Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1370: Not hooked

Pei Anzhi snorted, hugged her out of bed and walked into the bathroom, turned on the shower, hot water was sprayed on the two of them instantly, Ye Susu sighed comfortably, and was pressed by Pei Anzhi in front of the bathroom mirror.

The mirror reflected the intimacy of the two people. Ye Susu's eyes widened, and his face burst into red as he watched the scene in the mirror. This fragrant-gorgeous and prickly-exciting scene made the reacting Ye Susu suddenly i Closed his eyes.

Pei Anzhi approached her ear from behind, swept the earlobe with the tip of his tongue, and a low mute voice rang.

"Open your eyes and see how attractive you are..."

"No... don't hook people..."

Ye Susu refused to open his eyes all the time, and Pei An laughed softly behind him, and then there was another round of requests...

After tossing for more than an hour, Ye Susu was hugged by Pei Anzhi to the bed, and he saw the vigorous Pei Anzhi from the gap between his eyes, and then closed his eyes, silently crying without tears...

Pei Anzhi stood by the bed and put on his clothes. Looking at the jade-shaped Ye Susu on the bed, he bent over and kissed her forehead contentedly.

Ye Susu pulled her lips slightly.

"Your friend is in the city hospital now, so I will go to see her after a good rest. Huh?"

Ye Susu nodded lazily, and Pei Anzhi gently stroked her hair, very comfortable.

When Yuan Yao refused to tell her what had happened, she asked Pei Anzhi to check it for her.

In short, just know where she is!


Wait, the hospital? !

Ye Susu suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Pei Anzhi, and asked, "Why is Yuan Yao in the hospital?!"

Pei Anzhi sighed, "I don't know."

"I don't know?" Ye Susu glanced suspiciously at Pei Anzhi. Maybe he didn't know what he wanted to know?

Besides, Yuan Yao has been found in the hospital.

"Hmm...Don't you rest?" The subject changed. After seeing Pei Anzhi, he didn't want to talk too much about this matter. Yes

Ye Susu shook his head, sat up from the bed, and began to dress.

"No rest, I'll go see Yuan Yao."

"Can you go?" Pei Anzhi teased, in return for Ye Susu's stare, the accusation was obvious.

Pei Anzhi smiled, "Well, it doesn't matter if you can't leave, I will hug you!"


Ye Susu didn't speak, but when his feet fell on the ground, he almost knelt on the ground as soon as he softened.

As a result, Pei Anzhi was held in his arms.

"Are you not sure about your body?"

"It's not all you..." Ye Susu fell silent immediately, which sounded a bit coquettish and ambiguous.

But when Yuanyao was in the hospital, Ye Susu couldn't allow herself to rest at all. She was stubborn. She was struggling, and was finally carried out of the hotel by Pei Anzhi.

The scene of entering vertically and exiting sideways appeared in the hotel, everything goes without saying, Ye Susu just wanted to find a place to get in.


Physical strength recovered a lot on the road. After Pei Anzhi told Ye Susu Yuanyao's ward, people didn't go in, and only let Ye Susu let him go.

The two said goodbye, but Ye Susu found the ward, but found it was an advanced care ward.

She frowned and knocked on the door uncertainly. It was Aunt Meng who opened the door, and she looked confused when she saw Ye Susu.

"Excuse me, is this Yuan Yao's ward?"

Aunt Meng immediately became vigilant. Mr. Xia can tell her that she cannot reveal Miss Yuan's whereabouts. How could this person know that Miss Yuan lives here?

But still reply: "No, you..."

"Sister-in-law? Why are you here?"

A familiar voice came from one side, Ye Susu looked over and found Xia Mingxiu came from one side...

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