Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1371: She wants this child

Ye Susu frowned and wondered, "Why are you here?"

Xia Mingxiu didn't speak, and glanced at Aunt Meng, and then saw Aunt Meng opening the door.

"Can I go in?" Ye Susu asked, then nodded when seeing the weak woman.

Ye Susu didn't think much, and raised his foot into the ward.

Yuan Yao leaned back on the hospital bed, her face looked no different from usual.

Ye Susu breathed a sigh of relief immediately.

Yuan Yao was overjoyed when he saw Ye Su always come, and then quickly pulled it down.

Following Yuan Yao's gaze, Ye Susu glanced back at the person standing behind him.

Xia Mingxiu's slender figure was reflected in Ye Susu's eyelids, standing there blankly, her narrow eyes staring at Yuan Yao's face without any obvious expression.

Ye Susu narrowed her eyes slightly, and a vague emotion flashed under her eyes.

"Mr. Xia, can I trouble you to go out first? Your identity is better not to enter a pregnant woman's ward easily!"

Yuan Yao raised her eyes and met Xia Mingxiu's eyes without fear, stiffly respectful.

Ye Susu was stunned.

"Are you pregnant?! When did you have a boyfriend?" Ye Susu paused, recalling Yuan Yao's helpless look when she called her before, and instantly understood!

"Does he not want to be responsible? Does the man know about the pregnancy? Who is it? A gangster? A playboy? Or a gangster? Who is the man who is inferior to the beast?"

Ye Susu said to herself, Yuan Yao cried so sad on the phone, the other party is definitely not a good thing!

A series of questions and speculations made Xia Mingxiu's face more and more gloomy, standing behind her, and the shady bird on her body couldn't help swallowing his saliva when seeing Yuan Yao on the hospital bed.

"Yuan Yao, what do you want to say to you, what are you doing honestly staring at Xia Mingxiu?!"

Ye Susu is also in a hurry. The child's problem is really not a trivial matter, not to mention the unmarried pregnancy.

Xia Mingxiu looked at her face sinking to the extreme, standing behind Ye Susu, surveying the ground and speaking:

"I am the man who is inferior to the beast in your mouth."

Ye Susu turned his head and looked at Xia Mingxiu's eyes for a moment of consternation, but only for a moment.

It seems that this conjecture has already existed in her heart, and that flash of surprise, I am afraid that she did not expect her conjecture to become true.

"And then? What are you going to do?" Ye Susu asked Xia Mingxiu, but he noticed the hesitation in Xia Mingxiu's expression, and his heart sank, and he said:

"Forget it, you go out! I want to talk to Yuan Yao."

Xia Mingxiu pursed her lips, glanced at Yuan Yao on the bed, turned around, and walked out of her slender legs.

Watching Xia Mingxiu leave, Ye Susu's eyebrows also wrinkled.

Looking at Yuan Yao again, she saw that Yuan Yao's face had turned pale.

Ye Susu was shocked. He didn't expect Yuan Yao's mind to be so delicate.

Xia Mingxiu's moment of hesitation just now, she thought she was covering it up very well.

Perhaps Xia Mingxiu had already expressed his attitude to Yuan Yao about the child's stay or absence, but Yuan Yao's attitude on the phone was obvious.

"Susu, I...I can't bear this kid..."

Yuan Yao said, big tears dripping from her eyes.

Since realizing that there is this child in her belly, she subconsciously protects him so strongly, after almost losing, she is even more certain——

She wants this child!


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