Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1331: Always thinking of you

The feeling seemed to be tightly attached to the surface of her skin, and a slight touch would magnify that feeling infinitely.

Ye Susu finally held Pei Anzhi's head passionately, and passed his ten fingers through his thick hair. Everything was real. It was clearly in her. He already had this man...

Regarding what Liang Luo had said to him, the only thing Pei Anzhi felt right was that the instinct could explain everything.

Although this may sound funny at first, it feels very applicable to him.

He has also been pushed by others to watch some videos, saying that he didn’t feel it, but it was not at all. After all, he was still a normal man.

However, he still feels dirty, he hates women's head-scratching poses, and shamelessly poses in various large-scale poses, unbearable.

He never touches women, and there are women who have posted them. He has thought about trying, but when he thinks that the body wrapped under that set of glamorous clothes will pose those postures that disgust him, he never stops. There is no such urge.

He doesn't touch women, but there is a wife who has to touch him.

This is the last thing he wants to face.

He didn't know whether the divorce agreement he threw to her as soon as he got married was because he really wanted to set her free, or because he wanted to find a reasonable reason for not touching a woman.

Then, she took care of him, was considerate, sensible, well-behaved, gentle and beautiful, clean and generous, and cared about his affairs in every possible way, no matter how big or small, he did not reject her, he seemed to have discovered this recognition a little late.

If he really rejected her, then why could he willingly share his cookies with her in the first place.

As an excuse, on the sixth day of every month, he can finally meet her, only to prove that he does not reject her.

He likes the faint fragrance of her body with the same smell of wormwood as his body, the softness and warmth of her body, and the way she looks emotional every time because of him.

Ye Susu's tight body became limp under Pei Anzhi's push-pull, and Pei Anzhi's patience at the moment was almost at its limit.

The intimacy of the two people without a gap, the throbbing that came out of their hearts is indescribable,

She squeezed her body almost every time, forcing him to wander on the verge of losing control every time.

Looking at Ye Susu's flushing and misty expression, Pei Anzhi lowered his head and kissed her red lips, feeling her body relaxed again, Pei Anzhi suddenly approached her, pressed close to her ears, breathing hot and scary.

"I missed you the first night in France."

The voice coming from his throat was infinitely charming and sexy, and Ye Susu's heart was beating wildly, subconsciously holding Pei An even tighter...

Once again, he said, Pei Anzhi, don’t let me be a joke again and again because of you,


For the next two days, Ye Susu stayed in the hospital, Pei Anzhi also accompanied Ye Susu.

Pei Anzhi's expression also changed slightly when he first saw Doudou on the hospital bed.

Such a small child, even just reaching his knees, lay there lifelessly, full of pipes.

Internal organ rupture, this is a pain that even a normal adult can't bear. Now it is a bit too much for a child to bear this.

Although he doesn't really like the children, he has something to do with Ye Susu, and he looks really cute.

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