Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1435: Nothing is more important than him

Xia Mingxiu's heart suddenly sank, raised his head, squinted at her, and his voice was as cold as the wind in hell.

"do not know?"

The doctor swallowed and nodded.

Xia Mingxiu's face was gloomy, staring at the doctor's face for a long while, and coldly said:

"Who helped her transfer to the hospital?"

"Oh, it's a Mr. Zhao!"


Xia Mingxiu curled his eyebrows and filtered all the people related to Yuan Yao in his mind, but there was no one with the surname Zhao!

In fact, there are only a handful of people related to Yuan Yao.

"If you let me know that you lied to me..."

"No, if Mr. Xia doesn't believe it, this is the contact information left by Mr. Zhao when he went through the formalities. You can confirm with him in person."

The doctor handed the form in his hand to Xia Mingxiu, and Xia Mingxiu snatched it away with a cold face.

Sure enough, there is contact information on it.

After writing down the number, he immediately dialed the number called Zhao Haichuan.

The call was quickly connected.

"Hello, who?" It was indeed a man's voice.

"Where is Yuan Yao?"

Xia Mingxiu asked straightforwardly,

There was a pause on the other end of the phone, and then said: "She is with me now, she is extremely weak, I will take her to my place to take a rest for a while.

Xia Mingxiu held the phone tightly, and suddenly started to panic.

"Where, I want to see her!"

There was silence on the phone for a while, after which Xia Mingxiu heard Yuan Yao's extremely weak voice from the microphone.

"I won't see him, never..."

"Mr. Xia, Miss Yuan said that she will never see you again if she doesn't see you!"

Xia Mingxiu was in unprecedented fear this time. He held the phone tightly, stood in the lobby of the hospital, and shouted at the phone:

"Where is Yuan Yao? Where is it?!"

"I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, not telling you whereabouts is what Miss Yuan meant."

After Zhao Haichuan finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

When Xia Mingxiu dialed again, the phone prompted the other party to be off,

After Zhao Haichuan hung up the phone, he pulled the phone card out of the phone, folded it in half, and threw it in the trash can.

After that, he shrugged his shoulders indifferently and looked at the man reading the magazine leisurely.

"Mr. Wen, everything is done!"

"Yeah. Let's go!"


Zhao Haichuan responded, picked up the walkie-talkie on the side, and ordered: "Take off."

"Roger that!"

Yuan Yao was lying on the small couch by the window, looking out the window, her face was still pale, but her face was calm, she was covered with a woolen blanket, and she felt very good. Her hands were folded, gently touching On the lower abdomen, rubbing slightly,

"Wen Muyan, thank you."

Wen Muyan put down the magazine in his hand, put his hand on his face, looked at Yuan Yao's pale face, and smiled.

"No thanks, put you by my side, so feel relieved!"

Yuan Yao frowned, finally turned her gaze from the window, and turned to look at Wen Muyan.

At first there was some doubt in his eyes, and then he smiled self-deprecatingly.

"I don't have anything now..."

Wen Muyan looked at her belly and raised her eyebrows.

"If I didn't guess wrong, are you planning to completely give up acting for him?"

Yuan Yao's expression became stiff, her eyes flushed suddenly, she looked at the folded hands on her lower abdomen, swallowed the bitterness that came up in her throat, and said, "Nothing, more important than him..."

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