Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1431: So everyone understands

With that face filled with righteous indignation, he knew it was an inexperienced student...

The girl seemed to be frightened by Xia Mingxiu's stubborn eyes, her eyes flashed, and she was about to shrink, but she heard Xia Mingxiu's gloomy voice.


The girl swallowed her saliva, and then said: "The filming of the original film was finished, but later it was the one she added on her own initiative. Sister Yuan Yao followed her to act! But Sister Yuan Yao had communicated with Director Lin before, anyway. She didn’t know how to go into the water, and then Director Lin agreed, but who knows, she suddenly rushed forward, pinched sister Yuan Yao’s shoulder, and pushed her life and death down. Director Lin yelled'ka', and she kept moving. At that time, Sister Yuan Yao asked her to let her go, but she seemed to be determined to push Sister Yuan Yao down. Later, Mrs. Pei went up and wanted to pull people. She suddenly used force to push Sister Yuan Yao. Push it down!"

Xia Mingxiu's face became more and more gloomy, and his hands on both sides clenched into fists.

"No, no, I just want to help Yuan Yao overcome difficulties!"

The girl suddenly snorted, "Everyone in the crew knows that you are not at odds with Sister Yuan Yao! They all say that you have a hard backstage, and others usually open one eye and close one eye. Although you are tossing with Sister Yuan Yao, I’ve always been scornful! But this matter, I don’t know if it was my illusion. Although you pushed Sister Yuan Yao into the water, I always feel that what you are targeting is actually Mrs. Pei..."

As soon as the girl's voice fell, everyone's expressions became strange.

The surroundings began to whisper about the scandal a while ago, the scandal that Liang Luo and Mr. Pei acted intimately in France,

Later, after returning to China, Mr. Pei went directly to the United States to chase his wife. When he came back to face the media, he did not mention Liangluo, or when Liangluo was discharged from the hospital, he took the initiative to ask a reporter to clarify.

But, what did you clarify?

She just said that she has always had a childhood relationship with Pei!

But childhood sweethearts, it does not necessarily mean innocence!

In everyone's hearts, some things have already understood a general idea, and now that this little girl who knows nothing has said so thoroughly, even if they want to conceal it.

Hearing these words, Liang Luo's face didn't change a bit of blood immediately, his hands tightly grasped the fine sand under him, sitting there with trembling lips, unable to say a word of sophistry.

And Xia Mingxiu also suddenly suddenly!

Turns out to be like this, turns out to be like this!

It was so easy to think of, but he lost his head.

"Your goal is the child in Ye Susu's belly! Cool! You really made a good calculation! Do you treat others as a fool? Do you treat Pei Anzhi as a fool?"

Liang Luo suddenly had a meal, and only felt that the wound on his face was even more painful!

Do you treat Pei Anzhi as a fool?

It turned out that the slap he slapped her was not just for Yuan Yao, but...

It's because Brother Ann can see through her purpose at a glance!

At a glance, she could see through that she just wanted Ye Susu to be anxious because Yuanyao fell into the water, so she got her fetal gas...

At this moment, Liang Luo only felt that the sky was about to collapse.

All her self-righteous cleverness are all seen clearly and plainly!

Yes, everyone is smart, but she is a fool!

She kept talking about their childhood sweethearts, but she didn't expect that because they were childhood sweethearts, it was easier for them to see through!

Brother, Xia Mingxiu, Brother An...



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