This may be the feeling of heartache, Xia Mingxiu thought.

Recently, this feeling has been experienced too often.

It was a kind of pain that filled his whole body from the bottom of his heart, enough to crush his whole person.

Later, everyone in Beijing knew that Xia Mingxiu's hygienic disorder for women had reached an almost abnormal level.

Later, everyone in Beijing knew that Xia Mingxiu was looking for a woman in the next year, two years, three years, four years, and five years.


When Ye Susu woke up, it was late at night.

The lights in the ward are not very bright, and the gentle warm light shines softly on the ward.

Turning his stiff eyes, Ye Susu tilted his head and found Pei Anzhi sitting on the soft chair by the bed, with one hand resting on the armrest of the chair, resting his eyes closed.

The handsome face was visibly haggard, and there was a faint bruise around her eyes.

Ye Susu felt a little distressed and wanted to touch his cheek, but she held her hand with her other hand, tightly wrapping her palm, with exceptional warmth.

The steam from the humidifier nearby made the room more quiet and serene.

Her little movement just now caused Pei Anzhi to open his eyes for the first time.

Seeing Ye Susuzheng quietly looking at him with a pair of calm and gentle eyes, Pei Anzhi straightened up and "woke up."

Ye Susu curled her lips and nodded lightly.

He pulled his hand out of Pei Anzhi's hand, and raised his hand to explore Pei Anzhi's eyes.

"I have dark circles."

Her voice was still a little hoarse, sounding distressing.

Pei Anzhi held Ye Susu's hand in his hand, put it on his lips and kissed gently.

"The kid is okay."

Ye Susu's eyes flickered, for Pei Anzhi's care and for Pei Anzhi to finally understand what she cares about the most.

She pursed her lips and nodded, "I know, I believe you."

In fact, she knew it right after she woke up. Although she was pregnant for the first time, and she had never had a miscarriage, she still knew whether there was anything unusual below.

It doesn't hurt or feels wet.

At that time, she was slightly relieved, and now Pei Anzhi told her for the first time that she was completely relieved.

Pei Anzhi got up, poured boiling water, put it to the side to dry, and then sat next to Ye Susu's bed, reaching out and groping for her cheeks.

"I won't let you do anything."

Ye Susu nodded without any doubt.

"I don't blame you for the matter this time, I have to go to see Yuan Yao..."

Ye Susu paused suddenly, then asked nervously, "Where is Yuan Yao? How is she?"

Pei Anzhi frowned slightly, saw Ye Susu's nervous look, eased his eyes, and said:

"The operation was very successful, and now I have a transfer."

"Transfer? Why?"

Pei Anzhi raised his eyes and glanced at her lightly, and shook his head slightly.

"Maybe, I don't want to see Xia Mingxiu again."

Ye Susu was silent. Regarding Pei Anzhi’s guess, she also agreed,

She didn't understand why Xia Mingxiu couldn't tolerate Yuan Yao and the child in her stomach so much.

But since he couldn't tolerate it, why did he appear next to Yuan Yao again and again.

Ye Susu sighed suddenly and relieved.

In any case, as long as Yuan Yao is fine, it is lucky.

"Drink water."

Pei Anzhi picked up Ye Susu, picked up the water cup and brought it to Ye Susu’s mouth.

But after all, it's not someone who can take care of people. The water flows out along the corners of Ye Susu's lips.


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