She is so beautiful, with exquisite makeup, simple dress, enchanting posture, and exuding bursts of noble and unique temperament, which makes people involuntarily eye-catching.

It's so much different from the girl in the denim shirt before!

If it weren't for that face, she really couldn't recognize it.

And the man beside her...

He is also an excellent man, his noble breath exudes the nobility of the British taste!

Two people stand together, no one is not worthy of another, no one contrasts who is handsome and who is beautiful.

Wen Muyan and Yuan Yao are two people together, and they can't tell who is one point apart, a pair of bi people who make perfect harmony!

"Oh my God, they are the best match pair I have ever seen!"

A female voice fluent in French resounded from the crowd, a French socialite.

She made no secret of her praise.

Xia Mingxiu had already turned around, looked at the two people who were oncoming, saw the familiar face, saw her holding another man, smiling brightly.

The hand holding the wine glass tightened involuntarily.

Yuan Yao held Wen Muyan's hand tightly, her beautiful face was covered with a light of pride and confidence.

She smiled and nodded to the people who greeted her. This is her own reception banquet. So many people, whether they are true or not, are standing here at their nominal reception banquet. She has no reason not to respond to them.

A few steps away, Yuan Yao's sight inevitably fell on Xia Mingxiu's body.

Raising his eyebrows and turning his eyes, his eyes unexpectedly collided with those cold, deep and a little more quiet eyes.

The hand holding Wen Muyan's arms involuntarily used force.

This man, he can give himself the ultimate gentleness when she is most ignorant of her feelings, and at the moment of turning around, he can transform into a demon, driving her to a desperate situation.

She hates him!

Wen Muyan stretched out his hand and patted Yuan Yao's hand comfortingly.

Asked in a low voice, "Is it all right?"

Yuan Yao raised a beautiful and brilliant smile in the next second.

"It's okay!"

What can she do, facing a man who used to do everything to herself, what can she do?

She will be fine!

"Remember, I can make you dependent."

Wen Muyan's low and gentle voice wanted to be in her ears, Yuan Yao tilted her head and curled her lips towards him without speaking.

Wen Muyan pulled out his hand, stretched it across Yuan Yao's slender waist, and gently placed it on her waist.

Xia Mingxiu's eyebrows moved, and the root of his tongue became stiff in the depths.

Wen Muyan took Yuan Yao up to Xia Mingxiu and stood still.

"Thank Mr. Xia for hosting such a grand reception banquet..." Yuan Yao looked around and continued:

"It's a waste!"

Yuan Yao laughed enchantingly, but it was all compliments.

Xia Mingxiu took a deep look at her, for a long while, his eyebrows sank, and another faint smile was raised.

"It should be."

The waiter came over with wine, and the three toasted.

Everything was normal enough that it couldn't be normal anymore, but when the three of them were clinking glasses, Xia Mingxiu slammed Yuan Yao's tall glass with force.

Yuan Yao didn't take precautions, the high-end red wine in the glass poured straight into her arms.

The snow-white skirt was instantly unrecognizable by red wine.

Yuan Yao was very angry, clenching her teeth tightly, looking at Xia Mingxiu with a deep dissatisfaction in her eyes, her lips moved, but she squeezed in an instant!

Xia Mingxiu raised her eyebrows secretly, but smiled silently:

"Sorry, long time no see, so excited!"

Yuan Yao glared at him, and she smiled faintly when she saw the eyes of the audience that had frozen on her.

"It doesn't matter, it's rare that Mr. Xia remembers me!"

"Naturally remember!"

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