Wearing a white close-fitting white gauze dress, the design is simple and generous. There is a six-centimeter blue diamond close-fitting waistband around the waist. It outlines the waist that is not full and makes the whole body obviously taller. The body is slender and tall, almost perfect. Flawless!

The two looked at each other and smiled.

Wen Muyan looked down at Yuan Yao tenderly and stretched out her hand to trim her hair.

Whispered: "Are you ready?"

Yuan Yao turned her head and glanced at the gate of the Great Hall not far away. As long as she walked into the five-meter-high gate, everything, this time was a real farewell after all!

As long as she is able to face everyone and meet each other as if not, then it is truly letting go.

She nodded, "Well, I'm ready!"

Wen Muyan has been with her for five years. How Yuan Yao's mood is at the moment, she can't hide it from him.

However, he still underestimated Xia Mingxiu, not only his city, but also his influence on Yuan Yao.

He really didn't know what kind of experience they had between them.

What he knows is nothing more than a transaction between interests, and then there is a baby between two people...

But for five years, Yuan Yao couldn't think of Kyoto, and the only reason to stay away from here was Xia Mingxiu...

"Let's go!"

But she must pass this level.

"it is good!"

One minute before the evening reception began, Xia Mingxiu began to arrange the emcee, preparing to delay the time. Ye Susu looked anxious and could no longer sit still. At this time, he stood up, and the habit of the public relations department was stimulated again. I looked around and found that there were many celebrities, ladies and gentlemen on the spot, wealthy and eventful, and celebrities with commercial value scandals were not a few. As the manager of the public relations department, she was the endorsement star of Pei’s. I have mastered a lot of scandals and created gimmicks for the new products at the time. If Yuan Yao does not come, she can only come up with a gimmick in advance to attract others' attention!

Looking not far away, the group of stars, men and women, who had been on fire in a fairy tale TV series the previous year, have been on fire-sized screens for two or three years, their careers are booming, and how many people are staring at them. , And among them, the actress Yu Simiao, who had become famous when she first became famous, who had become popular after she was “whitewashed,” is the spokesperson of a certain brand perfume three months later. She holds her few A gossip...

Gritting his teeth, Ye Susu stood up and walked towards Yu Simiao.

But at this moment, the hand was pulled by someone, and then he was half hugged in his arms.

"Don't be impulsive, or it won't end for a while!"

Pei Anzhi's voice rang in her ears, and he clearly knew Ye Susu's intentions.

"However, Yuan Yao's character is not the kind of step-by-step..."

"But her current identity is different. She should know how to measure her. When you are not by her side, she is doing very well by herself!"

"But she's back now, I..."

When Ye Susu finished speaking, the crowd not far away let out a burst of exclamation.

"Oh my god... it's really Yuan Yao!"

"That's... Wen Muyan, right?! A good match!"

"Yeah, how can they be together!"

Ye Susu suddenly raised her head when she heard the movement. Before she could see the person at the door, her people had already rushed to the door.

That is really a pair of bi people!

Yuan Yao, who has not seen him for many years, has changed too much!

She is so beautiful, exquisite makeup, simple dress, enchanting posture, and exuding bursts of noble and unique temperament, which makes people involuntarily eye-catching.

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