Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1330: What an answer

"Don't worry, I have someone guarding there."

Ye Susu gritted her teeth, "Aren't you planning to let me leave tonight?"

"Why do you think I have to endure the smell of urine for more than twenty hours?"

Ye Susu frowned, his expression was a little hesitating, and he glanced at the bed sheet, and his face sank immediately.

He expected that she would not ignore him.

He calculated her!

"Pei Anzhi, you are humble..."

Ye Susu stared at Pei Anzhi, yelling at Pei Anzhi, but Pei Anzhi lowered his head and suddenly sealed his lips.

Ye Susu pushed Pei Anzhi's shoulders, resisted, and murmured that he was so easily fooled by him.

"You let go..."

The brain went blank for an instant, and Pei Anzhi took the opportunity to get in, and the tip of her tongue was already rolled into his mouth, sucking and sucking.

The light in the room was very bright, the curtains were drawn on the windows, the restless heat was flowing in the quiet air, and the ambiguous voice sounded faintly in the bedroom.

Ye Susu has been writhing restlessly, and her strength is gradually taken away, Pei Anzhi has always refused to let her go.

Until Pei An's kisses were enough, she gradually let go of her.

Ye Susu was holding his chest, his eyes were flushed red, and the surface was covered with misty water mist, breathing fresh air slightly.

The chin was lifted, Pei Anzhi leaned over, and pecked her lips gently, one after another.

Ye Susu's eyes kept staring at Pei Anzhi's face. In those beautiful eyes, without her most common coldness and indifference, she never dared to imagine that these eyes could be so gentle when looking at her.

Who can refuse such tenderness, what she has longed for for so many years.

Ye Susu suddenly put a hand on Pei Anzhi’s shoulder, her black eyes staring at Pei Anzhi’s eyes,

"Chance, the last time. If there are still problems between us, Anzhi, promise me that when that time comes, we must divorce."

Ye Susu's eyes were too serious, locked Pei Anzhi tightly, not letting go of any of his small expressions.

However, Pei An’s expression is not unusual, which makes Ye Susu a little relieved.

But when Pei Anzhi’s face is a little bit strange, she might really be crying,

"Thank you."

Pei Anzhi straightened up and said such a sentence completely nonsensical, leaving Ye Susu completely confused.

"What?" she asked.

Pei Anzhi hooked her lips, Junxiu raised her delicate brows, and put one arm on the bed, but her right hand unbuttoned her shirt little by little.

Ye Susu looked down at the movement of that slender hand, his breathing slowly became rush, and his chest was rising and falling with his breathing, holding the snow-white sheets under him with both hands, his body stiffened nervously.

When the last button was picked off, Ye Susu was suffocated with breath and raised his eyes, only to see Pei Anzhi looking at her with a smile.

Hard work...

What kind of answer is this?

She still couldn't hide her shame, reaching out her hand in an attempt to close the shirt that had been opened.

Bra was suddenly pushed up, Ye Susu suddenly exclaimed, and her whole person was shrouded in a black shadow.

When the wet-hot kiss fell on her jaw, collarbone, shoulders, chest, and hands, Ye Susu's body suddenly trembled, and a familiar tingling sensation instantly rushed through her body.

The feeling seemed to be tightly attached to the surface of her skin, and a slight touch would magnify that feeling infinitely.

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