Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1432: You are not qualified to beg me

Knowing all this, Xia Mingxiu laughed furiously.

"Didn't you mean to help Yuan Yao overcome difficulties? Can I help you overcome the bad habits of your daughter-in-law?"

The yin and yang weirdness Xia Mingxiu said, when Liangluo didn't react at all, she dragged Liangluo again and boarded a speedboat parked on the shore.

"What are you doing? Xia Mingxiu, I said, I really don't know Yuan Yao is pregnant, if...if I know, I must...ah..."

Xia Mingxiu threw Liangluo at the speedboat. He quickly turned on the speedboat himself and pulled the switch of the speedboat himself. The speedboat hesitated and shot out like a sharp arrow.

When Liang Luo struggled, she was shaken by the sudden force and fell to the ground.

"Xia Mingxiu! Xia Mingxiu!! Where are you taking me?!"

"..." Xia Mingxiu did not respond to her.

The tears on Liang Luo's face were blown away by the wind. After begging Xia Mingxiu to no avail, Liang Luo could only lie there, crying helplessly.

In just a few minutes, the speedboat stopped, and Liang Luo was torn off again!

Raising a pair of crying eyes and looking around, Liang Luo opened his eyes wide in horror.

"Xia Mingxiu, Mingxiu, please, no! No!"

"Please? Liangluo, you really don't understand me! I've never been merciful and change my mind just because someone else begs me for mercy!"

When Xia Mingxiu said this, he suddenly paused and said, "Perhaps, you are not qualified to beg me for mercy!"

As he said, he dragged Liangluo to ignore the sight of everyone, step by step on the steps.

The shallow bay is a tourist attraction and naturally there are some entertainment facilities.

Here is a place for bungee jumping at sea.

The bungee jumping tower is three hundred meters high. Someone wants to stand higher and enjoy the panoramic view of the shallow bay. This is the best choice.

Liang Luo grabbed the guardrail all the way, crying and begging Xia Mingxiu to let her go.

But Xia Mingxiu's anger has not dissipated because of this!

Beg him?

How was it?

Yuan Yao's begging of him was enough to make him heartache, but she didn't know that she had begged Liangluo, and Qiuliangluo let her go!

Liang Luo, what right do you have to ask me!

In the end, Liang Luo's strength could not reach Xia Mingxiu who was in a state of anger, and was dragged onto the bungee jumping stage by Xia Mingxiu abruptly.

Someone on the bungee jumping platform was preparing for the bungee jumping. When he saw Xia Mingxiu dragging an embarrassed woman up, he was frightened by the hostility of the whole body, took the buckle, and dodged it aside.

"Please, help me! I'm afraid, help me!" Liang Luo tried to ask for help from the people around him, but was suddenly pulled over by Xia Mingxiu!

"Get out!"


Liang Luo screamed, his legs were already suspended.

The people around all took a breath, and the staff even stepped forward boldly, "Sir, please take safety precautions!"


Yuan Yao returned her feet with a pale face, crawled back desperately, clutching Xia Mingxiu's pants, crying in despair.

"Please, don't be like this! Xia Mingxiu, I will die! I will really die!"

"Don't you deserve to die? Liangluo, you deserve to die! Think about what you did today, leaving four lives in the emergency room without knowing life or death! Why are you begging for mercy, what face do you have for mercy?!"

"No, no...please, I was wrong, I admit my mistake, I was really wrong!"

"If you are wrong, you have to pay the price!"


"Don't **** beg me! Did Yuan Yao beg you? How did you do it?! How the **** did you do it?!"

The more Xia Mingxiu said, the more angry he got, and he walked towards the bungee jumping platform...

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