away by them to become the heroine of ****!" Liang Luo suddenly roared, his pretty face stained with hideousness.

"You are okay now. The police-inspector rescued you, they were arrested, and there will be nothing to do in the future. I am sorry about this. Just say what you want, and I will try to make up for you."

"Aren't you divorced from Ye Susu? Didn't you indulge in the scandal between me and you? Then continue to follow the boat and marry me." Liang Luo's face was full of mockery.

Make up, until now, what else can make up for the broken heart that was hurt by him?

Hearing this, Pei Anzhi frowned obviously unpleasantly, his slightly constricted eyelids finally lifted, and there was a cold light in his dark eyes.

"Impossible, never possible! I have said these words too many times. What is good about me..."

"But I love you, I want to be with you, is it wrong?"

A crack split on Pei Anzhi's handsome face, and his eyes were filled with icy cold light, and he shot directly at Liang Luo, his tone almost cruel.

"It's right that you love me, and it's right that you want to be with me. What's wrong is that I don't love you, and I don't want to be with you. If you didn't use those little tricks in France, maybe you didn't I will definitely lie in the hospital. Cool, for so many years, I admit that the only thing I am sorry about you is this."

"..." Liang Luo's eyes widened and looked at Pei Anzhi incredulously. His pale lips didn't know what to say for a while.

He doesn't love her, he doesn't want to be with her?

It was cruel, no matter how many times he rejected him, his heart still hurt like a knife that was sharper than a sharper.

All this seems to be her own responsibility.

The scandal was controlled by her. She fell from the T stage to allow him to come to the hospital to accompany him. He never did anything. He just followed her step by step according to her arrangements and her expectations. She designed the script in advance.

Tears rolled out like broken beads, one after another, Liang Luo didn't know what expression she was facing at Pei Anzhi at the moment, but she clenched the quilt hand tightly, her lips trembling. , The body is shaking like a sieve.

Pei Anzhi sighed for a long time, and finally spoke:

"Forget it! Liangluo, I can't give you what you want to make up for! You don't have to forgive me, no matter if you blame me or hate me, just stop saying you love me!"

After speaking, Pei Anzhi looked at Liang Luo's tear-stained face and turned and walked towards the door.

"Brother An!!" Liang Luo returned to his senses, looking at Pei Anzhi's back, screaming in horror

Pei Anzhi stopped, turned around, ignored the expression on Liang Luo's face, and spoke directly:

"Warning, stay safe, don't put your ideas on Ye Susu."

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