Ye Susu blinked and swallowed his saliva. He just wanted to speak, but Pei Anzhi took the lead and took the lead. At the beginning, it was a fierce attack...

Wherever Ye Susu was fighting, he only hated that he couldn't judge the situation and was too proud for a while.

"Slow... slower..."

"Are you begging me?" Pei Anzhi chuckled and returned the sentence to Ye Susu intact.

Since then, Ye Susu has been able to understand two things.

The first thing is to never try to make a man surrender in this kind of thing, Pei Anzhi can't surrender anyone.

The second thing is that the man at this time is as small as the tip of a needle, perhaps Pei Anzhi is not big in the ordinary mind.

Be careful, otherwise you have to bear the corresponding consequences.

Like she is now.

"En, please...slow down..." Ye Susu whimpered and asked, her voice soft as a cat meowing.

Pei Anzhijun’s beautiful and clean face was covered with crystal sweat. He looked at the little woman with her eyes closed and flushed, and said:

"It seems... late!"

Pei Anzhi is obviously red eyes, slow down, is this just a joke?

It's difficult to control, and I don't want to.

Ye Susu bit her lips tightly and opened her slightly closed eyes, looking at him pitifully.

Pei Anzhi gritted her teeth, this **** woman, doesn't she really know what she looks like the most-human?

I wanted to arouse Pei Anzhi's compassion, but in exchange for a wave of torture.

"No more, I don't want it..."

Ye Susu was really frightened, rubbing his body to get away from Pei Anzhi, but was dragged back by Pei Anzhi's waist.

"Anzhi...husband, it won't work...please..."

Ye Susu is really going to cry, if she really knows the end, she will not provoke Pei Anzhi to death.

Pei Anzhi lowered his head and kissed Ye Susu's lips, with a gentle mouth, "Good, bear with me, do you know how much I miss you? Huh?"

Ye Susu gasped in a low voice, and when he heard Pei An's words thinking about her between the lines, a piece of honey-like sweetness suddenly surged in his heart.

She is also an ordinary woman who can no longer be ordinary. One or two sweet words will always make them happy for a long time, willing to give everything away.

Climbing up on Pei Anzhi's shoulders amidst the bumps, he changed a few positions abruptly, and finally begged for mercy again and again.

"No more..."

"Husband, enough..."

"No more..."

It wasn't until Ye Susu's hum and haw that he couldn't say a complete sentence anymore, Pei Anzhi reluctantly let go of her. She opened her eyes in a daze to look at Pei Anzhi, doubting in her heart, and said with difficulty, voice There was a nasal sound in the laziness, and an ambiguous hoarse sound.

"what happened?"

"..." Pei Anzhi looked at her and didn't speak temporarily.

Ye Susu closed his eyes slightly, raised his hand to hook Pei Anzhi's neck, and used a bit of force, but it didn't work. Pei Anzhi hugged her waist and hugged her, only to find that her body was as soft as water.

Although Ye Susu was confused, she still knew that Pei Anzhi hadn't been released yet, and realized that he might take care of herself, and she was moved and distressed. She never wanted to make Pei Anzhi uncomfortable, but this was the baby she cared for.

She leaned her head weakly on Pei Anzhi's shoulder, fumbled and took the initiative to sit down.

Pei Anzhi snorted, hugged her out of bed and walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, hot water was sprayed on the two of them instantly, Ye Susu sighed comfortably, and was pressed by Pei Anzhi in front of the bathroom mirror.

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