Don’t Annoy Me, My Ex-Husband!

Chapter 1436: Drops 1437

Yuan Yao's expression became stiff, her eyes flushed suddenly, she looked at the folded hands on her lower abdomen, swallowed the bitterness that came up in her throat, and said, "Nothing, more important than him..."

Wen Muyan was not surprised, "So putting you by my side should be my best choice."

"..." Yuan Yao looked at him suspiciously.

Wen Muyan looked at her with eyes full of interest.

"Yuan Yao, I want to see with my own eyes what kind of height you will stand in the future!"

"What do you... mean?"

"Yuan Yao, continue acting and work harder. Don't you want to thank me? Then let me see, how far can you go on this road?"

Yuan Yao looked at Wen Muyan in surprise, the almost obliterated attachments in her heart were actually hooked out by the excitement in Wen Muyan's eyes.

But for a moment, she paused again, shook her head,

"No, Wen Muyan, what will my child do if I do that? I..."

"Don’t take your child as your burden. He is your lucky person and your lucky star. He shouldn’t be the one who stops you, but the baby who inspires you to keep going forward. Don’t you want to give him the best? Life? Don’t you want him to be proud of you in the future?"

Yuan Yao’s head buzzed, and her heart began to beat wildly. The dream that she had pressed in the deepest part of her heart suddenly swelled up suddenly, and it was even more exciting than before i,

"I have nothing now, I don't know..."

"I'll help you!"

Wen Muyan interrupted her. The man who had always been indifferent and cold now seemed to be a different person.


Wen Muyan thought, helping Yuan Yao is purely a whim.

He had no purpose, but suddenly realized that Yuan Yao was going to give up her own life.

At best, he just felt sorry for her!

But when she asked him, he wanted to help her.

Moreover, I plan to fight to the end.

Perhaps he is too arrogant, and confident in his own vision.

Yuan Yao, shouldn't stop here.

Taking out the mobile phone, Wen Muyan fiddled with it for a while before holding the mobile phone to Yuan Yao's eyes.

"Fu Tilan College, UK?!"

Yuan Yao's eyes widened instantly and looked at Wen Muyan incredulously.

Wen Muyan smiled, "Want to go in? Learn what a real movie is."

Yuan Yao looked down at her stomach and then at Wen Muyan.

There is still a little hesitation in the eyes,

Wen Muyan smiled clearly, "British people are very gentlemen. And, I will still help you."

Yuan Yao's hands on her stomach clenched slightly.

She has a baby to take care of. She can be ordinary and humble for a lifetime, but she can't let her children follow the ordinary and humble.

After gritting her teeth, Yuan Yao looked at Wen Muyan and said, "I will succeed."

Wen Muyan smiled.

Reached out and rubbed the top of her hair.

"I believe... my vision."

Yuan Yao glanced at him and suddenly raised her eyebrows and laughed.

"Wen Muyan, thank you!"

"Huh? I said..."

"I mean, thank you for taking advantage of me!"

"Don't blame me for using you?"

Yuan Yao smiled, "This kind of opportunity is rare in 10,000 years."

Wen Muyan raised his eyebrows. It seemed that his effort to raise his hand was really significant and worth looking forward to.


Xia Mingxiu chased all the way to the airport, but it was too late.

The phone could no longer be reached, Yuan Yao had nothing to do with her, and could not find any clues related to her.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the airport lobby, his stiff back is aloof and thin,

feeling terrible.

This may be the feeling of heartache, Xia Mingxiu thought.

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